The Web Services for Individual Meters (SWS/IM, SWS for short, pronounced Swim) API provides web services for creating an integrated solution for shipping via the United States Postal Service (USPS) and other carriers. Integrators will be able to create shipping labels, calculate shipping costs, standardize domestic addresses, and track shipments. The integrator-application controls the end-user experience, and servers handle all the label generation, carrier compliance, and rate calculations functions.

Sign Up

Support is available by email Monday - Friday, 6AM to 6PM PT. For 24/7 support options, please contact your Account Manager.

  Email: [email protected]

When submitting API call information, please be sure to remove your account credentials.

Integrators must register for a developer account. The users of the integrator's product/application must have an active account in order to use the integration. Please contact us if this model is not appropriate for the intended integration. offers alternatives for other models, such as those where the end-user is not a direct customer but rather purchases and prints postage through the integrator.

You'll need account credentials to connect to the SWS/IM API. The primary means of authentication is through the use of a username and password. For partners that work with a number of accounts that are owned by their customers, we support a number of cryptographic token-based account credentials. Contact us for more information on these authentication options.

What's New

Description of Change Objects Referenced Calls Impacted
US-GA added to ServiceType enumeration for new USPS Ground Advantage Service Rate GetRates, CreateIndicium
CancelIndicium now accepts an array of package identifiers in a single request object CancelIndiciumRequest CancelIndicium

USPS Ground Advantage

USPS has replaced the First-Class Package Service, Parcel Select Ground, and Retail Ground services with USPS Ground Advantage. Ground Advantage delivers packages within the Continental United States in 2-5 business days with free included tracking and $100 of USPS insurance for packages between 0 and 70 lbs.

USPS Ground Advantage is available through SWS/IM versions 135 and above as ServiceType US-GA. For our customers' and partners' convenience, we will temporarily map requests for discontinued USPS package services to the new USPS Ground Advantage service. For example, a CreateIndicium request for ServiceType US-FC and PackageType Package or Thick Envelope will return a USPS Ground Advantage label instead of a First-Class Package Service label.

Integrators are encouraged to update to SWS/IM v135+ in order to call for USPS Ground Advantage via the US-GA ServiceType. In the future we will communicate a date when this update becomes mandatory.

Quick Start Guide

Once you register for a developer account and have your credentials and integrationID, use the sample requests and tips in this guide to get familiar with the basics of the SWS/IM API.

If you run into any problems along the way, contact the developer support team at [email protected]. Include your username, if you know it, and as much detail as possible to assist us in helping you. The fastest way for us to be able to help is by sending us a copy of the API request and response.

Staging Environment

To make your first SWS/IM call, sign up for a free developer account.

SWS/IM API info:
 Staging endpoint:
 Staging WSDL:

 Production endpoint:
 Production WSDL:

The staging environment allows you to develop integrations without using real funds to create test labels. There are no service or transaction fees charged for staging accounts and labels. Labels created in the staging environment cannot be used to ship and must be destroyed if printed.

Connect and Authenticate

Sample GetAccountInfo Request


Sample GetAccountInfo Response

            <LPOCity>El Segundo</LPOCity>
               <Address1>1990 E Grand Ave</Address1>
               <City>El Segundo</City>
            <PendingPlanId xsi:nil="true"/>
            <Address1>1990 E Grand Ave</Address1>
            <City>El Segundo</City>
         <CustomerEmail>[email protected]</CustomerEmail>

The GetAccountInfo method will be used to begin a session between the integration and the SWS server. For the purposes of getting started, make sure to use staging credentials in the staging environment. In contrast to the production environment, the staging environment uses “play money”; it's ideal for use while testing and getting familiar with the API.

The GetAccountInfo web method, like most SWS/IM methods, accepts either a Credentials object (containing the account's username and password along with the integrator's assigned integrationID) as input or an Authenticator token. To start out, we'll call the method with Credentials. An Authenticator will be given by the server on successful username/password authentication. Use this Authenticator in the next request which will return a new Authenticator. Then use that returned Authenticator on the following request, and so on. For more information, see the Authentication section in the reference guide below.

While the SWS/IM API allows full Credentials to be supplied in every request, it is preferable to use an Authenticator token to avoid passing sensitive information on every request and to allow the server to detect when messages are lost due to network problems.

The server's response will include information specific to the supplied account, allowing for the integration to customize feature visibility and display the user's current postage balance.

Add Funds

Sample PurchasePostage Request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Sample PurchasePostage Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

After connecting and authenticating with GetAccountInfo, add funds to your account for use in creating labels. In the SWS/IM staging environment, postage funds will not cost anything, as all postage created in the staging environment is funded with "play money," making it unusable and for testing purposes only.

  1. Run the sample PurchasePostage request on the right. For full details of the call, see PurchasePostage in the reference below.
  2. Description of the elements:
    • Authenticator is required, authenticating you with the server.
    • The PurchaseAmount is the amount of postage you are purchasing in dollars.
    • The ControlTotal value is returned by GetAccountInfo. By requiring ControlTotal, the server ensures the application and user have up-to-date postage balance information before completing any transactions. Be sure to refresh the ControlTotal value as needed.
  3. Once you’ve executed PurchasePostage successfully, your account will be funded, and you will be ready to view shipping rates and print labels.

View Shipping Rates

Sample GetRates Request


Sample GetRates Response

               <ServiceDescription>USPS First-Class Mail</ServiceDescription>
                     <AddOnDescription>Collect on Delivery</AddOnDescription>
                     <AddOnDescription>Signature Confirmation</AddOnDescription>
                     <AddOnDescription>Certified Mail</AddOnDescription>
                     <AddOnDescription>Return Receipt</AddOnDescription>
                     <AddOnDescription>Registered Mail</AddOnDescription>
               <ServiceDescription>USPS Priority Mail</ServiceDescription>
               <ServiceDescription>USPS Priority Mail Express</ServiceDescription>
               <ServiceDescription>USPS Media Mail</ServiceDescription>
               <ServiceDescription>USPS Parcel Select Ground</ServiceDescription>

In order to print postage, first use the GetRates method to produce a list of available rates for any given shipment. The GetRates method accepts an incomplete rate object containing any available information about your package such as the To and From addresses (or even just ZIP codes) along with package weight, type, and dimensions, in addition to many other optional elements.

GetRates will, using the information submitted in the request, respond with an array of available Rates. A single Rate object should be selected for use when creating a label in the next step. Rates will vary by base Carrier and ServiceType (such as US-PM for USPS Priority Mail) and may be further customized with any available AddOns (such as US-A-SC for Signature Confirmation).

As a best practice, try to include as much information as possible in the initial GetRates request to receive a list of available rates more closely tailored to what is needed. In the example given on the right, only an origin ZIP Code, a destination country, package type, and package weight are included. Feel free to modify the example call to reflect your origin ZIP or a specific domestic destination. At the least, be sure to update the ShipDate to a date that is not in the past.

Create Labels

As seen in View Shipping Rates, there are dozens of options and combinations available to support the many carrier offerings for domestic and international labels. We will begin by creating a simple domestic USPS shipping label using only the required and most common request settings, then we will print an international label for a basic USPS First Class International shipment to Canada.

Create a Domestic Label

Sample Domestic CreateIndicium Request

               <FullName>Test Sender</FullName>
               <Address1>1990 E GRAND AVE</Address1>
               <City>EL SEGUNDO</City>
               <FullName>Test Recipient</FullName>
               <Address1>1990 E GRAND AVE</Address1>
               <City>EL SEGUNDO</City>

Sample Domestic CreateIndicium Response

               <FullName>Test Sender</FullName>
               <Address1>1990 E GRAND AVE</Address1>
               <City>EL SEGUNDO</City>
               <FullName>Test Recipient</FullName>
               <Address1>1990 E GRAND AVE</Address1>
               <City>EL SEGUNDO </City>
  1. Run the sample CreateIndicium request on the right. For full details on how this method works, see the CreateIndicium section below.
  2. Description of the request elements:
    • Authenticator is required to connect to SWS/IM and identify the account making the request. Use the Authenticator returned in the last server response. If you need a new one, call GetAccountInfo again with Credentials.
    • From and To in the Rate object are required pieces of address information.
    • The ServiceType, WeightOz, PackageType, and ShipDate elements contain the basic minimum information necessary to select a Rate and create a shipment.
  3. When you execute the sample request, you should receive a response back containing a <URL> element. Fetch that URL in a browser to see the final shipping label.

Create an International Label

Sample International CreateIndicium Request

            <Authenticator>...Insert Authenticator Here</Authenticator>
                    <FullName>JOHN SENDER</FullName>
                    <Address1>1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW</Address1>
                    <EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress>
                    <Address1>24 Sussex Drive</Address1>
                    <PostalCode>K1M 1M4</PostalCode>
                    <EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress>
                        <Description>Puzzle Games</Description>

Sample International CreateIndicium Response

               <FullName>JOHN SENDER</FullName>
               <Address1>1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW</Address1>
               <EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress>
               <Address1>24 Sussex Drive</Address1>
               <PostalCode>K1M 1M4</PostalCode>
               <EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress>
            <DeliverDays>1 - 999</DeliverDays>
         <URL>...URL Here...</URL>
  1. Run the CreateIndicium request on the right. For full details of the call, see the CreateIndicium section below. Notice its similarity to the domestic label created earlier. One of the main differences is the inclusion of Customs information in the Customs object.
  2. Description of the elements:
    • Authenticator is required to specify who is making the request. Use the Authenticator from in the last server response. If you need a new one, call GetAccountInfo again with Credentials.
    • IntegratorTxID is used to uniquely identify each request you make. This way, the server can recognize duplicate requests and avoid unintentional duplication of actions.
    • From and To in the Rate object contain the basic pieces of address information. Notice we're using the PostalCode element in To instead of ZIPCode.
    • As in a domestic shipment, the ServiceType, WeightOz, PackageType, and ShipDate fields are required to identify the correct postage rate to use. In addition, we've included package dimensions in the Length/Width/Height fields (measured in inches) and a declared value in DeclaredValue.
    • Customs contains a description of what we're shipping. Customs information is required for international shipments and is submitted electronically to the carrier in addition to being printed with your label if required.
  3. When you execute the sample request, you should receive a response back containing a <URL> element. Fetch that URL in a browser to see the final shipping label.

Cancel a Label

Sample CancelIndicium Request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Sample CancelIndicium Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

When printing shipping labels, your account balance is charged when a label is created. In order to request a refund for unused labels, you must call the CancelIndicium method. The carrier may need to verify the label was not used in order to authorize a refund. As a result, it may take 2–3 weeks to approve a refund request. Some mailing labels require a mail-in refund form to be completed, signed, and mailed.

To create your refund request, call CancelIndicium as shown on the right. Include either StampsTxIds (as returned in the original label's CreateIndicium response) or TrackingNumbers in the appropriate array object to identify the label(s) you wish to cancel.

Track a Package

Sample TrackShipment Request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Sample TrackShipment Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
        <TrackShipmentResponse xmlns=“”>
                    <City>FORT WAYNE</City>
                    <SignedBy />
                    <SignedBy />
                    <Event>Electronic Notification</Event>
                    <City />
                    <State />
                    <SignedBy />

After shipping a package, most integrators also need to periodically check on the status of a package. The TrackShipment API method retrieves and returns tracking events for a given shipment. Similar to how a label is selected in the CancelIndicium method, include a StampsTxId or TrackingNumber to select a label.

The response will consist of an array of TrackingEvent objects with timestamps for each event.

Reference Guide

General Conventions

SWS/IM is a SOAP-based API available over secure HTTPS using industry-standard Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2. The certificate used in this channel is subject to periodic updates. Integrators should verify certificates are signed by a trusted root Certificate Authority (DigiCert) and robustly handle certificate updates. Please email [email protected] if you require advance notice of certificate changes.

Example: The GetRates method has a <GetRates> XML object that is sent as part of the GetRates request and a <GetRatesResponse> object that is returned.

All of the XML objects used by the SWS API are defined within an XML namespace ( The specific namespace is "".

The SWS API supports UTF-8 encoding of the XML.


All web methods require authentication information to be supplied in order to identify the user and ensure that the user is authorized to perform the operation. It is through the authentication information that SWS identifies the particular account that the operation is being performed against. Authentication information can come in one of two forms:

It is recommended that an integration start a session with the AuthenticateUser web method and use the returned Authenticator string in all subsequent requests in the session, updating it after each web method call. In this way, the user's password need only be transmitted to the SWS server once and the SWS server will ensure that no messages are lost without notice due to network problems.

Supported Services supports a variety of different carrier services, package types, and service addons, including many features not available to all integrators. Where these features are referenced, they have been notated as such. Please reach out to your Partner Management contact or email [email protected] for changes to your account capabilities.

Print Labels


The PurchasePostage web method is used to purchase additional postage. The purchase will occur using the user's current payment method for purchasing postage. This can be changed using the account settings web page hosted by See the GetURL web method for more information.

Previously, PurchasePostage functioned as an asynchronous process. Due to recent developments, however, PurchasePostage is a synchronous function for all versions. Now, PurchaseStatus will specify Success or Failure at the time of response instead of requiring integrators to call a secondary method.

PurchasePostage web method has a fault-tolerance mechanism that can be utilized by passing IntegratorTxID. The method can be called multiple times with the same IntegratorTxID. If the initial call to PurchasePostage fails due to network or other errors (for example, the caller accidentally crashes or the server has some issues that prevent it from sending the result back to the caller), the call may be repeated to PurchasePostage with the same IntegratorTxID. By checking the IntegratorTxID, the service knows whether this is a initial PurchasePostage call or a replay. If it is a replay, meaning the IntegratorTxID has been used before, the service simply returns the response of the initial PurchasePostage call without further processing. If IntegratorTxID is not passed in, this fault-tolerance mechanism won’t be activated.

PurchasePostage object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
PurchaseAmount xsd:decimal Amount of postage to purchase.
ControlTotal xsd:decimal Control total obtained from previous call to GetAccountInfo or other web method that returns a PostageBalance object. The control total protects the user from purchasing unwanted postage when postage was just printed by another user or via another application.
MI MachineInfo For internal use. Integrators may omit this value.
IntegratorTxID xsd:string If this value is passed in, the fault-tolerance mechanism will be activated. The service checks if the IntegratorTxID has been used before. If it has been used, the service will treat the call as a replay and simply returns the response of the initial PurchasePostage call without further processing.
SendEmail xsd:boolean For internal use. Integrators may omit this value.

PurchasePostageResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
    <PurchasePostageResponse xmlns=“”>

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
SuccessPurchase successfully completed.
PendingPurchase is pending; payment has not yet started processing.
ProcessingPurchase is pending; payment is currently being processed.
RejectedPurchase was rejected. See the RejectedReason string for details.

Status of purchase.
TransactionID xsd:int Transaction ID for purchase. Used in later call to GetPurchaseStatus web method.
PostageBalance PostageBalance New postage balance, including available postage and control total.
PostageBalance Object
Element Data Type Description
AvailablePostage xsd:decimal Current balance of available postage in the meter.
ControlTotal xsd:decimal Control total to be passed to PurchasePostage web method when purchasing additional postage.
RejectionReason xsd:string If purchase rejected, reason for rejection. Only present when PurchaseStatus is Rejected.
MIRequired xsd:boolean For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
CustomerActionRequiredCustomer needs to update payment information.
SystemFailureThe failure is due to a system failure.
RejectedDueToFraudPurchase was rejected due to fraud.

If purchase is rejected, a code represents the reason. Only present when PurchaseStatus is Rejected.


The GetPurchaseStatus web method is used to get the status of a previous postage purchase request made with the PurchasePostage web method.

Since PurchasePostage is now a synchronous process, GetPurchaseStatus is no longer an essential call. Currently, it is maintianed for backward compatibility.

GetPurchaseStatus object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
TransactionID xsd:int Transaction identifier returned from previous call to PurchasePostage web method.

GetPurchaseStatusResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
    <GetPurchaseStatusResponse xmlns=“”>

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
SuccessPurchase successfully completed.
PendingPurchase is pending; payment has not yet started processing.
ProcessingPurchase is pending; payment is currently being processed.
RejectedPurchase was rejected. See the RejectedReason string for details.

Status of purchase.
PostageBalance PostageBalance New postage balance, including available postage and control total.
PostageBalance Object
Element Data Type Description
AvailablePostage xsd:decimal Current balance of available postage in the meter.
ControlTotal xsd:decimal Control total to be passed to PurchasePostage web method when purchasing additional postage.
RejectionReason xsd:string If purchase rejected, reason for rejection. Only present when PurchaseStatus is Rejected.
MIRequired xsd:boolean For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
CustomerActionRequiredCustomer needs to update payment information.
SystemFailureThe failure is due to a system failure.
RejectedDueToFraudPurchase was rejected due to fraud.

If purchase is rejected, a code represents the reason. Only present when PurchaseStatus is Rejected.


The CleanseAddress method accepts an address and presents a standardized shipping address that complies with the USPS address formatting guidelines. The integration calling CleanseAddress is required to use the supplied standardized address, unless the city, state, and ZIP Code are a valid combination. International addresses are not standardized, but the country name is validated against the official USPS list of supported countries. We also offer international address cleansing to qualified customers. Please contact us if you’re interested in verifying international mailing addresses. The CleanseAddress method accepts as input a <CleanseAddress> object and returns a <CleanseAddressResponse> object. The <CleanseAddressResponse> object contains a <CleanseHash> and/or an <OverrideHash>, one of which must be passed along when the address is ultimately submitted to CreateIndicium. If <FromZIPCode> is provided, CleanseAddress method returns list of <Rate> objects with the DeliveryDate, DeliverDays and Zone for all possible combinations of ServiceType and PackageType.

How to process the response for a Domestic address:

How to process the response for an International address:

CleanseAddress object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
        <tns:FullName>Geoff Anton</tns:FullName>
        <tns:Address1>12959 Coral Tree Place</tns:Address1>
        <tns:City>Los Angeles</tns:City>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Address Address The address to cleanse. Only one Address object may be passed per CleanseAddress web method call.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.

FromZIPCode xsd:string The shipper's ZIP Code. CleanseAddress method uses the ZIP Code to determine the DeliveryDate, DeliverDays, and Zone.

CleanseAddressResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
    <CleanseAddressResponse xmlns=“”>
        <FullName>GEOFF ANTON</FullName>
        <Address1>12959 CORAL TREE PL</Address1>
        <Address2 />
        <City>LOS ANGELES</City>
        <Urbanization />
</Rate> ***list continues***

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Address Address Cleansed address. Only one Address object will be returned.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.

AddressMatch xsd:boolean See CleanseAddress web method description on page 25 for processing information. If true, address has been successfully cleansed but may have been modified.
CityStateZipOK xsd:boolean See CleanseAddress web method description on page 25 for processing information. If true, city, state, and zip have been validated and address may be used even if not successfully cleansed. Only for domestic addresses.
YesThe address is a residential address. AddressMatch would be true in this case.
NoThe address is a business address. AddressMatch would be true in this case.
UnknownThe address type could not be determined. AddressMatch would be false in this case.
UnsupportedThe current integration does not support querying this data.

Supported from swsimv16 onward. Indiciates if the address is a business or residential or of unknown type.
IsPOBox xsd:boolean If AddressMatch=true, then IsPOBox can be either true or false. If AddressMatch=false, then IsPOBox will be null. If IsPOBox=true, the system has identified the matched address as a Post Office Box, otherwise IsPOBox=false
CandidateAddresses Array of Address objects If CleanseAddress does not find an exact match for the given address and one or more matches for the address have been found, the response will contain a list of candidate addresses, up to a maximum of 10. If there are CandidateAddresses, it is recommended that the requestor check the submitted address and add any missing information like Apartment or Suite numbers. Or the requestor can select one of the candidate addresses from the list and retry CleanseAddress making sure to resolve any suite or apartment ranges (by user input) before the retry. Each CandidateAddress contains an Address line, City, State, ZIPCode, ZIPCodeAddOn, and an OverrideHash.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
StatusCodes StatusCodes StatusCodes return additional information regarding the results of cleansing.
StatusCodes Object
Element Data Type Description
DpvFootnotes Array of DpvFootnote objects Array of DPV Footnotes returned by the USPS Address Matching System API. DPV is a USPS product that will help mailers validate the accuracy of their address information, right down to the physical delivery point. Mailers will be able to identify individual addresses within a mailing list that are potentially undeliverable-as-addressed due to an addressing deficiency. For detailed information of DPV footnotes, please refer to the USPS Address Matching System API document, DPV Appendix:
Footnotes Array of Footnote objects Array of Footnotes returned by the USPS Address Matching System API. Footnotes provide additional information returned from the USPS Address Matching System. They identify whether or not any changes were made to the address, including what were the specific changes. For detailed information of footnotes, please refer to the USPS Address Matching System API document, section of Footnote Flags:
ReturnCode xsd:int Return Code from the USPS Address Matching System API. Return Code contains a response code summarizing the inquiry results. For detailed information of the Return Code, please refer to the USPS Address Matching System API document, section of Address Inquiry:
SdcFootnotes Array of xsd:int Reserved for future use.
Rates Array of Rate objects Collection of Rate objects, each one for a possible service type. One or more Rate objects will be returned as part of the response.
Rate Object

Element Data Type Description
From Address Origin address used for rating. A full cleansed address is not required to generate a rate.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
To Address Delivery address.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
Amount xsd:decimal Format: Decimal with up to three digits to the right of the decimal point This is the rate cost for the particular shipment option. If this is blank or missing, check the error attribute for a reason. If there is not enough information in the input Rate object to calculate an exact amount, Amount will be set to the lower bound of the known range and MaxAmount will be set to the upper bound. For example, if the the ToZipCode is omitted and the Rate is for a zone-based service, Amount will be the amount for the closest zone (1) and MaxAmount will be the amount for the furthest zone (8). In this case, some other elements of the Rate object may not apply in all cases. For example, when Amount and MaxAmount indicate a range of possible amounts, DimWeighting may only apply for the furthest zones (5-8).
MaxAmount xsd:decimal Format: Decimal with up to three digits to the right of the decimal point This is the maximum rate cost for the particular shipment option. When the exact rate can be calculated, MaxAmount will be equal to Amount. If there is not enough information in the input Rate object to calculate an exact amount, Amount will be set to the lower bound of the known range and MaxAmount will be set to the upper bound. For example, if the the ToZipCode is omitted and the Rate is for a zone-based service, Amount will be the amount for the closest zone (1) and MaxAmount will be the amount for the furthest zone (8). In this case, some other elements of the Rate object may not apply in all cases. For example, when Amount and MaxAmount indicate a range of possible amounts, DimWeighting may only apply for the furthest zones (5-8).
US-FCUSPS First-Class Mail
US-MMUSPS Media Mail
US-PMUSPS Priority Mail
US-XMUSPS Priority Mail Express
US-EMIUSPS Priority Mail Express International
US-PMIUSPS Priority Mail International
US-FCIUSPS First Class Mail International
US-GAUSPS Ground Advantage
US-LMUSPS Library Mail
US-RETURNUSPS Pay-on-Use Return
US-PS[DEPRECATED] USPS Parcel Select Ground
SC-GPEGlobalPost Economy Single Piece
SC-GPPGlobalPost Standard Single Piece
SC-GPLGlobalPost Plus Single Piece
SC-GPESSGlobalPost Economy SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
SC-GPPSSGlobalPost Standard SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
SC-GPLSSGlobalPost Plus SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
Some additional ServiceType values exist but are deprecated or not available for all integrations.

Required for CreateIndicium web method.

Not required for GetRates web method. If not specified in GetRates, the <rate> object in the response will include rates for all ServiceTypes.

ServiceDescription xsd:string A plain language description of the service returned, i.e. “USPS Priority Mail”
PrintLayout xsd:string The value specified will determine the format of the label image that is generated by the CreateIndicium web method or the envelope image that is generated by the CreateEnvelopeIndicium web method See Valid Print Layouts.
DeliverDays xsd:string Format: Character string in the format "n" if a fixed number of days, or "n-m" with n being minimum number of days, m being maximum number of days. Blank or '999' if no delivery time estimates are available.
WeightLb xsd:double The pounds portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of a pound. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces * Must be specified if WeightOz is blank or 0. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

WeightOz xsd:double The ounces portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of an ounce. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces. * Must be specified if WeightLb is blank. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

UnknownUnknown. Do not use.
PostcardPostcard. Enabled on request.
LetterLetter. Enabled on request.
Large Envelope or FlatLarge envelope or flat. Has one dimension that is between 11 ½” and 15” long, 6 1/8” and 12” high, or ¼” and ¾ thick.
Thick EnvelopeThick envelope. Envelopes or flats greater than ¾” at the thickest point.
PackagePackage. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is less than or equal to 84”
Small Flat Rate BoxUSPS small flat rate box. A special 8-5/8” x 5-3/8” x 1-5/8” USPS box that clearly indicates “Small Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate BoxUSPS medium flat rate box. A special 11” x 8 ½” x 5 ½” or 14” x 3.5” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates “Medium Flat Rate Box”
Large Flat Rate BoxUSPS large flat rate box. A special 12” x 12” x 6” USPS box that clearly indicates “Large Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS flat rate envelope. A special cardboard envelope provided by the USPS that clearly indicates “Flat Rate”.
Flat Rate Padded EnvelopeUSPS flat rate padded envelope.
Large PackageLarge package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 84” and less than or equal to 108”.
Oversized PackageOversized package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 108” and less than or equal to 130”.
Regional Rate Box AUSPS regional rate box A. A special 10 15/16” x 2 3/8” x 12 13/ 16” or 10” x 7” x 4 3/4” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box A”. 15 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box BUSPS regional rate box B. A special 14 3/8” x 2 2/8” x 15 7/8” or 12” x 10 1/4” x 5” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box B”. 20 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box CUSPS regional rate box C. A special 15” x 12” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates ”Regional Rate Box C”. 25 lbs maximum weight.
Legal Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS-supplied Priority Mail flat-rate envelope 9 1/2” x 15”. Maximum weight 4 pounds.
Express EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
DocumentsThis feature is not available for all integrations.
EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
PakThis feature is not available for all integrations.

When PackageType is submitted, the GetRates web method will respond with the rate based on the specified package. However, if PackageType is omitted, the GetRates web method will respond with rates for all of the possible package types for the given ServiceType.

PackageType is required for CreateIndicium web method.

RequiresAllOf Array of RequiresOneOf

Collection of one or more <requiresoneof> objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are required add-ons to go with this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must also choose exactly one add-on from each set of add-ons listed in the <requiresallof> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.

RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
Length xsd:double Represents the length in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
Width xsd:double Represents the width in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
Height xsd:double Represents the height in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
ShipDate xsd:date This is the date the package will be picked up or officially enter the mail system. This date can be up to 3 days in the future for any international mail service and domestic Priority Mail Express. For all other domestic mail services the date can be up to 7 days in the future. For ServiceType US-MM, US-PP and US-FC with no US-A-DC or US-A-SC this date can be up to 30 days in the future. The calculated rate will be based on this date.
DeliveryDate xsd:date The estimated delivery date. This value is returned from GetRates web method. The date is calculated under the consideration of ship date, USPS holidays and weekends. This element is removed from GetRates if delivery date is unknown.
InsuredValue xsd:decimal The amount to insure this shipment for, in dollars and cents. If a value is specified, insurance add-ons will be returned.
RegisteredValue xsd:decimal The registered value for this shipment, in dollars and cents.
CODValue xsd:decimal The collect on delivery value for this shipment, in dollars and cents.
DeclaredValue xsd:decimal The amount to declare for this shipment, in dollars and cents. Required for International.
NonMachinable xsd:boolean Default: false This is used to calculate a potential additional handling surcharge for certain types of items being sent. See DMM 401 for what qualifies.
RectangularShaped xsd:boolean Default: true Represents whether or not the parcel being sent is rectangular-shaped, or box-like. For dim-weight-based rates (Priority Mail), non-rectangular-shaped parcels may lower the effective weight.
Prohibitions xsd:string List of items prohibited from mailing based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Restrictions xsd:string Restrictions on items being shipped based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Observations xsd:string Additional mailing information based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Regulations xsd:string Additional regulations for shipping to destination country. Only used for International.
GEMNotes xsd:string Notes specific to Priority Mail Express International service. Only used for international when ServiceType is US-GEM.
MaxDimensions xsd:string Only returned for international mail classes, this field explains the maximum package dimensions for this mail class and destination country.
DimWeighting xsd:boolean If a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with DimWeighting = "Y", this indicates that the dimensions of the package may have an impact on the rate. Be sure to also include the Length, Width and Height for proper rating whenever DimWeighting = "Y".
AddOns Array of AddOn Collection of one or more <AddOn> objects One or more <AddOn> objects will be returned for each add-on for a given ServiceType. <AddOn>s are passed as part of the CreateIndicium web method request to select the add-ons to be included in the postage printing. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
AddOn Object

Element Data Type Description
Amount xsd:decimal This is the amount / surcharge for this add on.
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
RequiresAllOf Array of RequiresOneOf Collection of one or more <RequiresOneOf> objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are required add-ons to go with this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must also choose exactly one add-on from each set of add-ons listed in the <RequiresAllOf> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.
RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
ProhibitedWithAnyOf Array of AddOnType Collection of one or more AddOnType objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are add-ons that are prohibited to be used this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must not choose any of the add-ons listed in the <ProhibitedWithAnyOf> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.
RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
MissingData xsd:string Describes data missing from the input to the GetRates web method that prevents an amount from being associated with this add-on. For example, the US-A-INS add-on may be listed as an available add-on with no amount if the insured value was not given in the GetRates call. In this case, the MissingData value will identify that the insured value should be provided.
Surcharges Array of Surcharge Collection of one or more Surcharge objects. Only appears when a surcharge applies.
Surcharge Object

Element Data Type Description
Amount xsd:decimal The cost of the surcharge, if applicable.
SUR-A-ERThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-EVThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-FUELThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-OSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-OWThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RADThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RDThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-AHSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NCSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-DASThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-DAEThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RAEThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NMThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NSDIM1USPS Nonstandard Length >22 in
SUR-A-NSDIM2USPS Nonstandard Length >30 in
SUR-A-NSVOLUSPS Nonstandard Volume >2 cu ft

The type of surcharge.
EffectiveWeightInOunces xsd:int Effective weight, which is calculated based on weight and dimensions of the mail piece, in ounces. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
Zone xsd:int Zone number of the mail piece. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
RateCategory xsd:int Rate Category of the mail piece. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
ToCity xsd:string Destination City name.
ToState xsd:string Destination State name. If it is specified, <GetRates> object detects whether the destination is supported by USPS.
CubicPricing xsd:boolean Cubic Pricing is available only for Priority Mail with PackageType “Large Envelope or Flat”, “Package”, “Large Package” or “Oversized Package”. If PackageType in <Rate> object is “Large Envelope or Flat”, Length and Width are prerequisites to determine eligibility for cubic pricing. If Length and Width were provided, and Height is less than or equal to ¾”, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for soft-pack or padded envelope cubic pricing. If Length and Width were provided, and Height is greater than ¾”, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for parcel cubic pricing. If Length and Width were not provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package may qualify the package for soft-pack or padded envelope cubic pricing or parcel cubic pricing. If PackageType of <Rate> object is “Package”, “Large Package” or “Oversized Package”, Length, Width and Height are prerequisites to determine eligibility for parcel cubic pricing. If Length, Width and Height were provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for parcel cubic pricing. If Length, Width and Height were not provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package may qualify the package for parcel cubic pricing
Commercial SampleCommercial sample
Returned GoodsReturned goods
Humanitarian DonationHumanitarian Donation
Dangerous GoodsDangerous Goods

Content type. One of: Commercial Sample, Dangerous Goods, Document, Gift, Humanitarian Donation, Merchandise, Returned Goods, or Other.
AddressCleansingResult xsd:string Address Cleansing result – in detail to the extent of cleansing possible.


The GetRates method produces a list of rates for all available carrier services based on the area being shipped to for a given package weight and size.

See the ServiceType list for a list of all possible rates / services returned. - Add-on Services: All available add-on services are included as part of each rate as a sub-item to the rate e.g. Signature Confirmation is an optional add-on returned with a USPS Priority Mail rate. - ServiceType and PackageType could be Unknown or omitted entirely. If any of them is Unknown, the method returns all possible rates with the known parameters. If there is no rate available, the method returns normally but without rates. Note that in this case, there is no exception thrown. - If both ServiceType and PackageType are known but the method cannot found a valid rate, it throws an exception.

GetRates object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Rate Rate Rate object, potentially incomplete, that identifies the basic characteristics of the package, such as destination ZIP code and weight.Only one Rate object may be passed per GetRates web method call.
Rate Object

Element Data Type Description
From Address Origin address used for rating. A full cleansed address is not required to generate a rate.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.

To Address Delivery address.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
Amount xsd:decimal Format: Decimal with up to three digits to the right of the decimal point This is the rate cost for the particular shipment option. If this is blank or missing, check the error attribute for a reason. If there is not enough information in the input Rate object to calculate an exact amount, Amount will be set to the lower bound of the known range and MaxAmount will be set to the upper bound. For example, if the the ToZipCode is omitted and the Rate is for a zone-based service, Amount will be the amount for the closest zone (1) and MaxAmount will be the amount for the furthest zone (8). In this case, some other elements of the Rate object may not apply in all cases. For example, when Amount and MaxAmount indicate a range of possible amounts, DimWeighting may only apply for the furthest zones (5-8).
MaxAmount xsd:decimal Format: Decimal with up to three digits to the right of the decimal point This is the maximum rate cost for the particular shipment option. When the exact rate can be calculated, MaxAmount will be equal to Amount. If there is not enough information in the input Rate object to calculate an exact amount, Amount will be set to the lower bound of the known range and MaxAmount will be set to the upper bound. For example, if the the ToZipCode is omitted and the Rate is for a zone-based service, Amount will be the amount for the closest zone (1) and MaxAmount will be the amount for the furthest zone (8). In this case, some other elements of the Rate object may not apply in all cases. For example, when Amount and MaxAmount indicate a range of possible amounts, DimWeighting may only apply for the furthest zones (5-8).
US-FCUSPS First-Class Mail
US-MMUSPS Media Mail
US-PMUSPS Priority Mail
US-XMUSPS Priority Mail Express
US-EMIUSPS Priority Mail Express International
US-PMIUSPS Priority Mail International
US-FCIUSPS First Class Mail International
US-GAUSPS Ground Advantage
US-LMUSPS Library Mail
US-RETURNUSPS Pay-on-Use Return
US-PS[DEPRECATED] USPS Parcel Select Ground
SC-GPEGlobalPost Economy Single Piece
SC-GPPGlobalPost Standard Single Piece
SC-GPLGlobalPost Plus Single Piece
SC-GPESSGlobalPost Economy SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
SC-GPPSSGlobalPost Standard SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
SC-GPLSSGlobalPost Plus SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
Some additional ServiceType values exist but are deprecated or not available for all integrations.

Required for CreateIndicium web method.

Not required for GetRates web method. If not specified in GetRates, the <rate> object in the response will include rates for all ServiceTypes.

ServiceDescription xsd:string A plain language description of the service returned, i.e. “USPS Priority Mail”
PrintLayout xsd:string The value specified will determine the format of the label image that is generated by the CreateIndicium web method or the envelope image that is generated by the CreateEnvelopeIndicium web method See Valid Print Layouts.
DeliverDays xsd:string Format: Character string in the format "n" if a fixed number of days, or "n-m" with n being minimum number of days, m being maximum number of days. Blank or '999' if no delivery time estimates are available.
WeightLb xsd:double The pounds portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of a pound. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces * Must be specified if WeightOz is blank or 0. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

WeightOz xsd:double The ounces portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of an ounce. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces. * Must be specified if WeightLb is blank. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

UnknownUnknown. Do not use.
PostcardPostcard. Enabled on request.
LetterLetter. Enabled on request.
Large Envelope or FlatLarge envelope or flat. Has one dimension that is between 11 ½” and 15” long, 6 1/8” and 12” high, or ¼” and ¾ thick.
Thick EnvelopeThick envelope. Envelopes or flats greater than ¾” at the thickest point.
PackagePackage. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is less than or equal to 84”
Small Flat Rate BoxUSPS small flat rate box. A special 8-5/8” x 5-3/8” x 1-5/8” USPS box that clearly indicates “Small Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate BoxUSPS medium flat rate box. A special 11” x 8 ½” x 5 ½” or 14” x 3.5” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates “Medium Flat Rate Box”
Large Flat Rate BoxUSPS large flat rate box. A special 12” x 12” x 6” USPS box that clearly indicates “Large Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS flat rate envelope. A special cardboard envelope provided by the USPS that clearly indicates “Flat Rate”.
Flat Rate Padded EnvelopeUSPS flat rate padded envelope.
Large PackageLarge package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 84” and less than or equal to 108”.
Oversized PackageOversized package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 108” and less than or equal to 130”.
Regional Rate Box AUSPS regional rate box A. A special 10 15/16” x 2 3/8” x 12 13/ 16” or 10” x 7” x 4 3/4” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box A”. 15 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box BUSPS regional rate box B. A special 14 3/8” x 2 2/8” x 15 7/8” or 12” x 10 1/4” x 5” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box B”. 20 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box CUSPS regional rate box C. A special 15” x 12” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates ”Regional Rate Box C”. 25 lbs maximum weight.
Legal Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS-supplied Priority Mail flat-rate envelope 9 1/2” x 15”. Maximum weight 4 pounds.
Express EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
DocumentsThis feature is not available for all integrations.
EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
PakThis feature is not available for all integrations.

When PackageType is submitted, the GetRates web method will respond with the rate based on the specified package. However, if PackageType is omitted, the GetRates web method will respond with rates for all of the possible package types for the given ServiceType.

PackageType is required for CreateIndicium web method.

RequiresAllOf Array of RequiresOneOf

Collection of one or more <requiresoneof> objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are required add-ons to go with this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must also choose exactly one add-on from each set of add-ons listed in the <requiresallof> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.

RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
Length xsd:double Represents the length in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
Width xsd:double Represents the width in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
Height xsd:double Represents the height in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
ShipDate xsd:date This is the date the package will be picked up or officially enter the mail system. This date can be up to 3 days in the future for any international mail service and domestic Priority Mail Express. For all other domestic mail services the date can be up to 7 days in the future. For ServiceType US-MM, US-PP and US-FC with no US-A-DC or US-A-SC this date can be up to 30 days in the future. The calculated rate will be based on this date.
DeliveryDate xsd:date The estimated delivery date. This value is returned from GetRates web method. The date is calculated under the consideration of ship date, USPS holidays and weekends. This element is removed from GetRates if delivery date is unknown.
InsuredValue xsd:decimal The amount to insure this shipment for, in dollars and cents. If a value is specified, insurance add-ons will be returned.
RegisteredValue xsd:decimal The registered value for this shipment, in dollars and cents.
CODValue xsd:decimal The collect on delivery value for this shipment, in dollars and cents.
DeclaredValue xsd:decimal The amount to declare for this shipment, in dollars and cents. Required for International.
NonMachinable xsd:boolean Default: false This is used to calculate a potential additional handling surcharge for certain types of items being sent. See DMM 401 for what qualifies.
RectangularShaped xsd:boolean Default: true Represents whether or not the parcel being sent is rectangular-shaped, or box-like. For dim-weight-based rates (Priority Mail), non-rectangular-shaped parcels may lower the effective weight.
Prohibitions xsd:string List of items prohibited from mailing based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Restrictions xsd:string Restrictions on items being shipped based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Observations xsd:string Additional mailing information based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Regulations xsd:string Additional regulations for shipping to destination country. Only used for International.
GEMNotes xsd:string Notes specific to Priority Mail Express International service. Only used for international when ServiceType is US-GEM.
MaxDimensions xsd:string Only returned for international mail classes, this field explains the maximum package dimensions for this mail class and destination country.
DimWeighting xsd:boolean If a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with DimWeighting = "Y", this indicates that the dimensions of the package may have an impact on the rate. Be sure to also include the Length, Width and Height for proper rating whenever DimWeighting = "Y".
AddOns Array of AddOn Collection of one or more <AddOn> objects One or more <AddOn> objects will be returned for each add-on for a given ServiceType. <AddOn>s are passed as part of the CreateIndicium web method request to select the add-ons to be included in the postage printing. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
AddOn Object

Element Data Type Description
Amount xsd:decimal This is the amount / surcharge for this add on.
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
RequiresAllOf Array of RequiresOneOf Collection of one or more <RequiresOneOf> objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are required add-ons to go with this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must also choose exactly one add-on from each set of add-ons listed in the <RequiresAllOf> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.
RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
ProhibitedWithAnyOf Array of AddOnType Collection of one or more AddOnType objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are add-ons that are prohibited to be used this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must not choose any of the add-ons listed in the <ProhibitedWithAnyOf> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.
RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
MissingData xsd:string Describes data missing from the input to the GetRates web method that prevents an amount from being associated with this add-on. For example, the US-A-INS add-on may be listed as an available add-on with no amount if the insured value was not given in the GetRates call. In this case, the MissingData value will identify that the insured value should be provided.
Surcharges Array of Surcharge Collection of one or more Surcharge objects. Only appears when a surcharge applies.
Surcharge Object

Element Data Type Description
Amount xsd:decimal The cost of the surcharge, if applicable.
SUR-A-ERThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-EVThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-FUELThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-OSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-OWThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RADThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RDThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-AHSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NCSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-DASThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-DAEThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RAEThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NMThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NSDIM1USPS Nonstandard Length >22 in
SUR-A-NSDIM2USPS Nonstandard Length >30 in
SUR-A-NSVOLUSPS Nonstandard Volume >2 cu ft

The type of surcharge.
EffectiveWeightInOunces xsd:int Effective weight, which is calculated based on weight and dimensions of the mail piece, in ounces. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
Zone xsd:int Zone number of the mail piece. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
RateCategory xsd:int Rate Category of the mail piece. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
ToCity xsd:string Destination City name.
ToState xsd:string Destination State name. If it is specified, <GetRates> object detects whether the destination is supported by USPS.
CubicPricing xsd:boolean Cubic Pricing is available only for Priority Mail with PackageType “Large Envelope or Flat”, “Package”, “Large Package” or “Oversized Package”. If PackageType in <Rate> object is “Large Envelope or Flat”, Length and Width are prerequisites to determine eligibility for cubic pricing. If Length and Width were provided, and Height is less than or equal to ¾”, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for soft-pack or padded envelope cubic pricing. If Length and Width were provided, and Height is greater than ¾”, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for parcel cubic pricing. If Length and Width were not provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package may qualify the package for soft-pack or padded envelope cubic pricing or parcel cubic pricing. If PackageType of <Rate> object is “Package”, “Large Package” or “Oversized Package”, Length, Width and Height are prerequisites to determine eligibility for parcel cubic pricing. If Length, Width and Height were provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for parcel cubic pricing. If Length, Width and Height were not provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package may qualify the package for parcel cubic pricing
Commercial SampleCommercial sample
Returned GoodsReturned goods
Humanitarian DonationHumanitarian Donation
Dangerous GoodsDangerous Goods

Content type. One of: Commercial Sample, Dangerous Goods, Document, Gift, Humanitarian Donation, Merchandise, Returned Goods, or Other.

GetRatesResponse object

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <GetRatesResponse xmlns="">
              <ServiceDescription>USPS Priority Mail</ServiceDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>USPS Insurance</AddOnDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>Collect on Delivery</AddOnDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>Signature Confirmation</AddOnDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>Certified Mail</AddOnDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>Return Receipt</AddOnDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>Registered Mail</AddOnDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>Restricted Delivery</AddOnDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>Hidden Postage</AddOnDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>Notice of Non-Delivery</AddOnDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>Return Receipt for Merchandise</AddOnDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>Electronic Return Receipt</AddOnDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>Adult Signature Required</AddOnDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>Adult Signature Restricted Delivery</AddOnDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>Hazardous Materials</AddOnDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>Live Animal</AddOnDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>Live Animal with Fee</AddOnDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>Hold For Pickup</AddOnDescription>
                    <AddOnDescription>Pay On Use Return</AddOnDescription>

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Rates Array of Rate Collection of Rate objects, each one for a possible service type. One or more Rate objects will be returned as part of the response.
Rate Object

Element Data Type Description
From Address Origin address used for rating. A full cleansed address is not required to generate a rate.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.

To Address Delivery address.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
Amount xsd:decimal Format: Decimal with up to three digits to the right of the decimal point This is the rate cost for the particular shipment option. If this is blank or missing, check the error attribute for a reason. If there is not enough information in the input Rate object to calculate an exact amount, Amount will be set to the lower bound of the known range and MaxAmount will be set to the upper bound. For example, if the the ToZipCode is omitted and the Rate is for a zone-based service, Amount will be the amount for the closest zone (1) and MaxAmount will be the amount for the furthest zone (8). In this case, some other elements of the Rate object may not apply in all cases. For example, when Amount and MaxAmount indicate a range of possible amounts, DimWeighting may only apply for the furthest zones (5-8).
MaxAmount xsd:decimal Format: Decimal with up to three digits to the right of the decimal point This is the maximum rate cost for the particular shipment option. When the exact rate can be calculated, MaxAmount will be equal to Amount. If there is not enough information in the input Rate object to calculate an exact amount, Amount will be set to the lower bound of the known range and MaxAmount will be set to the upper bound. For example, if the the ToZipCode is omitted and the Rate is for a zone-based service, Amount will be the amount for the closest zone (1) and MaxAmount will be the amount for the furthest zone (8). In this case, some other elements of the Rate object may not apply in all cases. For example, when Amount and MaxAmount indicate a range of possible amounts, DimWeighting may only apply for the furthest zones (5-8).
US-FCUSPS First-Class Mail
US-MMUSPS Media Mail
US-PMUSPS Priority Mail
US-XMUSPS Priority Mail Express
US-EMIUSPS Priority Mail Express International
US-PMIUSPS Priority Mail International
US-FCIUSPS First Class Mail International
US-GAUSPS Ground Advantage
US-LMUSPS Library Mail
US-RETURNUSPS Pay-on-Use Return
US-PS[DEPRECATED] USPS Parcel Select Ground
SC-GPEGlobalPost Economy Single Piece
SC-GPPGlobalPost Standard Single Piece
SC-GPLGlobalPost Plus Single Piece
SC-GPESSGlobalPost Economy SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
SC-GPPSSGlobalPost Standard SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
SC-GPLSSGlobalPost Plus SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
Some additional ServiceType values exist but are deprecated or not available for all integrations.

Required for CreateIndicium web method.

Not required for GetRates web method. If not specified in GetRates, the <rate> object in the response will include rates for all ServiceTypes.

ServiceDescription xsd:string A plain language description of the service returned, i.e. “USPS Priority Mail”
PrintLayout xsd:string The value specified will determine the format of the label image that is generated by the CreateIndicium web method or the envelope image that is generated by the CreateEnvelopeIndicium web method See Valid Print Layouts.
DeliverDays xsd:string Format: Character string in the format "n" if a fixed number of days, or "n-m" with n being minimum number of days, m being maximum number of days. Blank or '999' if no delivery time estimates are available.
WeightLb xsd:double The pounds portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of a pound. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces * Must be specified if WeightOz is blank or 0. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

WeightOz xsd:double The ounces portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of an ounce. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces. * Must be specified if WeightLb is blank. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

UnknownUnknown. Do not use.
PostcardPostcard. Enabled on request.
LetterLetter. Enabled on request.
Large Envelope or FlatLarge envelope or flat. Has one dimension that is between 11 ½” and 15” long, 6 1/8” and 12” high, or ¼” and ¾ thick.
Thick EnvelopeThick envelope. Envelopes or flats greater than ¾” at the thickest point.
PackagePackage. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is less than or equal to 84”
Small Flat Rate BoxUSPS small flat rate box. A special 8-5/8” x 5-3/8” x 1-5/8” USPS box that clearly indicates “Small Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate BoxUSPS medium flat rate box. A special 11” x 8 ½” x 5 ½” or 14” x 3.5” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates “Medium Flat Rate Box”
Large Flat Rate BoxUSPS large flat rate box. A special 12” x 12” x 6” USPS box that clearly indicates “Large Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS flat rate envelope. A special cardboard envelope provided by the USPS that clearly indicates “Flat Rate”.
Flat Rate Padded EnvelopeUSPS flat rate padded envelope.
Large PackageLarge package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 84” and less than or equal to 108”.
Oversized PackageOversized package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 108” and less than or equal to 130”.
Regional Rate Box AUSPS regional rate box A. A special 10 15/16” x 2 3/8” x 12 13/ 16” or 10” x 7” x 4 3/4” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box A”. 15 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box BUSPS regional rate box B. A special 14 3/8” x 2 2/8” x 15 7/8” or 12” x 10 1/4” x 5” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box B”. 20 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box CUSPS regional rate box C. A special 15” x 12” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates ”Regional Rate Box C”. 25 lbs maximum weight.
Legal Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS-supplied Priority Mail flat-rate envelope 9 1/2” x 15”. Maximum weight 4 pounds.
Express EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
DocumentsThis feature is not available for all integrations.
EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
PakThis feature is not available for all integrations.

When PackageType is submitted, the GetRates web method will respond with the rate based on the specified package. However, if PackageType is omitted, the GetRates web method will respond with rates for all of the possible package types for the given ServiceType.

PackageType is required for CreateIndicium web method.

RequiresAllOf Array of RequiresOneOf

Collection of one or more <requiresoneof> objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are required add-ons to go with this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must also choose exactly one add-on from each set of add-ons listed in the <requiresallof> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.

RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
Length xsd:double Represents the length in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
Width xsd:double Represents the width in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
Height xsd:double Represents the height in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
ShipDate xsd:date This is the date the package will be picked up or officially enter the mail system. This date can be up to 3 days in the future for any international mail service and domestic Priority Mail Express. For all other domestic mail services the date can be up to 7 days in the future. For ServiceType US-MM, US-PP and US-FC with no US-A-DC or US-A-SC this date can be up to 30 days in the future. The calculated rate will be based on this date.
DeliveryDate xsd:date The estimated delivery date. This value is returned from GetRates web method. The date is calculated under the consideration of ship date, USPS holidays and weekends. This element is removed from GetRates if delivery date is unknown.
InsuredValue xsd:decimal The amount to insure this shipment for, in dollars and cents. If a value is specified, insurance add-ons will be returned.
RegisteredValue xsd:decimal The registered value for this shipment, in dollars and cents.
CODValue xsd:decimal The collect on delivery value for this shipment, in dollars and cents.
DeclaredValue xsd:decimal The amount to declare for this shipment, in dollars and cents. Required for International.
NonMachinable xsd:boolean Default: false This is used to calculate a potential additional handling surcharge for certain types of items being sent. See DMM 401 for what qualifies.
RectangularShaped xsd:boolean Default: true Represents whether or not the parcel being sent is rectangular-shaped, or box-like. For dim-weight-based rates (Priority Mail), non-rectangular-shaped parcels may lower the effective weight.
Prohibitions xsd:string List of items prohibited from mailing based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Restrictions xsd:string Restrictions on items being shipped based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Observations xsd:string Additional mailing information based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Regulations xsd:string Additional regulations for shipping to destination country. Only used for International.
GEMNotes xsd:string Notes specific to Priority Mail Express International service. Only used for international when ServiceType is US-GEM.
MaxDimensions xsd:string Only returned for international mail classes, this field explains the maximum package dimensions for this mail class and destination country.
DimWeighting xsd:boolean If a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with DimWeighting = "Y", this indicates that the dimensions of the package may have an impact on the rate. Be sure to also include the Length, Width and Height for proper rating whenever DimWeighting = "Y".
AddOns Array of AddOn Collection of one or more <AddOn> objects One or more <AddOn> objects will be returned for each add-on for a given ServiceType. <AddOn>s are passed as part of the CreateIndicium web method request to select the add-ons to be included in the postage printing. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
AddOn Object

Element Data Type Description
Amount xsd:decimal This is the amount / surcharge for this add on.
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
RequiresAllOf Array of RequiresOneOf Collection of one or more <RequiresOneOf> objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are required add-ons to go with this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must also choose exactly one add-on from each set of add-ons listed in the <RequiresAllOf> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.
RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
ProhibitedWithAnyOf Array of AddOnType Collection of one or more AddOnType objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are add-ons that are prohibited to be used this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must not choose any of the add-ons listed in the <ProhibitedWithAnyOf> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.
RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
MissingData xsd:string Describes data missing from the input to the GetRates web method that prevents an amount from being associated with this add-on. For example, the US-A-INS add-on may be listed as an available add-on with no amount if the insured value was not given in the GetRates call. In this case, the MissingData value will identify that the insured value should be provided.
Surcharges Array of Surcharge Collection of one or more Surcharge objects. Only appears when a surcharge applies.
Surcharge Object

Element Data Type Description
Amount xsd:decimal The cost of the surcharge, if applicable.
SUR-A-ERThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-EVThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-FUELThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-OSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-OWThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RADThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RDThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-AHSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NCSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-DASThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-DAEThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RAEThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NMThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NSDIM1USPS Nonstandard Length >22 in
SUR-A-NSDIM2USPS Nonstandard Length >30 in
SUR-A-NSVOLUSPS Nonstandard Volume >2 cu ft

The type of surcharge.
EffectiveWeightInOunces xsd:int Effective weight, which is calculated based on weight and dimensions of the mail piece, in ounces. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
Zone xsd:int Zone number of the mail piece. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
RateCategory xsd:int Rate Category of the mail piece. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
ToCity xsd:string Destination City name.
ToState xsd:string Destination State name. If it is specified, <GetRates> object detects whether the destination is supported by USPS.
CubicPricing xsd:boolean Cubic Pricing is available only for Priority Mail with PackageType “Large Envelope or Flat”, “Package”, “Large Package” or “Oversized Package”. If PackageType in <Rate> object is “Large Envelope or Flat”, Length and Width are prerequisites to determine eligibility for cubic pricing. If Length and Width were provided, and Height is less than or equal to ¾”, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for soft-pack or padded envelope cubic pricing. If Length and Width were provided, and Height is greater than ¾”, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for parcel cubic pricing. If Length and Width were not provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package may qualify the package for soft-pack or padded envelope cubic pricing or parcel cubic pricing. If PackageType of <Rate> object is “Package”, “Large Package” or “Oversized Package”, Length, Width and Height are prerequisites to determine eligibility for parcel cubic pricing. If Length, Width and Height were provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for parcel cubic pricing. If Length, Width and Height were not provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package may qualify the package for parcel cubic pricing
Commercial SampleCommercial sample
Returned GoodsReturned goods
Humanitarian DonationHumanitarian Donation
Dangerous GoodsDangerous Goods

Content type. One of: Commercial Sample, Dangerous Goods, Document, Gift, Humanitarian Donation, Merchandise, Returned Goods, or Other.


The CreateIndicium method generates the postage indicium based on the shipping information provided in the request. The SWS API will return a URL that references an image or PDF of the following:

Special Considerations:

CreateIndicium object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
           <sws:Address1>3420 Ocean Park Bl</sws:Address1>
           <sws:Address2>Ste 1000</sws:Address2>
           <sws:City>Santa Monica</sws:City>
           <sws:Address1>1900 E Grand Ave</sws:Address1>
           <sws:City>El Segundo</sws:City>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
IntegratorTxID xsd:string
The IntegratorTxID (Transaction ID) is a unique number from the integrator's system and used to retry a failed CreateIndicium attempt or locate and reconcile any billable transaction ordered from issues a StampsTxID response which is the counterpart to this number and a unique ID in the system for a transaction.
TrackingNumber xsd:string
A TrackingNumber is allowed if the integrator has the ability to generate them via a USPS Pub 199 server. This is currently unsupported.
Rate Rate A Rate object previously returned from the GetRates web method. Remove Rate elements not desired for the indicium.
Rate Object

Element Data Type Description
From Address Origin address used for rating. A full cleansed address is not required to generate a rate.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.

To Address Delivery address.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
Amount xsd:decimal Format: Decimal with up to three digits to the right of the decimal point This is the rate cost for the particular shipment option. If this is blank or missing, check the error attribute for a reason. If there is not enough information in the input Rate object to calculate an exact amount, Amount will be set to the lower bound of the known range and MaxAmount will be set to the upper bound. For example, if the the ToZipCode is omitted and the Rate is for a zone-based service, Amount will be the amount for the closest zone (1) and MaxAmount will be the amount for the furthest zone (8). In this case, some other elements of the Rate object may not apply in all cases. For example, when Amount and MaxAmount indicate a range of possible amounts, DimWeighting may only apply for the furthest zones (5-8).
MaxAmount xsd:decimal Format: Decimal with up to three digits to the right of the decimal point This is the maximum rate cost for the particular shipment option. When the exact rate can be calculated, MaxAmount will be equal to Amount. If there is not enough information in the input Rate object to calculate an exact amount, Amount will be set to the lower bound of the known range and MaxAmount will be set to the upper bound. For example, if the the ToZipCode is omitted and the Rate is for a zone-based service, Amount will be the amount for the closest zone (1) and MaxAmount will be the amount for the furthest zone (8). In this case, some other elements of the Rate object may not apply in all cases. For example, when Amount and MaxAmount indicate a range of possible amounts, DimWeighting may only apply for the furthest zones (5-8).
US-FCUSPS First-Class Mail
US-MMUSPS Media Mail
US-PMUSPS Priority Mail
US-XMUSPS Priority Mail Express
US-EMIUSPS Priority Mail Express International
US-PMIUSPS Priority Mail International
US-FCIUSPS First Class Mail International
US-GAUSPS Ground Advantage
US-LMUSPS Library Mail
US-RETURNUSPS Pay-on-Use Return
US-PS[DEPRECATED] USPS Parcel Select Ground
SC-GPEGlobalPost Economy Single Piece
SC-GPPGlobalPost Standard Single Piece
SC-GPLGlobalPost Plus Single Piece
SC-GPESSGlobalPost Economy SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
SC-GPPSSGlobalPost Standard SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
SC-GPLSSGlobalPost Plus SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
Some additional ServiceType values exist but are deprecated or not available for all integrations.

Required for CreateIndicium web method.

Not required for GetRates web method. If not specified in GetRates, the <rate> object in the response will include rates for all ServiceTypes.

ServiceDescription xsd:string A plain language description of the service returned, i.e. “USPS Priority Mail”
PrintLayout xsd:string The value specified will determine the format of the label image that is generated by the CreateIndicium web method or the envelope image that is generated by the CreateEnvelopeIndicium web method See Valid Print Layouts.
DeliverDays xsd:string Format: Character string in the format "n" if a fixed number of days, or "n-m" with n being minimum number of days, m being maximum number of days. Blank or '999' if no delivery time estimates are available.
WeightLb xsd:double The pounds portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of a pound. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces * Must be specified if WeightOz is blank or 0. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

WeightOz xsd:double The ounces portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of an ounce. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces. * Must be specified if WeightLb is blank. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

UnknownUnknown. Do not use.
PostcardPostcard. Enabled on request.
LetterLetter. Enabled on request.
Large Envelope or FlatLarge envelope or flat. Has one dimension that is between 11 ½” and 15” long, 6 1/8” and 12” high, or ¼” and ¾ thick.
Thick EnvelopeThick envelope. Envelopes or flats greater than ¾” at the thickest point.
PackagePackage. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is less than or equal to 84”
Small Flat Rate BoxUSPS small flat rate box. A special 8-5/8” x 5-3/8” x 1-5/8” USPS box that clearly indicates “Small Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate BoxUSPS medium flat rate box. A special 11” x 8 ½” x 5 ½” or 14” x 3.5” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates “Medium Flat Rate Box”
Large Flat Rate BoxUSPS large flat rate box. A special 12” x 12” x 6” USPS box that clearly indicates “Large Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS flat rate envelope. A special cardboard envelope provided by the USPS that clearly indicates “Flat Rate”.
Flat Rate Padded EnvelopeUSPS flat rate padded envelope.
Large PackageLarge package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 84” and less than or equal to 108”.
Oversized PackageOversized package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 108” and less than or equal to 130”.
Regional Rate Box AUSPS regional rate box A. A special 10 15/16” x 2 3/8” x 12 13/ 16” or 10” x 7” x 4 3/4” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box A”. 15 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box BUSPS regional rate box B. A special 14 3/8” x 2 2/8” x 15 7/8” or 12” x 10 1/4” x 5” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box B”. 20 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box CUSPS regional rate box C. A special 15” x 12” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates ”Regional Rate Box C”. 25 lbs maximum weight.
Legal Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS-supplied Priority Mail flat-rate envelope 9 1/2” x 15”. Maximum weight 4 pounds.
Express EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
DocumentsThis feature is not available for all integrations.
EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
PakThis feature is not available for all integrations.

When PackageType is submitted, the GetRates web method will respond with the rate based on the specified package. However, if PackageType is omitted, the GetRates web method will respond with rates for all of the possible package types for the given ServiceType.

PackageType is required for CreateIndicium web method.

RequiresAllOf Array of RequiresOneOf

Collection of one or more <requiresoneof> objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are required add-ons to go with this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must also choose exactly one add-on from each set of add-ons listed in the <requiresallof> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.

RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
Length xsd:double Represents the length in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
Width xsd:double Represents the width in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
Height xsd:double Represents the height in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
ShipDate xsd:date This is the date the package will be picked up or officially enter the mail system. This date can be up to 3 days in the future for any international mail service and domestic Priority Mail Express. For all other domestic mail services the date can be up to 7 days in the future. For ServiceType US-MM, US-PP and US-FC with no US-A-DC or US-A-SC this date can be up to 30 days in the future. The calculated rate will be based on this date.
DeliveryDate xsd:date The estimated delivery date. This value is returned from GetRates web method. The date is calculated under the consideration of ship date, USPS holidays and weekends. This element is removed from GetRates if delivery date is unknown.
InsuredValue xsd:decimal The amount to insure this shipment for, in dollars and cents. If a value is specified, insurance add-ons will be returned.
RegisteredValue xsd:decimal The registered value for this shipment, in dollars and cents.
CODValue xsd:decimal The collect on delivery value for this shipment, in dollars and cents.
DeclaredValue xsd:decimal The amount to declare for this shipment, in dollars and cents. Required for International.
NonMachinable xsd:boolean Default: false This is used to calculate a potential additional handling surcharge for certain types of items being sent. See DMM 401 for what qualifies.
RectangularShaped xsd:boolean Default: true Represents whether or not the parcel being sent is rectangular-shaped, or box-like. For dim-weight-based rates (Priority Mail), non-rectangular-shaped parcels may lower the effective weight.
Prohibitions xsd:string List of items prohibited from mailing based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Restrictions xsd:string Restrictions on items being shipped based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Observations xsd:string Additional mailing information based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Regulations xsd:string Additional regulations for shipping to destination country. Only used for International.
GEMNotes xsd:string Notes specific to Priority Mail Express International service. Only used for international when ServiceType is US-GEM.
MaxDimensions xsd:string Only returned for international mail classes, this field explains the maximum package dimensions for this mail class and destination country.
DimWeighting xsd:boolean If a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with DimWeighting = "Y", this indicates that the dimensions of the package may have an impact on the rate. Be sure to also include the Length, Width and Height for proper rating whenever DimWeighting = "Y".
AddOns Array of AddOn Collection of one or more <AddOn> objects One or more <AddOn> objects will be returned for each add-on for a given ServiceType. <AddOn>s are passed as part of the CreateIndicium web method request to select the add-ons to be included in the postage printing. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
AddOn Object

Element Data Type Description
Amount xsd:decimal This is the amount / surcharge for this add on.
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
RequiresAllOf Array of RequiresOneOf Collection of one or more <RequiresOneOf> objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are required add-ons to go with this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must also choose exactly one add-on from each set of add-ons listed in the <RequiresAllOf> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.
RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
ProhibitedWithAnyOf Array of AddOnType Collection of one or more AddOnType objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are add-ons that are prohibited to be used this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must not choose any of the add-ons listed in the <ProhibitedWithAnyOf> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.
RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
MissingData xsd:string Describes data missing from the input to the GetRates web method that prevents an amount from being associated with this add-on. For example, the US-A-INS add-on may be listed as an available add-on with no amount if the insured value was not given in the GetRates call. In this case, the MissingData value will identify that the insured value should be provided.
Surcharges Array of Surcharge Collection of one or more Surcharge objects. Only appears when a surcharge applies.
Surcharge Object

Element Data Type Description
Amount xsd:decimal The cost of the surcharge, if applicable.
SUR-A-ERThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-EVThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-FUELThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-OSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-OWThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RADThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RDThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-AHSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NCSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-DASThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-DAEThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RAEThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NMThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NSDIM1USPS Nonstandard Length >22 in
SUR-A-NSDIM2USPS Nonstandard Length >30 in
SUR-A-NSVOLUSPS Nonstandard Volume >2 cu ft

The type of surcharge.
EffectiveWeightInOunces xsd:int Effective weight, which is calculated based on weight and dimensions of the mail piece, in ounces. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
Zone xsd:int Zone number of the mail piece. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
RateCategory xsd:int Rate Category of the mail piece. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
ToCity xsd:string Destination City name.
ToState xsd:string Destination State name. If it is specified, <GetRates> object detects whether the destination is supported by USPS.
CubicPricing xsd:boolean Cubic Pricing is available only for Priority Mail with PackageType “Large Envelope or Flat”, “Package”, “Large Package” or “Oversized Package”. If PackageType in <Rate> object is “Large Envelope or Flat”, Length and Width are prerequisites to determine eligibility for cubic pricing. If Length and Width were provided, and Height is less than or equal to ¾”, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for soft-pack or padded envelope cubic pricing. If Length and Width were provided, and Height is greater than ¾”, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for parcel cubic pricing. If Length and Width were not provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package may qualify the package for soft-pack or padded envelope cubic pricing or parcel cubic pricing. If PackageType of <Rate> object is “Package”, “Large Package” or “Oversized Package”, Length, Width and Height are prerequisites to determine eligibility for parcel cubic pricing. If Length, Width and Height were provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for parcel cubic pricing. If Length, Width and Height were not provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package may qualify the package for parcel cubic pricing
Commercial SampleCommercial sample
Returned GoodsReturned goods
Humanitarian DonationHumanitarian Donation
Dangerous GoodsDangerous Goods

Content type. One of: Commercial Sample, Dangerous Goods, Document, Gift, Humanitarian Donation, Merchandise, Returned Goods, or Other.
RateToken xsd:string This feature is for internal use only.
From Address Return address.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
To Address Delivery address. The delivery address provided can optionally not be cleansed. In this case CreateIndicium validates that the City, State and Zip matched the corresponding values in the USPS Address Matching system. If not an InvalidDestinationAddress exception is thrown.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
CustomerID xsd:string
A customer identifier required for USPS audits, aviation security, and Insurance purchases. Only used if printed postage is being issued to someone other than the user. If a particular customer abuses the system, they may be denied access to the system in the future.
Customs Customs Customs information. Required for International.Default is false.
Customs Object

Element Data Type Description
Commercial SampleCommercial sample
Returned GoodsReturned goods
Humanitarian DonationHumanitarian Donation
Dangerous GoodsDangerous Goods

Content type
Comments xsd:string
LicenseNumber xsd:string
License number
CertificateNumber xsd:string
Certificate number
InvoiceNumber xsd:string
Invoice number
OtherDescribe xsd:string
Other description - required when ContentType is Other.
CustomsLines Array of CustomsLine Collection of customslineobjects. Contains 1..n customsline objects. Customs form allows up to 999 lines.
CustomsLine Object
Element Data Type Description
Description xsd:string
Quantity xsd:double Quantity.
Value xsd:decimal Value in dollars. Negative values are disallowed. Zero is disallowed for APO/FPO destinations. See Appendix D for more information on this element.
WeightLb xsd:double The pounds portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of a pound. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces * Must be specified if WeightOz is blank or 0. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

WeightOz xsd:double The ounces portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of an ounce. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces. * Must be specified if WeightLb is blank. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

HSTariffNumber xsd:string
For commercial items only. If known, the HS tariff number (6-digit) must be based on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System developed by the World Customs Organization.
CountryOfOrigin xsd:string
For commercial items only. Country of Origin means the country where the goods originated, e.g. were produced, manufactured, or assembled. It is recommended that a shipper supply this information and attach an invoice to the outside of the package to accelerate customs clearance in processing the items. The country name entered must match an entry from the USPS-approved International Index of Countries and Localities or be "US".
sku xsd:string
SKU of item
CustomsSigner xsd:string
Value that’s populated into the Sender’s Signature field of the customs form. If element is not included, the FullName element value in the From object is used. If the FullName element value is not included, the First and Last element values in the From object are used. If First and Last element values are not included, the Company element value in the From object is used.
PassportNumber xsd:string
Customs Passport CertificateNumber
PassportIssueDate xsd:date Customs Passport Issue Date
PassportExpiryDate xsd:date Customs Passport Expiry Date
ImportLicenseNumber xsd:string Customs Import License Number
SendersCustomsReference xsd:string
Senders Customs Reference - a VAT or IOSS number may need to be entered in this field for shipments to certain international destinations.
SampleOnly xsd:boolean Default is false. If true, generates a sample label without real value. This option is to be used during the testing phase of an integration. It will fully exercise the SWS system, but will not deduct any postage from the meter.
AutoDefault format; PNG for domestic, PDF for international
AZplASCII encoded ZPL format
BZplBinary encoded ZPl format
EncryptedPngUrlReserved for future use.
EplEPL printer
GifGIF format
JpgJPEG format
PdfPDF format
PrintOncePdfReserved for future use.
PngPNG format
ZplBinary encoded ZPL format.

Image type of shipping label. Default is Auto: which generates a Png image.
DefaultDefault resolution
HighHigh resolution

Resolution of shipping label for thermal printer.
memo xsd:string

The memo to print at the bottom of the shipping label. The memo parameter may consist of more than one line separated by the standard carriage return/line feed, use &#xd; as carriage return and &#xa; as line feed in the request xml, i.e., <tns:memo>memo 1&#xd;&#xa;memo 2</tns:memo> or <tns:memo>memo1 memo2</tns:memo> If the memo value is prefixed with a tab, &#x9; or unescaped tab, then the parts of the multi line memo will print side-by-side. Although the API will not return an error when many carriage return and line feed are present in the memo only 1 pair of CR LF is supported due to limited space in a shipping label. For a single line memo, it will print in a single box at the bottom of the label. For a multi-line memo, the first two lines will be put into the two separate boxes of the label If printMemo is set to false

cost_code_id xsd:int Cost code ID. See EnumCostCodes web method for more information.
ShipmentNotification ShipmentNotification Optional settings for shipment notification emails.
ShipmentNotification Object
Element Data Type Description
EmailAddress xsd:string E-mail address for recipient of a shipment notification e-mail.
CCToAccountHolder xsd:boolean Set to true to send a copy of the shipment notification e-mail, if any, back to the e-mail address associated with the account.
CCToMain xsd:boolean Reserved for future use.
UseCompanyNameInFromLine xsd:boolean Set to true to use the company name of the account, instead of the first and last name, in the From line of the shipment notification e-mail, if any.
UseCompanyNameInSubject xsd:boolean Set to true to use the company name of the account, instead of the first and last name, in the Subject line of the shipment notification e-mail, if any.
deliveryNotification xsd:boolean Set to true to send a delivery notification email back to the email address associated with the account when the shipment is delivered.
rotationDegrees xsd:int Set to 0, 90, 180, or 270 to represent the number of degrees of counter-clockwise rotation for the label. Rotation only has an effect for bitmap image types; PDF, EPL, and ZPL will ignore the requested rotation.
horizontalOffset xsd:int Indicates how many units the label should be offset on the x-axis. Applies only to thermal printers. To be used to account for printer specific layout issues.
verticalOffset xsd:int Indicates how many units the label should be offset on the y-axis. Applies only to thermal printers. To be used to account for printer specific layout issues.
printDensity xsd:int Density settings for thermal printers, to help control the darkness of the print. The value specified is inserted into the zpl/epl file generated for the label. Refer to the ZPL/EPL programming guide or manual for density values.
printMemo xsd:boolean Indicates whether the memo is printed on the label. Set to true to print the memo.
printInstructions xsd:boolean This applies to domestic and international, combined and separate CP72 and CN22 layouts. For other label types this parameter can be specified but is ignored. If the parameter is omitted, or is set to “true”, instructions will be included as part of the label.
nonDeliveryOption Undefined
Specifies the delivery options for use in the CP72 customs form.
RedirectTo Address If nonDeliveryOption is Redirect, this address is printed on the CP72 customs form; otherwise, this address is ignored.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
ReturnImageData xsd:boolean Determines whether the image URL or the actual image data will be returned in the response object. If ReturnImageData is false, one or more image URL will be returned in the URL element in the response object. Each URL will need to be queried to retrieve the actual image. If ReturnImageData is true, the actual image data will be returned as a base64 string in the ImageData object. The URL element will be an empty string. This mode cannot be used on ImageType of Auto, PrintOncePDF, or EncryptedPngURL.
InternalTransactionNumber xsd:string For International mail, shipments valued over $2500 generally require an Internal Transaction Number (ITN) to be put on the CP72 form.
PaperSize Default
Specifies the page size of PDF labels. This value only applies to PDF. If offset is specified, this value will be ignored.
EmailLabelTo EmailLabelTo Specifies the information to enable the system to send the label URL via email. Currently this feature is only available for return labels.
EmailLabelTo Object
Element Data Type Description
EmailAddress xsd:string The email address that receives the label.
Name xsd:string Name of the person who will receive the email.
Note xsd:string Customized text that goes in the email body
CopyToOriginator xsd:boolean Determines whether the email needs to be copied to the email address of the account.
ImageDpi xsd:string Specifies the DPI setting for the label image generated for the following ImageType values: Gif, Jpg, Png. It applies to both the label images in the ImageData and the URL response.
OrderId xsd:string maxLength=100 Caller defined data. Order ID associated to this print.
ImageId xsd:int Identifies the image or logo that will be added to the shipping label.
Reference1 xsd:string maxLength=100 Caller defined data.
Reference2 xsd:string maxLength=100 Caller defined data.
Reference3 xsd:string maxLength=100 Caller defined data.
Reference4 xsd:string maxLength=100 Caller defined data.
OrderDetails OrderDetails Contains details of shipment contents.
OrderDetails Object

Element Data Type Description
OrderDate xsd:date The date this order was placed.
OrderNumber xsd:string
An order number for this order.
ShippingAndHandlingPrice xsd:decimal The price for shipping and handling.
TotalDiscountAmount xsd:decimal The total discount amount.
TotalTaxAmount xsd:decimal The total amount of tax.
OrderItems Array of OrderItem Note that we will only use the first 10 OrderItems passed. We will ignore any additional OrderItems passed in.
OrderItem Object

Element Data Type Description
Quantity xsd:int The quantity of this item in the order.
ItemID xsd:string
An identifier for this item, such as a SKU.
Description xsd:string
A short description of the item.
UnitPrice xsd:decimal The unit price of the item.
ImageUrl xsd:string The url for the item image.
Options Array of Options Contains details of item options.
Option Object
Element Data Type Description
Label xsd:string The label option.
Value xsd:string The value option.
OrderCurrency xsd:string
length 3-3
The currency used for the order.
BrandingId xsd:string Caller defined data. Specifies the branding to be used for emails corresponding with this print.

CreateIndiciumResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
    <CreateIndiciumResponse xmlns=“”>
           <Address1>3420 Ocean Park Bl</Address1>
           <Address2>Ste 1000</Address2>
           <City>Santa Monica</City>
           <Address1>1900 E Grand Ave</Address1>
           <City>El Segundo</City>

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
IntegratorTxID xsd:string
Integrator-supplied transaction identifier.
TrackingNumber xsd:string
A confirm number. If First Class the number is an IMB format confirm number. If Priority or Priority Mail Express an IMB encoded POSTNET equivalent number is returned. Neither of these are trackable. The IMB confirm number can be used for performing an e-refund via CancelIndicium.
ReturnTrackingNumber xsd:string Return tracking number for Certified Mail Envelope (SDC-3830) and Certified Mail Envelope (SDC-3930).
Rate Rate The Rate object from the request modified to include actual cost details.
Rate Object

Element Data Type Description
From Address Origin address used for rating. A full cleansed address is not required to generate a rate.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.

To Address Delivery address.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
Amount xsd:decimal Format: Decimal with up to three digits to the right of the decimal point This is the rate cost for the particular shipment option. If this is blank or missing, check the error attribute for a reason. If there is not enough information in the input Rate object to calculate an exact amount, Amount will be set to the lower bound of the known range and MaxAmount will be set to the upper bound. For example, if the the ToZipCode is omitted and the Rate is for a zone-based service, Amount will be the amount for the closest zone (1) and MaxAmount will be the amount for the furthest zone (8). In this case, some other elements of the Rate object may not apply in all cases. For example, when Amount and MaxAmount indicate a range of possible amounts, DimWeighting may only apply for the furthest zones (5-8).
MaxAmount xsd:decimal Format: Decimal with up to three digits to the right of the decimal point This is the maximum rate cost for the particular shipment option. When the exact rate can be calculated, MaxAmount will be equal to Amount. If there is not enough information in the input Rate object to calculate an exact amount, Amount will be set to the lower bound of the known range and MaxAmount will be set to the upper bound. For example, if the the ToZipCode is omitted and the Rate is for a zone-based service, Amount will be the amount for the closest zone (1) and MaxAmount will be the amount for the furthest zone (8). In this case, some other elements of the Rate object may not apply in all cases. For example, when Amount and MaxAmount indicate a range of possible amounts, DimWeighting may only apply for the furthest zones (5-8).
US-FCUSPS First-Class Mail
US-MMUSPS Media Mail
US-PMUSPS Priority Mail
US-XMUSPS Priority Mail Express
US-EMIUSPS Priority Mail Express International
US-PMIUSPS Priority Mail International
US-FCIUSPS First Class Mail International
US-GAUSPS Ground Advantage
US-LMUSPS Library Mail
US-RETURNUSPS Pay-on-Use Return
US-PS[DEPRECATED] USPS Parcel Select Ground
SC-GPEGlobalPost Economy Single Piece
SC-GPPGlobalPost Standard Single Piece
SC-GPLGlobalPost Plus Single Piece
SC-GPESSGlobalPost Economy SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
SC-GPPSSGlobalPost Standard SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
SC-GPLSSGlobalPost Plus SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
Some additional ServiceType values exist but are deprecated or not available for all integrations.

Required for CreateIndicium web method.

Not required for GetRates web method. If not specified in GetRates, the <rate> object in the response will include rates for all ServiceTypes.

ServiceDescription xsd:string A plain language description of the service returned, i.e. “USPS Priority Mail”
PrintLayout xsd:string The value specified will determine the format of the label image that is generated by the CreateIndicium web method or the envelope image that is generated by the CreateEnvelopeIndicium web method See Valid Print Layouts.
DeliverDays xsd:string Format: Character string in the format "n" if a fixed number of days, or "n-m" with n being minimum number of days, m being maximum number of days. Blank or '999' if no delivery time estimates are available.
WeightLb xsd:double The pounds portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of a pound. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces * Must be specified if WeightOz is blank or 0. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

WeightOz xsd:double The ounces portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of an ounce. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces. * Must be specified if WeightLb is blank. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

UnknownUnknown. Do not use.
PostcardPostcard. Enabled on request.
LetterLetter. Enabled on request.
Large Envelope or FlatLarge envelope or flat. Has one dimension that is between 11 ½” and 15” long, 6 1/8” and 12” high, or ¼” and ¾ thick.
Thick EnvelopeThick envelope. Envelopes or flats greater than ¾” at the thickest point.
PackagePackage. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is less than or equal to 84”
Small Flat Rate BoxUSPS small flat rate box. A special 8-5/8” x 5-3/8” x 1-5/8” USPS box that clearly indicates “Small Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate BoxUSPS medium flat rate box. A special 11” x 8 ½” x 5 ½” or 14” x 3.5” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates “Medium Flat Rate Box”
Large Flat Rate BoxUSPS large flat rate box. A special 12” x 12” x 6” USPS box that clearly indicates “Large Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS flat rate envelope. A special cardboard envelope provided by the USPS that clearly indicates “Flat Rate”.
Flat Rate Padded EnvelopeUSPS flat rate padded envelope.
Large PackageLarge package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 84” and less than or equal to 108”.
Oversized PackageOversized package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 108” and less than or equal to 130”.
Regional Rate Box AUSPS regional rate box A. A special 10 15/16” x 2 3/8” x 12 13/ 16” or 10” x 7” x 4 3/4” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box A”. 15 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box BUSPS regional rate box B. A special 14 3/8” x 2 2/8” x 15 7/8” or 12” x 10 1/4” x 5” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box B”. 20 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box CUSPS regional rate box C. A special 15” x 12” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates ”Regional Rate Box C”. 25 lbs maximum weight.
Legal Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS-supplied Priority Mail flat-rate envelope 9 1/2” x 15”. Maximum weight 4 pounds.
Express EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
DocumentsThis feature is not available for all integrations.
EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
PakThis feature is not available for all integrations.

When PackageType is submitted, the GetRates web method will respond with the rate based on the specified package. However, if PackageType is omitted, the GetRates web method will respond with rates for all of the possible package types for the given ServiceType.

PackageType is required for CreateIndicium web method.

RequiresAllOf Array of RequiresOneOf

Collection of one or more <requiresoneof> objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are required add-ons to go with this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must also choose exactly one add-on from each set of add-ons listed in the <requiresallof> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.

RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
Length xsd:double Represents the length in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
Width xsd:double Represents the width in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
Height xsd:double Represents the height in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
ShipDate xsd:date This is the date the package will be picked up or officially enter the mail system. This date can be up to 3 days in the future for any international mail service and domestic Priority Mail Express. For all other domestic mail services the date can be up to 7 days in the future. For ServiceType US-MM, US-PP and US-FC with no US-A-DC or US-A-SC this date can be up to 30 days in the future. The calculated rate will be based on this date.
DeliveryDate xsd:date The estimated delivery date. This value is returned from GetRates web method. The date is calculated under the consideration of ship date, USPS holidays and weekends. This element is removed from GetRates if delivery date is unknown.
InsuredValue xsd:decimal The amount to insure this shipment for, in dollars and cents. If a value is specified, insurance add-ons will be returned.
RegisteredValue xsd:decimal The registered value for this shipment, in dollars and cents.
CODValue xsd:decimal The collect on delivery value for this shipment, in dollars and cents.
DeclaredValue xsd:decimal The amount to declare for this shipment, in dollars and cents. Required for International.
NonMachinable xsd:boolean Default: false This is used to calculate a potential additional handling surcharge for certain types of items being sent. See DMM 401 for what qualifies.
RectangularShaped xsd:boolean Default: true Represents whether or not the parcel being sent is rectangular-shaped, or box-like. For dim-weight-based rates (Priority Mail), non-rectangular-shaped parcels may lower the effective weight.
Prohibitions xsd:string List of items prohibited from mailing based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Restrictions xsd:string Restrictions on items being shipped based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Observations xsd:string Additional mailing information based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Regulations xsd:string Additional regulations for shipping to destination country. Only used for International.
GEMNotes xsd:string Notes specific to Priority Mail Express International service. Only used for international when ServiceType is US-GEM.
MaxDimensions xsd:string Only returned for international mail classes, this field explains the maximum package dimensions for this mail class and destination country.
DimWeighting xsd:boolean If a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with DimWeighting = "Y", this indicates that the dimensions of the package may have an impact on the rate. Be sure to also include the Length, Width and Height for proper rating whenever DimWeighting = "Y".
AddOns Array of AddOn Collection of one or more <AddOn> objects One or more <AddOn> objects will be returned for each add-on for a given ServiceType. <AddOn>s are passed as part of the CreateIndicium web method request to select the add-ons to be included in the postage printing. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
AddOn Object

Element Data Type Description
Amount xsd:decimal This is the amount / surcharge for this add on.
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
RequiresAllOf Array of RequiresOneOf Collection of one or more <RequiresOneOf> objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are required add-ons to go with this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must also choose exactly one add-on from each set of add-ons listed in the <RequiresAllOf> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.
RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
ProhibitedWithAnyOf Array of AddOnType Collection of one or more AddOnType objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are add-ons that are prohibited to be used this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must not choose any of the add-ons listed in the <ProhibitedWithAnyOf> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.
RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
MissingData xsd:string Describes data missing from the input to the GetRates web method that prevents an amount from being associated with this add-on. For example, the US-A-INS add-on may be listed as an available add-on with no amount if the insured value was not given in the GetRates call. In this case, the MissingData value will identify that the insured value should be provided.
Surcharges Array of Surcharge Collection of one or more Surcharge objects. Only appears when a surcharge applies.
Surcharge Object

Element Data Type Description
Amount xsd:decimal The cost of the surcharge, if applicable.
SUR-A-ERThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-EVThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-FUELThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-OSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-OWThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RADThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RDThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-AHSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NCSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-DASThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-DAEThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RAEThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NMThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NSDIM1USPS Nonstandard Length >22 in
SUR-A-NSDIM2USPS Nonstandard Length >30 in
SUR-A-NSVOLUSPS Nonstandard Volume >2 cu ft

The type of surcharge.
EffectiveWeightInOunces xsd:int Effective weight, which is calculated based on weight and dimensions of the mail piece, in ounces. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
Zone xsd:int Zone number of the mail piece. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
RateCategory xsd:int Rate Category of the mail piece. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
ToCity xsd:string Destination City name.
ToState xsd:string Destination State name. If it is specified, <GetRates> object detects whether the destination is supported by USPS.
CubicPricing xsd:boolean Cubic Pricing is available only for Priority Mail with PackageType “Large Envelope or Flat”, “Package”, “Large Package” or “Oversized Package”. If PackageType in <Rate> object is “Large Envelope or Flat”, Length and Width are prerequisites to determine eligibility for cubic pricing. If Length and Width were provided, and Height is less than or equal to ¾”, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for soft-pack or padded envelope cubic pricing. If Length and Width were provided, and Height is greater than ¾”, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for parcel cubic pricing. If Length and Width were not provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package may qualify the package for soft-pack or padded envelope cubic pricing or parcel cubic pricing. If PackageType of <Rate> object is “Package”, “Large Package” or “Oversized Package”, Length, Width and Height are prerequisites to determine eligibility for parcel cubic pricing. If Length, Width and Height were provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for parcel cubic pricing. If Length, Width and Height were not provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package may qualify the package for parcel cubic pricing
Commercial SampleCommercial sample
Returned GoodsReturned goods
Humanitarian DonationHumanitarian Donation
Dangerous GoodsDangerous Goods

Content type. One of: Commercial Sample, Dangerous Goods, Document, Gift, Humanitarian Donation, Merchandise, Returned Goods, or Other.
StampsTxID xsd:string
maxLength=128 transaction identifier.
URL xsd:string A web addresses to the envelope image.
PostageBalance PostageBalance New postage balance, including available postage and control total.
PostageBalance Object
Element Data Type Description
AvailablePostage xsd:decimal Current balance of available postage in the meter.
ControlTotal xsd:decimal Control total to be passed to PurchasePostage web method when purchasing additional postage.
Mac xsd:string For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
PostageHash xsd:string For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
ImageData Array of xsd:base64Binary Image data for the requested indicium or indicia. This value is only available when ReturnImageData is set to true. If the request returns multiple images, each byte array represents an image.
HoldForPickupFacility HoldForPickupFacility Object Specifies the HFPU facility details.
HoldForPickupFacility Object

Element Data Type Description
Id xsd:string Facility Identfier.
Name xsd:string Name of facility
Address Address Address of facility
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
Has10AMCommitment xsd:boolean Indicates if packages can be available for pickup at 10:00 am local time.
FormURL xsd:string For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
Reference1 xsd:string maxLength=100 Caller defined data.
Reference2 xsd:string maxLength=100 Caller defined data.
Reference3 xsd:string maxLength=100 Caller defined data.
Reference4 xsd:string maxLength=100 Caller defined data.
labelCategory xsd:string For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.

Manage Labels


The CancelIndicium method cancels a previously issued indicium and submits a request for a refund of postage. Upon making a CancelIndicium call, the postage that was printed is invalidated, and in the background, a refund request is batched up to be sent later that day to the appropriate carrier. The refund requests are then analyzed and processed by the carrier who then reports the results back to will then credit the user's account.

CancelIndicium object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
StampsTxIDs array of guids The transaction identifier returned from CreateIndicium. Canceling indicia by StampsTxID instead of by TrackingNumber is highly recommended.
TrackingNumbers array of strings The tracking number returned from CreateIndicium or CreateEnvelopeIndicium. Canceling indicia by StampsTxID instead of by TrackingNumber is highly recommended.
SendEmail xsd:boolean For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.

CancelIndiciumResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
    <CancelIndiciumResponse xmlns=“”>

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.


The ReprintIndicium method returns data for a previously issued indicium to allow for label reprint functionality in the event of printing or formatting errors. Labels may be reprinted up to 7 days after label creation. This method may also be used to return indicia with non-material modifications for the purpose of appropriate print settings. For example, ReprintIndicium can be used to return an existing indicium with an alternative ImageType, alternative RotationDegrees, or, for sheets containing multiple labels, alternative row/column print locations.

ReprintIndicium object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <ReprintIndicium xmlns="">
        <ImageType>Auto or Png or Gif or Pdf or Epl or Jpg or PrintOncePdf or EncryptedPngUrl or Zpl or AZpl or BZpl or Bmp or BmpMonochrome or PngMonochrome or JpgMonochrome or GifMonochrome</ImageType>
        <ImageDpi>ImageDpiDefault or ImageDpi200 or ImageDpi300 or ImageDpi203 or ImageDpi96 or ImageDpi150</ImageDpi>
        <EltronPrinterDpiType>Default or High</EltronPrinterDpiType>
        <PaperSize>Default or Letter85x11 or LabelSize</PaperSize>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
IntegratorTxId xsd:string The IntegratorTxId that identifies the original label. Only one of IntegratorTxId, StampsTxId, or TrackingNumber should be provided to identify the original label.
StampsTxId xsd:string The StampsTxId that identifies the original label. Only one of IntegratorTxId, StampsTxId, or TrackingNumber should be provided to identify the original label.
TrackingNumber xsd:string The TrackingNumber that identifies the original label. Only one of IntegratorTxId, StampsTxId, or TrackingNumber should be provided to identify the original label.
AutoDefault format; PNG for domestic, PDF for international
AZplASCII encoded ZPL format
BZplBinary encoded ZPl format
EncryptedPngUrlReserved for future use.
EplEPL printer
GifGIF format
JpgJPEG format
PdfPDF format
PrintOncePdfReserved for future use.
PngPNG format
ZplBinary encoded ZPL format.

The optional new ImageType for the label
ImageDpi300High resolution, valid for printing postage
ImageDpi203Default DPI, for use with thermal printers
ImageDpi200Low resolution, valid for printing postage
ImageDpi150Low resolution, valid for printing postage
ImageDpi96Low resolution, not-valid for printing postage, for sample use only

The optional new ImageDpi for the label
DefaultDefault resolution
HighHigh resolution

The optional new EltronPrinterDpiType for the label
RotationDegrees xsd:int Optionally set to 0, 90, 180, or 270 to represent the number of degrees of counter-clockwise rotation for the reprinted label. Rotation only has an effect for bitmap image types; PDF, EPL, and ZPL will ignore the requested rotation.
HorizontalOffset xsd:int The optional new HorizontalOffset for the label
VerticalOffset xsd:int The optional new VerticalOffset for the label
PrintDensity xsd:int The optional new PrintDensity for the label
DefaultUse default page size.
Letter85x11Use letter page size.
LabelSizeThe page size is same as label size.

The new PaperSize for the label
StartRow xsd:int The new StartRow, if applicable, for the label
StartColumn xsd:int The new StartColumn, if applicable, for the label
ReturnImageData xsd:boolean Specifies whether a label URL or inline image data should be returned (default is false; a URL will be returned)
ReturnIndiciumData xsd:boolean For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.

ReprintIndiciumResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <ReprintIndiciumResponse xmlns="">

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
IntegratorTxId xsd:string The label's IntegratorTxId
TrackingNumber xsd:string The label's tracking number
FromZipCode xsd:string For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
Amount decimal For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
ServiceType xsd:string For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
ShipDate xsd:string For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
From Address For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
To Address For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
StampsTxId xsd:string The Original StampsTxId
URL string The URL for the label
FormURL string If an additional label is required, this element will be returned with a URL.
ImageData string ImageData for the label, included if ReturnImageData was set to true in the request
IndiciaData Array of IndiciumData For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
IssuedLabelCount int For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.


The CreateManifest method generates an end of day manifest for previously created indicium (e.g. SCAN form). The SWS API will return a URL or a series of URLs separated by spaces for the manifest. A SCAN form specifically can accept maximum 1,000 labels.

CreateManifest object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
        <tns:FullName>Some Body</tns:FullName>
        <tns:Address1>3420 Ocean Park Bl</tns:Address1>
        <tns:City>Santa Monica</tns:City>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
IntegratorTxID xsd:string
The IntegratorTxID (Transaction ID) is a unique number from the integrator's system and used to retry a failed CreateIndicium attempt or locate and reconcile any billable transaction ordered from issues a StampsTxID response which is the counterpart to this number and a unique ID in the system for a transaction.
StampsTxIDs Array of xsd:string Collection of StampsTxID from previous CreateIndicium calls. Can be null if ShipDate is provided.
TrackingNumbers Array of xsd:string Collection of Tracking Numbers from previous CreateIndicium calls. Can be used as an alternative to StampsTxIDs.
ShipDate xsd:date Effective when StampsTxIDs is null. When ShipDate is non-null, all available prints that have not been cancelled from the specified ShipDate are included on SCAN form. Can be null when a non-null StampsTxIDs is passed in.
FromAddress FromAddress The sender’s address.
FromAddress Object
Element Data Type Description
name_ xsd:string Sender's name.
title_ xsd:string A prefix to go before the sender's first name
dept_ xsd:string The department of the company for sender’s address (e.g. Finance).
company_ xsd:string The company of sender’s address (e.g.
address_1_ address_2_ xsd:string Up to two lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only address_1_ is required.
city_ xsd:string The name of the city for sender's address.
state_ xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for sender's address.

zip_code_ xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for sender's address. Only used for domestic addresses.
zip_code_add_on_ xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for sender's address. max length 4
phone_number xsd:string The phone number associated with sender's address.

AutoDefault format; PNG for domestic, PDF for international
AZplASCII encoded ZPL format
BZplBinary encoded ZPl format
EncryptedPngUrlReserved for future use.
EplEPL printer
GifGIF format
JpgJPEG format
PdfPDF format
PrintOncePdfReserved for future use.
PngPNG format
ZplBinary encoded ZPL format.

Image type of SCAN form.
PrintInstructions xsd:boolean Indicates if the instruction page is generated.
ScanFormGenerate USPS SCAN form.
GlobalAdvantageFor internal use only.
AllFor internal use only.

Specifies the manifest that will be generated.
NumberOfLabels xsd:int For internal use only.

CreateManifestResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
    <CreateManifestResponse xmlns=“”>

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
IntegratorTxID xsd:string
The IntegratorTxID (Transaction ID) is a unique number from the integrator's system and used to retry a failed CreateIndicium attempt or locate and reconcile any billable transaction ordered from issues a StampsTxID response which is the counterpart to this number and a unique ID in the system for a transaction.
EndOfDayManifests Array of EndOfDayManifest Container for one or more manifest objects.
EndOfDayManifest Object

Element Data Type Description
UspsUSPS Pickup.
NoneReserved for future use.

Indicates the type of pickup to be requested. The only value we will currently support is USPS.
ScanFormGenerate USPS SCAN form.
GlobalAdvantageFor internal use only.
AllFor internal use only.

Specifies the manifest generated.
ManifestId xsd:string The ID of created Manifest.
ManifestUrl xsd:string Manifest URL. If the ImageType is not PDF, this string could include multiple URLs that separated by spaces.
ContainerLabels Array of ContainerLabel For Internal Use only.
ContainerLabel Object
Element Data Type Description
ContainerTrackingNumber xsd:string Container Tracking Number.
ContainerUrl xsd:string Container URL. If the ImageType is not PDF, this string could include multiple URLs that separated by spaces.
StampsTxId xsd:string transaction identifier.


The TrackShipment web method is used to get tracking events for a shipment where the postage was obtained through the CreateIndicium web method. Given the StampsTxID or TrackingID for the package, this web method will return a collection of TrackingEvent objects which the integrator can display to the user.

TrackShipment object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
StampsTxID xsd:string
maxLength=128 transaction identifier returned from CreateIndicium web method. Only one of StampsTxID or TrackingNumber is necessary.
TrackingNumber xsd:string
Tracking number returned from CreateIndicium web method. Only one of StampsTxID or TrackingNumber is necessary.
Note: TrackingNumbers returned from CreateEnvelopeIndicium are not trackable. The only use of those numbers is to perform an e-refund via CancelIndicium.

Indicates the type of TrackingNumber submitted. The default value when null is ‘USPS’.

TrackShipmentResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
        <TrackShipmentResponse xmlns=“”>
                    <City>FORT WAYNE</City>
                    <SignedBy />
                    <SignedBy />
                    <Event>Electronic Notification</Event>
                    <City />
                    <State />
                    <SignedBy />

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
TrackingEvents Array of TrackingEvent Collection of TrackingEvent objects, each one representing one scan of the package by the USPS. Zero or more TrackingEvent objects will be returned as part of the response.
TrackingEvent Object
Element Data Type Description
Timestamp xsd:datetime Date and time of event.
Event xsd:string Short description of event.
ManifestAcknowledgementManifest acknowledgement.
ElectronicNotificationElectronic notification.
AttemptedNoticeLeftAttempted delivery. Notice left.
AcceptOrPickupAccept or pickup.
ArrivalAtUnitArrival at unit.
ReturnToSenderReturn to sender.
DeadLetterDead letter.
ArrivalAtPickupPointArrival at pickup point.
NoSuchNumberNo such number.
InsufficientAddressInsufficient address.
MovedNoForwarding.Moved. No forwarding address.
ForwardingExpiredForwarding expired.
AddresseeUnknownAddressee unknown.
ReturnedOtherReasonReturned for other reason.
PickedUpByShippingPartnerPicked up by shipping partner.
ArrivedAtShippingPartnerArrived at shipping partner.
DepartedFromShippingPartnerDeparted from shipping partner.
UnrecognizedEventUnrecognized event.
ErrorDateNotAvailableError. Date not available.
ArriveSortFacility_A1Arrive Sort Facility
AcceptedAtDestinationAccepted at Destination
ArrivedUSPSSortFacilityArrived USPS Sort Facility
DepartUSPSSortFacilityDepart USPS Sort Facility
DeliveryStatusNotUpdatedDelivery Status Not Updated
DispatchedFromSortFacilityDispatched from Sort Facility
ShippingLabelCreatedShipping Label Created
DepartSortFacility_L1Depart Sort Facility
PickedUpAndProcessedByAgentPre-Shipment Info Sent to USPS
OriginAcceptanceOrigin Acceptance
ProcessedAtDestinationFacilityProcessed at Destination Facility
OutForDeliveryOut for Delivery
Sorting_ProcessingCompleteSorting/Processing Complete
DispatchedToSortFacilityDispatched to Sort Facility
ArriveSortFacility_R1Arrive Sort Facility
DepartSortFacility_T1Depart Sort Facility
ShipmentAcceptanceShipment Acceptance
In_processAcceptanceIn-Process Acceptance
ArriveSortFacility_U1Arrive Sort Facility
AvailableForPickupAvailable for Pickup
PickedUpByAgentPicked Up by Agent
ReturnToSender_NotPickedUpReturn to Sender/Not Picked Up
DeadMail_DisposedByPostOfficeDead Mail/Disposed by Post Office
DeadMail_SentToRecoveryCenterDead Mail/Sent to Recovery Center
Processed_RegisteredMailOnly_35Processed (Registered Mail Only)
Processed_RegisteredMailOnly_36Processed (Registered Mail Only)
Processed_RegisteredMailOnly_38Processed (Registered Mail Only)
Processed_RegisteredMailOnly_39Processed (Registered Mail Only)
Processed_RegisteredMailOnly_40Processed (Registered Mail Only)
ReceivedAtOpeningUnitReceived at Opening Unit
USPSHandoffToShippingPartnerUSPS Handoff to Shipping Partner
PickedUpPicked Up
CustomerRecallCustomer Recall
DispatchedToMilitaryDispatched to Military
DuplicateLabelIDDuplicate Label ID
BusinessClosedBusiness Closed
NoticeLeftNotice Left
ReceptacleBlockedReceptacle Blocked
ReceptacleFullReceptacle Full/Item Oversized
NoSecureLocationAvailableNo Secure Location Available
NoAuthorizedRecipientAvailableNo Authorized Recipient Available
TenderedToAgentForFinalDeliveryTendered to Agent for Final Delivery
TenderedToPostalServiceTendered to Postal Service
ArrivedAgentFacilityArrived Agent Facility
DepartedAgentFacilityDeparted Agent Facility
DeliveredByAgentToMerchantDelivered by Agent to Merchant
FinalDispositionByMerchantFinal Disposition by Merchant

Tracking event type.
City xsd:string City where event occurred.
State xsd:string State where event occurred.
Zip xsd:string ZIP code where event occurred.
Country xsd:string Country where event occurred.
SignedBy xsd:string If event is a signature event, name of signer.
AuthorizedAgent xsd:Boolean

GuaranteedDeliveryDate xsd:date USPS provided guaranteed date, if available.
ExpectedDeliveryDate xsd:date USPS provided expected or predicted delivery date.
ServiceDescription xsd:string A plain language description of the service returned, i.e. “USPS Priority Mail”
Carrier xsd:string Specifies carrier of the package.
DestinationInfo DestinationInfo Object Specifies the destination of the package.
DestinationInfo Object
Element Data Type Description
DestinationCity xsd:string Destination City.
DestinationState xsd:string Destination State.
DestinationZip xsd:string Destination Zip.
DestinationCountry xsd:string Destination Country.

Manage Account


The RegisterAccount web method is used to register a new account for the SWS/IM system. Users of SWS/IM integrations must have accounts with These accounts allow the user to make use of the SWS/IM integration as well as the standard service.

This feature is not available for all integrations. Most integrations should simply open the registration web page in a browser window to perform new account registration. For integrations that require additional control over the registration experience, this feature is available. Please contact directly for more information about how to enable this feature for your integration.

RegisterAccount object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
        <tns:Address1>12959 Coral Tree Place</tns:Address1>
        <tns:City>Los Angeles</tns:City>
      <tns:Email>[email protected]</tns:Email>

Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
UserName xsd:string
Desired user name for new account. User names are unique in the system; the integration must be prepared to allow the user to choose a new user name should their initial choice be taken.
Password xsd:string
Password for new account. Password complexity requirements are subject to change and users should be advised to use secure, unique passwords.
MothersMaidenNameWhat is your mother’s maiden name?
PetsNameWhat is your pet’s name?
BirthCityWhat is your city of birth?
HighSchoolMascotWhat was your high school mascot?
FathersBirthplaceWhat is your father's birthplace?
StreetNameWhat street did you grow up on?
FirstSchoolsNameWhat is the name of your first school?
FirstCarsMakeModelWhat is the make and model of your first car?
Last4SocialSecurityNumberLast 4 digits of your Social Security #. This codeword is deprecated and should not be presented to new users.
Last4DriversLicenseLast 4 digits of your driver’s license #. This codeword is deprecated and should not be presented to new users.

First codeword type. Every account has two codewords associated with it that are used during password recovery and when identifying oneself for customer support. The first and second codeword types must be different.
Codeword1 xsd:string
First codeword. Every account has two codewords associated with it that are used during password recovery and when identifying oneself for customer support.
MothersMaidenNameWhat is your mother’s maiden name?
PetsNameWhat is your pet’s name?
BirthCityWhat is your city of birth?
HighSchoolMascotWhat was your high school mascot?
FathersBirthplaceWhat is your father's birthplace?
StreetNameWhat street did you grow up on?
FirstSchoolsNameWhat is the name of your first school?
FirstCarsMakeModelWhat is the make and model of your first car?
Last4SocialSecurityNumberLast 4 digits of your Social Security #. This codeword is deprecated and should not be presented to new users.
Last4DriversLicenseLast 4 digits of your driver’s license #. This codeword is deprecated and should not be presented to new users.

Second codeword type. Every account has two codewords associated with it that are used during password recovery and when identifying oneself for customer support. The first and second codeword types must be different.
Codeword2 xsd:string
Second codeword. Every account has two codewords associated with it that are used during password recovery and when identifying oneself for customer support.
PhysicalAddress Address The physical address for the account. This must be a fully cleansed address, and may not be a PO Box. The contact information for the account (name, company name, phone number) are obtained from this address object.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
MailingAddress Address The mailing address for the account. This element is optional and if not provided, the mailing address for the account will be set equal to the physical address. Usually, this is omitted, but a typical usage of this is when a user wants to use a PO Box for any necessary correspondence from
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
MachineInfo MachineInfo Contains information identifying the end-users computer.
Email xsd:string
E-mail address for new account.
IndividualPersonal / Individual
HomeOfficeHome Office
HomeBasedBusinessHome-based Business
OfficeBasedBusinessOffice-based Business

Type of account: personal, home office, etc.
PromoCode xsd:string
The promo code chooses a billing plan and account features for the new account. This can be omitted, in which case the new account will receive the standard billing plan and features associated with the integration ID.
CreditCard CreditCard Credit card details for payment of postage and billing fees. Required when no AchAccount
CreditCard Object

Element Data Type Description
AmericanExpressAmerican Express

Visa, Mastercard, etc.
AccountNumber xsd:string
Credit card number.
CVN xsd:string
Credit card verification number.
ExpirationDate xsd:date The expiration date of the credit card. Only the month and year of this date are relevant.
BillingAddress Address If not specified, the billing address will default to the mailing address (which in turn defaults to the physical address if not specified). The name portion of this address is used as the “cardholder name”, so this address object should be specified even if just the cardholder name differs from the name on the mailing address.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
AchAccount AchAccount Bank Account details for payment of postage and billing fees. Required when no CreditCard
AchAccount Object
SendEmail xsd:boolean For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
UserCurrency xsd:string The user's currency.

RegisterAccountResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
    <RegisterAccountResponse xmlns=“”>
      <SuggestedUserName />

Element Data Type Description
SuccessRegistration successfully completed.
FailRegistration failed because user name has been taken. A suggested user name is returned.

Either Success or Fail. Most failure cases will take the form of a SOAP fault, but if the desired username is already in use, the web method will succeed with this value set to Fail, and a new suggested user name will also be returned.
SuggestedUserName xsd:string When RegistrationStatus is Fail, this will have a new user name, based on the original requested user name that can be suggested to the end-user.


The GetAccountInfo web method is used to get information about the user's account, including the postage balance and the operations the user is allowed to invoke. The integration will likely call this immediately after authenticating the user to tailor the integration to the capabilities of the user and display the available postage balance.

GetAccountInfo object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.

GetAccountInfoResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
    <GetAccountInfoResponse xmlns=“”>
        <LPOCity>Los Angeles</LPOCity>

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
AccountInfo AccountInfo Account information, including postage balance and user capabilities.
AccountInfo Object

Element Data Type Description
CustomerID xsd:int customer ID.
MeterNumber xsd:int USPS meter number.
UserID xsd:int user ID. Note: supports multiple-user accounts – several users may share the same customer ID and meter number, but each will have a unique user ID.
PostageBalance PostageBalance Postage balance, including available balance and control total.
PostageBalance Object
Element Data Type Description
AvailablePostage xsd:decimal Current balance of available postage in the meter.
ControlTotal xsd:decimal Control total to be passed to PurchasePostage web method when purchasing additional postage.
MaxPostageBalance xsd:decimal Maximum amount that can ever be stored in the meter.
LPOCity xsd:string
Licensing Post Office city.
LPOState xsd:string
Licensing Post Office state.
LPOZip xsd:string
Licensing Post Office ZIP code.
AccountId xsd:long Account ID.
CorpID xsd:int Corporation ID.
StoreID xsd:string Online store ID.
CostCodeLimit xsd:int Maximum number of cost codes.
MeterBalanceLimit xsd:int Maximum balance for meter.
MonthlyPostagePurchaseLimit xsd:int Maximum monthly postage purchase amount.
MaxUsers xsd:int Maximum number of users. 1 = single-user.
Capabilities Capabilities User capabilities. Determines which operations the user should have the rights to perform.
Capabilities Object
Element Data Type Description
CanPrintShipping xsd:boolean True if user can print shipping labels.
CanUseCostCodes xsd:boolean True if user can use cost codes.
CanUseHiddenPostage xsd:boolean True if user can print shipping labels with hidden postage.
CanPurchaseSDCInsurance xsd:boolean True if user can purchase insurance.
CanPrintMemoOnShippingLabel xsd:boolean True if user can print shipping labels with memo fields.
CanPrintInternational xsd:boolean True if user can print International shipping labels.
CanPurchasePostage xsd:boolean True if user can purchase postage.
CanEditCostCodes xsd:boolean True if user can edit cost codes.
MustUseCostCodes xsd:boolean True if user must use a cost code when printing.
CanViewOnlineReports xsd:boolean True if user can view online reports via hosted web pages.
PerPrintLimit xsd:decimal Default: 922337203685477.5807 (unlimited) Maximum amount user can print in a single indicium. The default value is a special value, 922337203685477.5807, reserved to mean unlimited.
AllowAllMailClasses xsd:boolean True if user is allowed to print all possible mail classes. Some accounts are restricted to printing the premium mail classes (Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express) only.
CanPrintReturnShippingLabel xsd:boolean True if user can print return shipping labels.
CanManageUsers xsd:boolean True if user can manage other users on a multi-user account.
CanPrintNetStamps xsd:boolean True if user can print NetStamps.
CanEmailNotifications xsd:boolean True if user can request e-mail notifications for shipments.
CanViewReports xsd:boolean True if user can view reports.
CanCreateSCANForm xsd:boolean True if user can create SCAN forms.
AllowRestrictedSheets xsd:boolean True if user can use restricted NetStamps sheets.
HideUnavailableFeatures xsd:boolean True if user should not be able to see unavailable features.
WebPostage xsd:boolean True if user can print via the web-based postage printing website.
CanViewInsuranceHistory xsd:boolean True if user can view insurance history.
CanChangeServicePlan xsd:boolean True if user can change service plans.
HideEstimatedDeliveryTime xsd:boolean True if user should not be able to see estimated delivery times.
CanPurchaseFromStore xsd:boolean True if user can purchase from the online store.
CanChangePhysicalAddress xsd:boolean True if user can change the physical address of their meter.
CanChangePaymentMethod xsd:Boolean True if user can change payment methods.
CanChangeContactInfo xsd:boolean True if user can change contact information.
CanViewAdvancedReporting xsd:boolean True if user can view advanced reports.
CanCreateCriticalMail xsd:boolean True if user is allowed to print Critical Mail.
CanUseInvoicing xsd:boolean True if user uses invoicing billing method. Invoicing billing method allows user to print but not to purchase any postage beforehand. User will be billed at the end of billing cycle based on the used postage.
CanUseCertifiedMail xsd:boolean True if user is allowed to print Certified Mail.
CanPrintAllIndiciumValues xsd:boolean True if user is allowed to print indicium with any postage value. False if user is only allowed to print one ounce First Class Letter. This constraint applies to CreateNetStampsIndicia and CreateMailingLabelIndicia.
CanPrintCubic xsd:boolean True if user is eligible to print labels with cubic pricing.
CanUseBrandedTracking xsd:boolean True if user is allowed to use custom branding for the tracking page sent via email.
CanPrintGP xsd:boolean For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
GPShipToConsolidator xsd:boolean For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
CanCreateUnlimitedStores xsd:boolean True if use can create unlimited stores in batch printing.
CanPrintGPSmartSaver xsd:boolean For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
CanUseFBA xsd:boolean For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
CanUseAutomationRules xsd:boolean For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
CanUseAdvancedAutomationRules xsd:boolean For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
CanUseAutoPickupUSPS xsd:boolean True if user can use AutoPickup for USPS.
ParcelGuard xsd:boolean True if user can purchase ParcelGuard insurance.
CanPrintUSPSReturn xsd:boolean True if user can print paired Pay-on-Use Return labels with US-A-POUR AddOn.
CanPrintUSPSReturnService xsd:boolean True if user can print paired Pay-on-Use Return labels with ServiceType US-POUR.
CanPrintStandaloneUSPSReturn xsd:boolean True if user can print standalone domestic USPS Pay-on-Use Return labels.

MeterPhysicalAddress Address Physical address of meter.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.

This value is not intended to be used by integrators.

This value is not intended to be used by integrators.
PlanID xsd:int The Plan that the account is on.
PendingPlanID xsd:int The Plan that the account has been upgraded or downgraded to.
Username xsd:string User name of the account.
AutoBuySettings AutoBuySettings An AutoBuySettings object
AutoBuySettings Object
Element Data Type Description
AutoBuyEnabled xsd:boolean Indicates whether the Users’ Auto Buy setting is turned on/off.
PurchaseAmount xsd:decimal Indicates the amount to purchase postage for when the Users’ Postage Balance reaches the trigger amount.
TriggerAmount xsd:decimal Indicates the trigger amount at which the Auto Buy is initiated.

CustomerData xsd:string This feature is for internal use only.
RateToken xsd:string This feature is for internal use only.
Terms Terms A Terms object indicates which terms and conditions the user has agreed upon.
Terms Object
Element Data Type Description
TermsAR xsd:boolean Indicates whether the user accepted AR Terms.
TermsGP xsd:boolean Indicates whether the user accepted GPP Terms.
TermsSL xsd:boolean Indicates whether the user accepted SL Terms.
TermsFX xsd:boolean Indicates whether the user accepted FX Terms.
TermsPG xsd:boolean Indicates whether the user accepted PG Terms.

OutstandingLabelBalance xsd:decimal This feature is not available for all integrations.
MaxOutstandingLabelBalance xsd:decimal This feature is not available for all integrations.
CanAddImage xsd:boolean True if the user can add image to shipping labels
MaxImageCount xsd:int Number of images the account is allowed to upload
BalanceID xsd:string This feature is not available for all integrations.
Address Address Address for account.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
CustomerEmail xsd:string E-mail address for account.


The AuthenticateUser web method is used to start a session between the integration and the SWS server. Unlike the other web methods, this web method requires a Credentials object as input and will not accept an Authenticator. An Authenticator string will be returned on success.

AuthenticateUser Object


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

AuthenticateUserResponse Object


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
    <AuthenticateUserResponse xmlns=“”>

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string that is to be used in subsequent web method requests in lieu of a Credentials object. While the SWS API allows full Credentials to be supplied in every request, it is preferred to use an Authenticator string to avoid passing sensitive information on every request and to allow the SWS server to detect when messages are lost due to network problems.
LastLoginTime xsd:datetime The last login time for this user.
ClearCredential xsd:boolean Indicates, if the credentials are not to be saved locally. Value is dependant on the security policy associated with the account.
LoginBannerText xsd:string The banner text if any that should be displayed upon authentication. This is set at the Corp level.
PasswordExpired xsd:boolean True if the user’s password has expired, in which case ChangePassword or StartPasswordReset can be used to reset password. Default security policy has no finite password expiry duration.
CodewordStatusSet xsd:boolean True if codewords have been set for the user. For the user who has not yet set codewords, the call will succeed but this variable will be set to false. In that case, the user must set codewords before other methods will succeed.


The ChangePassword web method is used to change a user’s password. The integration can call ChangePassword with either credentials or authenticator. If used with an authenticator OldPassword (which is the current password) should be provided.

ChangePassword object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:tns="">

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
NewPassword xsd:string The new password for this user. Password complexity requirements are subject to change and users should be advised to use secure, unique passwords.

ChangePasswordResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
    <ChangePasswordResponse xmlns="">

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
StampsTxID xsd:string
The transaction identifier returned from CreateIndicium. Canceling indicia by StampsTxID instead of by TrackingNumber is highly recommended.
TrackingNumber xsd:string The tracking number returned from CreateIndicium or CreateEnvelopeIndicium. Canceling indicia by StampsTxID instead of by TrackingNumber is highly recommended.
SendEmail xsd:boolean For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.


There are several account management operations that are available to customers on the website. Rather than duplicate all that functionality in the form of SWS web services and putting an additional burden on integrators to create a user interface for it, the SWS API allows the integrator to obtain the URL of hosted web pages to perform these operations. The GetURL web method does this.

The URLs returned from this web method are specific to the user and session, allowing the website to display information tailored for the user without requiring the user to re-authenticate. The URL is only valid for one request, so the URL should be immediately navigated to in a browser and not stored by the integration.

URLs to the following web pages are available through this web method: Home, Account Settings, Edit Cost Codes, Online Reports, and Help.

The website will also know which integration was used to obtain the URL, obtained from the IntegrationID element in the Credentials object. Through special arrangement with, the web pages hosted by may be co-branded for the integrator. When this is done, an additional element of the request, ApplicationContext, can be set to control the behavior of the customized web page.

GetURL object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
HomePageStore home page.
AccountSettingsPageAccount settings page.
EditCostCodesPageEdit Cost Codes page.
OnlineReportsPageOnline Reports page.
HelpPageHelp page.
OnlineReportingHistorySearch Print page.
OnlineReportingRefundRefund page.
OnlineReportingPickupUSPS Pick-Up page.
OnlineReportingSCANSCAN Manifest page.
OnlineReportingClaimFile Claim page.
StoreChangePlanChange Billing Plan page.
WebClientHomeWeb postage printing.
ReportsBalancesBalances report.
ReportsExpensesExpenses report.
ReportsPrintsPrints report.
StoreBuyPostageBuy postage.
StoreMetersMeter list (for enterprise accounts only).
StoreUsersUse list (for multi-user accounts only).
StorePaymentMethodsPayment methods.
StoreCorpContactInfoCorporate contact information.
StoreMeterUsersMeter user list (for enterprise accounts only).
StoreMeterSettingsMeter settings.
StoreMeterAddressMeter address.
StoreShippingAddressesShipping address.
StoreAccountCreditAccount credit.
StoreMyProfileUser profile.
StorePasswordChange password.
StoreCommPreferencesCommunication preferences.
StoreNetStampsLabelsPurchase NetStamps labels.
StoreShippingLabelsPurchase shipping labels.
StoreMailingLabelsPurchase mailing labels.
StoreScalesAndPrintersPurchase scales and printers.
StoreFreeUSPSSuppliesOrder free USPS supplies.
StoreBubbleMailersPurchase bubble mailers.
StoreShippingSuppliesPurchase shipping supplies.
StoreScalesPurchase scales.
StoreAveryNetStampsLabelsPurchase Avery NetStamps labels.
StoreAveryMailingLabelsPurchase Avery mailing labels.
StoreMeterContactInfoMeter contact information.
StoreEditMeterAddressEdit meter address.
StoreHomeOnline store home page.
StoreAccountAccount information.
StoreCostCodeCost codes.
StoreCustomerHomeCustomer home page.
PhoneVerificationPhone Verification.
BrandedTrackingBranded tracking page.
StoreGetAccountInfoJSonThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreSetAccountInfoJSonThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreUserCategoriesThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreCategoryThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreUpdatePaymentMethodResubmitThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreDefaultPaymentMethodsThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreSignOutThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
WebClientDefaultThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
WebClientPreferencesThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
SetTermsGeneralAdvancedTermsAndConditionsIPAGeneral Advanced IPA Terms and Conditions page
UploadImageThe image upload page. Images uploaded via this page can be added to the users labels.

Type of URL to get (e.g., Home page or Account Settings page).
ApplicationContext xsd:string If has provided customized web pages for the integration, this can provide additional information to those web pages. Specifics will vary based on the integration.

GetURLResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
        <GetURLResponse xmlns=“”>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
HomePageStore home page.
AccountSettingsPageAccount settings page.
EditCostCodesPageEdit Cost Codes page.
OnlineReportsPageOnline Reports page.
HelpPageHelp page.
OnlineReportingHistorySearch Print page.
OnlineReportingRefundRefund page.
OnlineReportingPickupUSPS Pick-Up page.
OnlineReportingSCANSCAN Manifest page.
OnlineReportingClaimFile Claim page.
StoreChangePlanChange Billing Plan page.
WebClientHomeWeb postage printing.
ReportsBalancesBalances report.
ReportsExpensesExpenses report.
ReportsPrintsPrints report.
StoreBuyPostageBuy postage.
StoreMetersMeter list (for enterprise accounts only).
StoreUsersUse list (for multi-user accounts only).
StorePaymentMethodsPayment methods.
StoreCorpContactInfoCorporate contact information.
StoreMeterUsersMeter user list (for enterprise accounts only).
StoreMeterSettingsMeter settings.
StoreMeterAddressMeter address.
StoreShippingAddressesShipping address.
StoreAccountCreditAccount credit.
StoreMyProfileUser profile.
StorePasswordChange password.
StoreCommPreferencesCommunication preferences.
StoreNetStampsLabelsPurchase NetStamps labels.
StoreShippingLabelsPurchase shipping labels.
StoreMailingLabelsPurchase mailing labels.
StoreScalesAndPrintersPurchase scales and printers.
StoreFreeUSPSSuppliesOrder free USPS supplies.
StoreBubbleMailersPurchase bubble mailers.
StoreShippingSuppliesPurchase shipping supplies.
StoreScalesPurchase scales.
StoreAveryNetStampsLabelsPurchase Avery NetStamps labels.
StoreAveryMailingLabelsPurchase Avery mailing labels.
StoreMeterContactInfoMeter contact information.
StoreEditMeterAddressEdit meter address.
StoreHomeOnline store home page.
StoreAccountAccount information.
StoreCostCodeCost codes.
StoreCustomerHomeCustomer home page.
PhoneVerificationPhone Verification.
BrandedTrackingBranded tracking page.
StoreGetAccountInfoJSonThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreSetAccountInfoJSonThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreUserCategoriesThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreCategoryThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreUpdatePaymentMethodResubmitThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreDefaultPaymentMethodsThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreSignOutThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
WebClientDefaultThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
WebClientPreferencesThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
SetTermsGeneralAdvancedTermsAndConditionsIPAGeneral Advanced IPA Terms and Conditions page
UploadImageThe image upload page. Images uploaded via this page can be added to the users labels.

Type of URL to get (e.g., Home page or Account Settings page).
ApplicationContext xsd:string If has provided customized web pages for the integration, this can provide additional information to those web pages. Specifics will vary based on the integration.

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
URL xsd:string URL to requested page. The URL will contain appropriate authentication information such that the user will not have to re-authenticate on the hosted web page.


The SetAutoBuy web method is used to turn Auto-Buy on/off and set the Auto-Buy Trigger and Purchase Amount for any user.

SetAutoBuy object

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:sws=“”>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
AutoBuySettings AutoBuySettings Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
AutoBuySettings Object
Element Data Type Description
AutoBuyEnabled xsd:boolean Indicates whether the Users’ Auto Buy setting is turned on/off.
PurchaseAmount xsd:decimal Indicates the amount to purchase postage for when the Users’ Postage Balance reaches the trigger amount.
TriggerAmount xsd:decimal Indicates the trigger amount at which the Auto Buy is initiated.

SetAutoBuyResponse object

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <SetAutoBuyResponse xmlns=“”>

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.

Carrier Pickups


The GetCarrierPickupList Web Method is used to list the currently scheduled carrier pickups.

GetCarrierPickupList object

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sws=“”>
         <sws:Credentials>             <sws:IntegrationID>XXX</sws:IntegrationID>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.

GetCarrierPickupListResponse object

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
      <GetCarrierPickupListResponse xmlns="">
                  <Address>1990 Grand Ave</Address>
                  <City>El Segundo</City>
   </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Pickups Array of CarrierPickupInformation The list of pickups that have been scheduled for the authenticated user
CarrierPickupInformation Object

Element Data Type Description
ConfirmationNumber xsd:string The carrier pickup confirmation number provided by <CarrierPickupResponse>

Indicates the type of pickup to be requested. The only value we will currently support is USPS. Note that the default value when null is USPS.

PickupDate xsd:datetime

PickUpDayOfWeek xsd:string
ContactInformation CarrierPickupContactInformation

CarrierPickupContactInformation Object
Element Data Type Description
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this pickup.
PhoneExt xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this pickup.

Address CarrierPickupAddress

CarrierPickupAddress Object
Element Data Type Description
Company xsd:string
Company name.
Address xsd:string
Street address.
SuiteOrApt xsd:string
Suite or apartment number.
City xsd:string
City name.
State xsd:string
Two-character State name.
ZIP xsd:string
Zip code.
ZIP4 xsd:string
Zip-4 code.
PackageInformation CarrierPickupPackageInformation

CarrierPickupPackageInformation Object
Element Data Type Description
NumberOfExpressMailPieces xsd:int Number of Priority Mail Express pieces.
NumberOfPriorityMailPieces xsd:int Number of Priority Mail pieces.
NumberOfInternationalPieces xsd:int Number of International Mail pieces.
NumberOfFirstClassPackagePieces xsd:int Number of First Class Package Mail pieces.
NumberOfParcelSelectPieces xsd:int Number of Parcel Select Mail pieces.
NumberOfOtherPieces xsd:int Number of mail pieces not included in above categories.
TotalWeightOfPackagesLbs xsd:int

CarrierPickupLocation FrontDoor

Indicates where the packages are placed at pickup location.
SpecialInstruction xsd:string Special instructions about how to pick up the packages. Required if PackageLocation is set to Other.

USPS only - Indicates the type of pickup.


ScheduleCarrierPickup object

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sws=“”>
            <sws:Address>1990 Grand Ave</sws:Address>
            <sws:City>El Segundo</sws:City>
      </sws:ScheduleCarrierPickup>    </soapenv:Body>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
CarrierPickupContactInformation CarrierPickupContactInformation
CarrierPickupContactInformation Object
Element Data Type Description
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this pickup.
PhoneExt xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this pickup.

CarrierPickupAddress CarrierPickupAddress

CarrierPickupAddress Object
Element Data Type Description
Company xsd:string
Company name.
Address xsd:string
Street address.
SuiteOrApt xsd:string
Suite or apartment number.
City xsd:string
City name.
State xsd:string
Two-character State name.
ZIP xsd:string
Zip code.
ZIP4 xsd:string
Zip-4 code.
CarrierPickupPackageInformation CarrierPickupPackageInformation

CarrierPickupPackageInformation Object
Element Data Type Description
NumberOfExpressMailPieces xsd:int Number of Priority Mail Express pieces.
NumberOfPriorityMailPieces xsd:int Number of Priority Mail pieces.
NumberOfInternationalPieces xsd:int Number of International Mail pieces.
NumberOfFirstClassPackagePieces xsd:int Number of First Class Package Mail pieces.
NumberOfParcelSelectPieces xsd:int Number of Parcel Select Mail pieces.
NumberOfOtherPieces xsd:int Number of mail pieces not included in above categories.
TotalWeightOfPackagesLbs xsd:int

FrontDoorPackages are at front door.
BackDoorPackages are at back door.
SideDoorPackages are at side door.
KnockOnDoorOrRingBellCarrier needs to knock on door or ring bell to get the packages.
MailRoomPackages are in mail room.
OfficePackages are in office.
ReceptionPackages are at reception area.
InOrAtMailboxPackages are in mail box.
OtherPackages are at the location other than above places. SpecialInstruction must be provided.

Indicates where the packages are placed at pickup location.
SpecialInstruction xsd:string Special instructions about how to pick up the packages. Required if PackageLocation is set to Other.

Indicates the carrier to be requested. The default value when null is USPS.

USPS only - Indicates the type of pickup to be requested. The default value when null is Default.

ScheduleCarrierPickupResponse object

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
      <ScheduleCarrierPickupResponse xmlns="">
   </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
ErrorMsg xsd:string Error message if anything is wrong.
PickupDate xsd:date Pickup date.
PickUpDayOfWeek xsd:string Pickup day of week.
ConfirmationNumber xsd:string Confirmation number provided by USPS.


The ModifyCarrierPickup Web Method is used to modify scheduled carrier pickups before they occur.

ModifyCarrierPickup object

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sws=“”>
   </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
CarrierPickupContactInformation CarrierPickupContactInformation
CarrierPickupContactInformation Object
Element Data Type Description
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this pickup.
PhoneExt xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this pickup.

CarrierPickupAddress CarrierPickupAddress

CarrierPickupAddress Object
Element Data Type Description
Company xsd:string
Company name.
Address xsd:string
Street address.
SuiteOrApt xsd:string
Suite or apartment number.
City xsd:string
City name.
State xsd:string
Two-character State name.
ZIP xsd:string
Zip code.
ZIP4 xsd:string
Zip-4 code.
CarrierPickupPackageInformation CarrierPickupPackageInformation

CarrierPickupPackageInformation Object
Element Data Type Description
NumberOfExpressMailPieces xsd:int Number of Priority Mail Express pieces.
NumberOfPriorityMailPieces xsd:int Number of Priority Mail pieces.
NumberOfInternationalPieces xsd:int Number of International Mail pieces.
NumberOfFirstClassPackagePieces xsd:int Number of First Class Package Mail pieces.
NumberOfParcelSelectPieces xsd:int Number of Parcel Select Mail pieces.
NumberOfOtherPieces xsd:int Number of mail pieces not included in above categories.
TotalWeightOfPackagesLbs xsd:int

FrontDoorPackages are at front door.
BackDoorPackages are at back door.
SideDoorPackages are at side door.
KnockOnDoorOrRingBellCarrier needs to knock on door or ring bell to get the packages.
MailRoomPackages are in mail room.
OfficePackages are in office.
ReceptionPackages are at reception area.
InOrAtMailboxPackages are in mail box.
OtherPackages are at the location other than above places. SpecialInstruction must be provided.

Indicates where the packages are placed at pickup location.
SpecialInstruction xsd:string Special instructions about how to pick up the packages. Required if PackageLocation is set to Other.

Indicates the type of pickup to be requested. The only value we will currently support is ‘USPS’. Note that the default value when null is ‘USPS’.
ConfirmationNumber xsd:string The carrier pickup confirmation number provided by CarrierPickupResponse.

ModifyCarrierPickupResponse object

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
      <ModifyCarrierPickupResponse xmlns="">
         <PickupStatus>Update successful</PickupStatus>

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
ErrorMsg xsd:string Error message if anything is wrong.
PickupDate xsd:date Pickup date.
PickUpDayOfWeek xsd:string Pickup day of week.
ConfirmationNumber xsd:string Confirmation number provided by USPS.


The CancelCarrierPickup Web Method is used to cancel scheduled carrier pickups before they occur.

CancelCarrierPickup object

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sws=“”>
   </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
ConfirmationNumber xsd:string The carrier pickup confirmation number provided by ScheduleCarrierPickupResponse.
Carrier Carrier The pickup's carrier. If omitted, defaults to USPS.

CancelCarrierPickupResponse object

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
      <CancelCarrierPickupResponse xmlns="">

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string that is to be used in subsequent web method requests in lieu of a Credentials object. While the SWS API allows full Credentials to be supplied in every request, it is preferred to use an Authenticator string to avoid passing sensitive information on every request and to allow the SWS server to detect when messages are lost due to network problems.
ErrorMsg xsd:string Error message if anything is wrong.
PickupStatus xsd:string Status of pickup request.


The CheckCarrierPickupAvailability Web Method is used to check the availability of carrier pickups.

CheckCarrierPickupAvailability object

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sws="">
            <sws:Address>1900 E Grand Ave</sws:Address>
            <sws:City>El Segundo</sws:City>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
CarrierPickupContactInformation CarrierPickupContactInformation
CarrierPickupContactInformation Object
Element Data Type Description
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this pickup.
PhoneExt xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this pickup.

CarrierPickupAddress CarrierPickupAddress

CarrierPickupAddress Object
Element Data Type Description
Company xsd:string
Company name.
Address xsd:string
Street address.
SuiteOrApt xsd:string
Suite or apartment number.
City xsd:string
City name.
State xsd:string
Two-character State name.
ZIP xsd:string
Zip code.
ZIP4 xsd:string
Zip-4 code.
CarrierPickupPackageInformation CarrierPickupPackageInformation

CarrierPickupPackageInformation Object
Element Data Type Description
NumberOfExpressMailPieces xsd:int Number of Priority Mail Express pieces.
NumberOfPriorityMailPieces xsd:int Number of Priority Mail pieces.
NumberOfInternationalPieces xsd:int Number of International Mail pieces.
NumberOfFirstClassPackagePieces xsd:int Number of First Class Package Mail pieces.
NumberOfParcelSelectPieces xsd:int Number of Parcel Select Mail pieces.
NumberOfOtherPieces xsd:int Number of mail pieces not included in above categories.
TotalWeightOfPackagesLbs xsd:int

FrontDoorPackages are at front door.
BackDoorPackages are at back door.
SideDoorPackages are at side door.
KnockOnDoorOrRingBellCarrier needs to knock on door or ring bell to get the packages.
MailRoomPackages are in mail room.
OfficePackages are in office.
ReceptionPackages are at reception area.
InOrAtMailboxPackages are in mail box.
OtherPackages are at the location other than above places. SpecialInstruction must be provided.

Indicates where the packages are placed at pickup location.
SpecialInstruction xsd:string Special instructions about how to pick up the packages. Required if PackageLocation is set to Other.

Indicates the type of pickup to be requested. The only value we will currently support is ‘USPS’. Note that the default value when null is ‘USPS’.

CheckCarrierPickupAvailability object

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <CheckCarrierPickupAvailabilityResponse xmlns="">

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
PickupDate xsd:date Pickup date.
PickUpDayOfWeek xsd:string Pickup day of week.

Manage Branding

The Branding feature provides a user with the ability to setup their own customized branding. This allows a user to use their own logo, name, links, color schemes, and more. Currently, this feature can be used to customize tracking pages sent via email so that users can incorporate their own branding. In the future, customized branding will be able to be applied to even more features. Once branding is created, it can be applied to tracking pages by specifying the BrandingId when calling CreateIndicium.


The CreateBranding Web Method generates branding which provides users the ability to customize branding with their own logo, name, links, colors, and more.

CreateBranding object

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sws=“”>
           <sws:BrandName>Candle Co</sws:BrandName>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
BrandingProperties BrandingProperties The branding properties to set.
BrandingProperties Object

Element Data Type Description
ReturnPolicy xsd:string The return policy for the brand.
Email xsd:string The email for the brand.
Phone xsd:string The phone number for the brand.
LogoTargetUrl xsd:string This is the link that will be opened when clicking on the logo.
BrandName xsd:string The name of the brand.
LogoUrl xsd:string The URL for the brand logo.
ImageImage type.
TextText type.

Determines whether to use an image or the BrandName on the top of the page.
MenuLinks Array of MenuLinks Each element in this array describes a link to be displayed in the menu.
MenuLinks Object
Element Data Type Description
Url xsd:string The URL for the menu link.
Text xsd:string The text to describe the menu link.

SocialMedia Array of SocialMedia Each element in this array describes a social media link to be displayed.
SocialMedia Object
Element Data Type Description

Indicates the type of social media.
Url xsd:string The URL for the social media link.
Toggles Toggles Toggle options to show or hide different aspects of the branding.
Toggles Object
Element Data Type Description
ShowLogo xsd:boolean True if logo should be shown.
ShowCustomColors xsd:boolean True if custom colors should be shown.
ShowSocialMedia xsd:boolean True if social media links should be shown.
ShowStoreUrl xsd:boolean True if store URL should be shown.
ShowMenuLinks xsd:boolean True if menu links should be shown.
ShowReturnPolicy xsd:boolean True if the return policy should be shown.
ShowEmail xsd:boolean True if email should be shown.
ShowPhone xsd:boolean True if phone number should be shown.
ShowShipmentDetails xsd:boolean True if shipment details should be shown.
ShowItemImages xsd:boolean True if item images should be shown.
Colors Colors Setting colors overrides certain pieces of the tracking page. Primary sets the color of the text sections. Secondary sets the color of the page background. Tertiary sets the color of small items/highlights.
Note that colors must be specified in hexadecimal format. Ex: #FBEF93
Colors Object
Element Data Type Description
Primary xsd:string Primary color to use.
Secondary xsd:string Secondary color to use.
Tertiary xsd:string Tertiary color to use.
LightLight theme.
DarkDark theme.
PeachPeach theme.
MulticolorMulticolor theme.

The theme is a default that controls fonts and colors on the page.
Reference xsd:string Contains reference data associated with the branding.
SetAsDefault xsd:boolean Indicates whether the the branding created should be set as the default branding. The default value is false.

CreateBrandingResponse object

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
     <CreateBrandingResponse xmlns="">

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
BrandingId xsd:string The ID value returned that corresponds to the created branding. This BrandingId is how branding can be referred to or accessed via other branding related calls such as GetBranding, ModifyBranding, and DeleteBranding.


The GetBranding Web Method produces a list of all branding created by the user.

GetBranding object

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sws=“”>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.

GetBrandingResponse object

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
     <GetBrandingResponse xmlns="">
              <BrandName>Candle Co</BrandName>
                  <Text />

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Brandings Array of Branding Each element in this array describes a brand.
Branding Object

Element Data Type Description
BrandingId xsd:string The ID associated with the brand.
BrandingProperties BrandingProperties The branding properties set for the brand.
BrandingProperties Object

Element Data Type Description
ReturnPolicy xsd:string The return policy for the brand.
Email xsd:string The email for the brand.
Phone xsd:string The phone number for the brand.
LogoTargetUrl xsd:string This is the link that will be opened when clicking on the logo.
BrandName xsd:string The name of the brand.
LogoUrl xsd:string The URL for the brand logo.
ImageImage type.
TextText type.

Determines whether to use an image or the BrandName on the top of the page.
MenuLinks Array of MenuLinks Each element in this array describes a link to be displayed in the menu.
MenuLinks Object
Element Data Type Description
Url xsd:string The URL for the menu link.
Text xsd:string The text to describe the menu link.

SocialMedia Array of SocialMedia Each element in this array describes a social media link to be displayed.
SocialMedia Object
Element Data Type Description

Indicates the type of social media.
Url xsd:string The URL for the social media link.
Toggles Toggles Toggle options to show or hide different aspects of the branding.
Toggles Object
Element Data Type Description
ShowLogo xsd:boolean True if logo should be shown.
ShowCustomColors xsd:boolean True if custom colors should be shown.
ShowSocialMedia xsd:boolean True if social media links should be shown.
ShowStoreUrl xsd:boolean True if store URL should be shown.
ShowMenuLinks xsd:boolean True if menu links should be shown.
ShowReturnPolicy xsd:boolean True if the return policy should be shown.
ShowEmail xsd:boolean True if email should be shown.
ShowPhone xsd:boolean True if phone number should be shown.
ShowShipmentDetails xsd:boolean True if shipment details should be shown.
ShowItemImages xsd:boolean True if item images should be shown.
Colors Colors Setting colors overrides certain pieces of the tracking page. Primary sets the color of the text sections. Secondary sets the color of the page background. Tertiary sets the color of small items/highlights.
Note that colors must be specified in hexadecimal format. Ex: #FBEF93
Colors Object
Element Data Type Description
Primary xsd:string Primary color to use.
Secondary xsd:string Secondary color to use.
Tertiary xsd:string Tertiary color to use.
LightLight theme.
DarkDark theme.
PeachPeach theme.
MulticolorMulticolor theme.

The theme is a default that controls fonts and colors on the page.
Reference xsd:string Contains reference data associated with the branding.
defaultBrandingId xsd:string The default branding ID, if set.


The ModifyBranding Web Method is used to update existing branding.

ModifyBranding object

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sws=“”>
             <sws:BrandName>Nook Inc</sws:BrandName>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Branding Branding Details for the brand to be modified.
Branding Object

Element Data Type Description
BrandingId xsd:string The ID associated with the brand.
BrandingProperties BrandingProperties The branding properties set for the brand.
BrandingProperties Object

Element Data Type Description
ReturnPolicy xsd:string The return policy for the brand.
Email xsd:string The email for the brand.
Phone xsd:string The phone number for the brand.
LogoTargetUrl xsd:string This is the link that will be opened when clicking on the logo.
BrandName xsd:string The name of the brand.
LogoUrl xsd:string The URL for the brand logo.
ImageImage type.
TextText type.

Determines whether to use an image or the BrandName on the top of the page.
MenuLinks Array of MenuLinks Each element in this array describes a link to be displayed in the menu.
MenuLinks Object
Element Data Type Description
Url xsd:string The URL for the menu link.
Text xsd:string The text to describe the menu link.

SocialMedia Array of SocialMedia Each element in this array describes a social media link to be displayed.
SocialMedia Object
Element Data Type Description

Indicates the type of social media.
Url xsd:string The URL for the social media link.
Toggles Toggles Toggle options to show or hide different aspects of the branding.
Toggles Object
Element Data Type Description
ShowLogo xsd:boolean True if logo should be shown.
ShowCustomColors xsd:boolean True if custom colors should be shown.
ShowSocialMedia xsd:boolean True if social media links should be shown.
ShowStoreUrl xsd:boolean True if store URL should be shown.
ShowMenuLinks xsd:boolean True if menu links should be shown.
ShowReturnPolicy xsd:boolean True if the return policy should be shown.
ShowEmail xsd:boolean True if email should be shown.
ShowPhone xsd:boolean True if phone number should be shown.
ShowShipmentDetails xsd:boolean True if shipment details should be shown.
ShowItemImages xsd:boolean True if item images should be shown.
Colors Colors Setting colors overrides certain pieces of the tracking page. Primary sets the color of the text sections. Secondary sets the color of the page background. Tertiary sets the color of small items/highlights.
Note that colors must be specified in hexadecimal format. Ex: #FBEF93
Colors Object
Element Data Type Description
Primary xsd:string Primary color to use.
Secondary xsd:string Secondary color to use.
Tertiary xsd:string Tertiary color to use.
LightLight theme.
DarkDark theme.
PeachPeach theme.
MulticolorMulticolor theme.

The theme is a default that controls fonts and colors on the page.
Reference xsd:string Contains reference data associated with the branding.
SetAsDefault xsd:boolean Indicates whether the the branding created should be set as the default branding. The default value is false.

ModifyBrandingResponse object

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
     <ModifyBrandingResponse xmlns="">

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.


The DeleteBranding Web Method is used to delete an existing branding.

DeleteBranding object

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sws=“”>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
BrandingId xsd:string The ID associated with the brand.

DeleteBrandingResponse object

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
     <DeleteBrandingResponse xmlns="">

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.

Other Calls


CreateEnvelopeIndicium object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
        <tns:FullName>Some Body</tns:FullName>
        <tns:Address1>3420 Ocean Park Bl</tns:Address1>
        <tns:Address2>Ste 1000</tns:Address2>
        <tns:City>Santa Monica</tns:City>
        <tns:FullName>GEOFF ANTON</tns:FullName>
        <tns:Address1>12959 CORAL TREE PL</tns:Address1>
        <tns:City>LOS ANGELES</tns:City>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
IntegratorTxID xsd:string
The IntegratorTxID (Transaction ID) is a unique number from the integrator's system and used to retry a failed CreateIndicium attempt or locate and reconcile any billable transaction ordered from issues a StampsTxID response which is the counterpart to this number and a unique ID in the system for a transaction.
Rate Rate A Rate object previously returned from the GetRates web method. Remove Rate elements not desired for the indicium.
Rate Object

Element Data Type Description
From Address Origin address used for rating. A full cleansed address is not required to generate a rate.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.

To Address Delivery address.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
Amount xsd:decimal Format: Decimal with up to three digits to the right of the decimal point This is the rate cost for the particular shipment option. If this is blank or missing, check the error attribute for a reason. If there is not enough information in the input Rate object to calculate an exact amount, Amount will be set to the lower bound of the known range and MaxAmount will be set to the upper bound. For example, if the the ToZipCode is omitted and the Rate is for a zone-based service, Amount will be the amount for the closest zone (1) and MaxAmount will be the amount for the furthest zone (8). In this case, some other elements of the Rate object may not apply in all cases. For example, when Amount and MaxAmount indicate a range of possible amounts, DimWeighting may only apply for the furthest zones (5-8).
MaxAmount xsd:decimal Format: Decimal with up to three digits to the right of the decimal point This is the maximum rate cost for the particular shipment option. When the exact rate can be calculated, MaxAmount will be equal to Amount. If there is not enough information in the input Rate object to calculate an exact amount, Amount will be set to the lower bound of the known range and MaxAmount will be set to the upper bound. For example, if the the ToZipCode is omitted and the Rate is for a zone-based service, Amount will be the amount for the closest zone (1) and MaxAmount will be the amount for the furthest zone (8). In this case, some other elements of the Rate object may not apply in all cases. For example, when Amount and MaxAmount indicate a range of possible amounts, DimWeighting may only apply for the furthest zones (5-8).
US-FCUSPS First-Class Mail
US-MMUSPS Media Mail
US-PMUSPS Priority Mail
US-XMUSPS Priority Mail Express
US-EMIUSPS Priority Mail Express International
US-PMIUSPS Priority Mail International
US-FCIUSPS First Class Mail International
US-GAUSPS Ground Advantage
US-LMUSPS Library Mail
US-RETURNUSPS Pay-on-Use Return
US-PS[DEPRECATED] USPS Parcel Select Ground
SC-GPEGlobalPost Economy Single Piece
SC-GPPGlobalPost Standard Single Piece
SC-GPLGlobalPost Plus Single Piece
SC-GPESSGlobalPost Economy SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
SC-GPPSSGlobalPost Standard SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
SC-GPLSSGlobalPost Plus SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
Some additional ServiceType values exist but are deprecated or not available for all integrations.

Required for CreateIndicium web method.

Not required for GetRates web method. If not specified in GetRates, the <rate> object in the response will include rates for all ServiceTypes.

ServiceDescription xsd:string A plain language description of the service returned, i.e. “USPS Priority Mail”
PrintLayout xsd:string The value specified will determine the format of the label image that is generated by the CreateIndicium web method or the envelope image that is generated by the CreateEnvelopeIndicium web method See Valid Print Layouts.
DeliverDays xsd:string Format: Character string in the format "n" if a fixed number of days, or "n-m" with n being minimum number of days, m being maximum number of days. Blank or '999' if no delivery time estimates are available.
WeightLb xsd:double The pounds portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of a pound. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces * Must be specified if WeightOz is blank or 0. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

WeightOz xsd:double The ounces portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of an ounce. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces. * Must be specified if WeightLb is blank. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

UnknownUnknown. Do not use.
PostcardPostcard. Enabled on request.
LetterLetter. Enabled on request.
Large Envelope or FlatLarge envelope or flat. Has one dimension that is between 11 ½” and 15” long, 6 1/8” and 12” high, or ¼” and ¾ thick.
Thick EnvelopeThick envelope. Envelopes or flats greater than ¾” at the thickest point.
PackagePackage. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is less than or equal to 84”
Small Flat Rate BoxUSPS small flat rate box. A special 8-5/8” x 5-3/8” x 1-5/8” USPS box that clearly indicates “Small Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate BoxUSPS medium flat rate box. A special 11” x 8 ½” x 5 ½” or 14” x 3.5” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates “Medium Flat Rate Box”
Large Flat Rate BoxUSPS large flat rate box. A special 12” x 12” x 6” USPS box that clearly indicates “Large Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS flat rate envelope. A special cardboard envelope provided by the USPS that clearly indicates “Flat Rate”.
Flat Rate Padded EnvelopeUSPS flat rate padded envelope.
Large PackageLarge package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 84” and less than or equal to 108”.
Oversized PackageOversized package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 108” and less than or equal to 130”.
Regional Rate Box AUSPS regional rate box A. A special 10 15/16” x 2 3/8” x 12 13/ 16” or 10” x 7” x 4 3/4” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box A”. 15 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box BUSPS regional rate box B. A special 14 3/8” x 2 2/8” x 15 7/8” or 12” x 10 1/4” x 5” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box B”. 20 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box CUSPS regional rate box C. A special 15” x 12” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates ”Regional Rate Box C”. 25 lbs maximum weight.
Legal Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS-supplied Priority Mail flat-rate envelope 9 1/2” x 15”. Maximum weight 4 pounds.
Express EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
DocumentsThis feature is not available for all integrations.
EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
PakThis feature is not available for all integrations.

When PackageType is submitted, the GetRates web method will respond with the rate based on the specified package. However, if PackageType is omitted, the GetRates web method will respond with rates for all of the possible package types for the given ServiceType.

PackageType is required for CreateIndicium web method.

RequiresAllOf Array of RequiresOneOf

Collection of one or more <requiresoneof> objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are required add-ons to go with this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must also choose exactly one add-on from each set of add-ons listed in the <requiresallof> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.

RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
Length xsd:double Represents the length in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
Width xsd:double Represents the width in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
Height xsd:double Represents the height in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
ShipDate xsd:date This is the date the package will be picked up or officially enter the mail system. This date can be up to 3 days in the future for any international mail service and domestic Priority Mail Express. For all other domestic mail services the date can be up to 7 days in the future. For ServiceType US-MM, US-PP and US-FC with no US-A-DC or US-A-SC this date can be up to 30 days in the future. The calculated rate will be based on this date.
DeliveryDate xsd:date The estimated delivery date. This value is returned from GetRates web method. The date is calculated under the consideration of ship date, USPS holidays and weekends. This element is removed from GetRates if delivery date is unknown.
InsuredValue xsd:decimal The amount to insure this shipment for, in dollars and cents. If a value is specified, insurance add-ons will be returned.
RegisteredValue xsd:decimal The registered value for this shipment, in dollars and cents.
CODValue xsd:decimal The collect on delivery value for this shipment, in dollars and cents.
DeclaredValue xsd:decimal The amount to declare for this shipment, in dollars and cents. Required for International.
NonMachinable xsd:boolean Default: false This is used to calculate a potential additional handling surcharge for certain types of items being sent. See DMM 401 for what qualifies.
RectangularShaped xsd:boolean Default: true Represents whether or not the parcel being sent is rectangular-shaped, or box-like. For dim-weight-based rates (Priority Mail), non-rectangular-shaped parcels may lower the effective weight.
Prohibitions xsd:string List of items prohibited from mailing based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Restrictions xsd:string Restrictions on items being shipped based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Observations xsd:string Additional mailing information based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Regulations xsd:string Additional regulations for shipping to destination country. Only used for International.
GEMNotes xsd:string Notes specific to Priority Mail Express International service. Only used for international when ServiceType is US-GEM.
MaxDimensions xsd:string Only returned for international mail classes, this field explains the maximum package dimensions for this mail class and destination country.
DimWeighting xsd:boolean If a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with DimWeighting = "Y", this indicates that the dimensions of the package may have an impact on the rate. Be sure to also include the Length, Width and Height for proper rating whenever DimWeighting = "Y".
AddOns Array of AddOn Collection of one or more <AddOn> objects One or more <AddOn> objects will be returned for each add-on for a given ServiceType. <AddOn>s are passed as part of the CreateIndicium web method request to select the add-ons to be included in the postage printing. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
AddOn Object

Element Data Type Description
Amount xsd:decimal This is the amount / surcharge for this add on.
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
RequiresAllOf Array of RequiresOneOf Collection of one or more <RequiresOneOf> objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are required add-ons to go with this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must also choose exactly one add-on from each set of add-ons listed in the <RequiresAllOf> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.
RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
ProhibitedWithAnyOf Array of AddOnType Collection of one or more AddOnType objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are add-ons that are prohibited to be used this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must not choose any of the add-ons listed in the <ProhibitedWithAnyOf> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.
RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
MissingData xsd:string Describes data missing from the input to the GetRates web method that prevents an amount from being associated with this add-on. For example, the US-A-INS add-on may be listed as an available add-on with no amount if the insured value was not given in the GetRates call. In this case, the MissingData value will identify that the insured value should be provided.
Surcharges Array of Surcharge Collection of one or more Surcharge objects. Only appears when a surcharge applies.
Surcharge Object

Element Data Type Description
Amount xsd:decimal The cost of the surcharge, if applicable.
SUR-A-ERThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-EVThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-FUELThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-OSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-OWThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RADThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RDThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-AHSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NCSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-DASThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-DAEThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RAEThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NMThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NSDIM1USPS Nonstandard Length >22 in
SUR-A-NSDIM2USPS Nonstandard Length >30 in
SUR-A-NSVOLUSPS Nonstandard Volume >2 cu ft

The type of surcharge.
EffectiveWeightInOunces xsd:int Effective weight, which is calculated based on weight and dimensions of the mail piece, in ounces. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
Zone xsd:int Zone number of the mail piece. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
RateCategory xsd:int Rate Category of the mail piece. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
ToCity xsd:string Destination City name.
ToState xsd:string Destination State name. If it is specified, <GetRates> object detects whether the destination is supported by USPS.
CubicPricing xsd:boolean Cubic Pricing is available only for Priority Mail with PackageType “Large Envelope or Flat”, “Package”, “Large Package” or “Oversized Package”. If PackageType in <Rate> object is “Large Envelope or Flat”, Length and Width are prerequisites to determine eligibility for cubic pricing. If Length and Width were provided, and Height is less than or equal to ¾”, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for soft-pack or padded envelope cubic pricing. If Length and Width were provided, and Height is greater than ¾”, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for parcel cubic pricing. If Length and Width were not provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package may qualify the package for soft-pack or padded envelope cubic pricing or parcel cubic pricing. If PackageType of <Rate> object is “Package”, “Large Package” or “Oversized Package”, Length, Width and Height are prerequisites to determine eligibility for parcel cubic pricing. If Length, Width and Height were provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for parcel cubic pricing. If Length, Width and Height were not provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package may qualify the package for parcel cubic pricing
Commercial SampleCommercial sample
Returned GoodsReturned goods
Humanitarian DonationHumanitarian Donation
Dangerous GoodsDangerous Goods

Content type. One of: Commercial Sample, Dangerous Goods, Document, Gift, Humanitarian Donation, Merchandise, Returned Goods, or Other.
RateToken xsd:string This feature is for internal use only.
From Address Return address.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
To Address Delivery address. The delivery address provided can optionally not be cleansed. In this case CreateIndicium validates that the City, State and Zip matched the corresponding values in the USPS Address Matching system. If not an InvalidDestinationAddress exception is thrown.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
CustomerID xsd:string
A customer identifier required for USPS audits, aviation security, and Insurance purchases. Only used if printed postage is being issued to someone other than the user. If a particular customer abuses the system, they may be denied access to the system in the future.
NormalA regular envelope print with a valid indicium.
SampleA regular envelope print with a sample indicium with a ‘VOID’ watermark and a VOID watermark in the middle of the image.
NoPostageSimilar to ‘Sample’. No indicium on image. No ‘VOID’ watermark anywhere. This is essentially provides addresses printing on envelope without any postage.
PreviewSimilar to ‘Sample’ but no ‘VOID’ watermark in the middle of the image. The ‘VOID’ watermark on indicium still exists.

The manner in which the envelope image is created. Default is Normal.
AutoDefault format; PNG for domestic, PDF for international
AZplASCII encoded ZPL format
BZplBinary encoded ZPl format
EncryptedPngUrlReserved for future use.
EplEPL printer
GifGIF format
JpgJPEG format
PdfPDF format
PrintOncePdfReserved for future use.
PngPNG format
ZplBinary encoded ZPL format.

Image type of shipping label. Default is Auto which generates a Png image.
cost_code_id xsd:int Cost code ID. See EnumCostCodes web method for more information.
HideFIM xsd:boolean Indicates if the generated image should have a FIM (Facing Idententification Mark). If the generated image is going to be printed on an envelope that already has a FIM, then this value should be true. The default value is false.
OrderId xsd:string maxLength=100 Caller defined data. Order ID associates to this print.
Memo xsd:string maxLength=150 Caller defined data. Memo associated to this print.
ImageId xsd:int Image Identifier of uploaded image or logo that will be added to the left side of the return address
ImageId2 xsd:int Image Identifier of uploaded image or logo that will be added to the right side of the return address

CreateEnvelopeIndiciumResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
    <CreateEnvelopeIndiciumResponse xmlns="">

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
TrackingNumber xsd:string
A confirm number. If First Class the number is an IMB format confirm number. If Priority or Priority Mail Express an IMB encoded POSTNET equivalent number is returned. Neither of these are trackable. The IMB confirm number can be used for performing an e-refund via CancelIndicium.
Rate Rate The Rate object from the request modified to include actual cost details.
Rate Object

Element Data Type Description
From Address Origin address used for rating. A full cleansed address is not required to generate a rate.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.

To Address Delivery address.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
Amount xsd:decimal Format: Decimal with up to three digits to the right of the decimal point This is the rate cost for the particular shipment option. If this is blank or missing, check the error attribute for a reason. If there is not enough information in the input Rate object to calculate an exact amount, Amount will be set to the lower bound of the known range and MaxAmount will be set to the upper bound. For example, if the the ToZipCode is omitted and the Rate is for a zone-based service, Amount will be the amount for the closest zone (1) and MaxAmount will be the amount for the furthest zone (8). In this case, some other elements of the Rate object may not apply in all cases. For example, when Amount and MaxAmount indicate a range of possible amounts, DimWeighting may only apply for the furthest zones (5-8).
MaxAmount xsd:decimal Format: Decimal with up to three digits to the right of the decimal point This is the maximum rate cost for the particular shipment option. When the exact rate can be calculated, MaxAmount will be equal to Amount. If there is not enough information in the input Rate object to calculate an exact amount, Amount will be set to the lower bound of the known range and MaxAmount will be set to the upper bound. For example, if the the ToZipCode is omitted and the Rate is for a zone-based service, Amount will be the amount for the closest zone (1) and MaxAmount will be the amount for the furthest zone (8). In this case, some other elements of the Rate object may not apply in all cases. For example, when Amount and MaxAmount indicate a range of possible amounts, DimWeighting may only apply for the furthest zones (5-8).
US-FCUSPS First-Class Mail
US-MMUSPS Media Mail
US-PMUSPS Priority Mail
US-XMUSPS Priority Mail Express
US-EMIUSPS Priority Mail Express International
US-PMIUSPS Priority Mail International
US-FCIUSPS First Class Mail International
US-GAUSPS Ground Advantage
US-LMUSPS Library Mail
US-RETURNUSPS Pay-on-Use Return
US-PS[DEPRECATED] USPS Parcel Select Ground
SC-GPEGlobalPost Economy Single Piece
SC-GPPGlobalPost Standard Single Piece
SC-GPLGlobalPost Plus Single Piece
SC-GPESSGlobalPost Economy SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
SC-GPPSSGlobalPost Standard SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
SC-GPLSSGlobalPost Plus SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
Some additional ServiceType values exist but are deprecated or not available for all integrations.

Required for CreateIndicium web method.

Not required for GetRates web method. If not specified in GetRates, the <rate> object in the response will include rates for all ServiceTypes.

ServiceDescription xsd:string A plain language description of the service returned, i.e. “USPS Priority Mail”
PrintLayout xsd:string The value specified will determine the format of the label image that is generated by the CreateIndicium web method or the envelope image that is generated by the CreateEnvelopeIndicium web method See Valid Print Layouts.
DeliverDays xsd:string Format: Character string in the format "n" if a fixed number of days, or "n-m" with n being minimum number of days, m being maximum number of days. Blank or '999' if no delivery time estimates are available.
WeightLb xsd:double The pounds portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of a pound. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces * Must be specified if WeightOz is blank or 0. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

WeightOz xsd:double The ounces portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of an ounce. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces. * Must be specified if WeightLb is blank. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

UnknownUnknown. Do not use.
PostcardPostcard. Enabled on request.
LetterLetter. Enabled on request.
Large Envelope or FlatLarge envelope or flat. Has one dimension that is between 11 ½” and 15” long, 6 1/8” and 12” high, or ¼” and ¾ thick.
Thick EnvelopeThick envelope. Envelopes or flats greater than ¾” at the thickest point.
PackagePackage. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is less than or equal to 84”
Small Flat Rate BoxUSPS small flat rate box. A special 8-5/8” x 5-3/8” x 1-5/8” USPS box that clearly indicates “Small Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate BoxUSPS medium flat rate box. A special 11” x 8 ½” x 5 ½” or 14” x 3.5” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates “Medium Flat Rate Box”
Large Flat Rate BoxUSPS large flat rate box. A special 12” x 12” x 6” USPS box that clearly indicates “Large Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS flat rate envelope. A special cardboard envelope provided by the USPS that clearly indicates “Flat Rate”.
Flat Rate Padded EnvelopeUSPS flat rate padded envelope.
Large PackageLarge package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 84” and less than or equal to 108”.
Oversized PackageOversized package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 108” and less than or equal to 130”.
Regional Rate Box AUSPS regional rate box A. A special 10 15/16” x 2 3/8” x 12 13/ 16” or 10” x 7” x 4 3/4” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box A”. 15 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box BUSPS regional rate box B. A special 14 3/8” x 2 2/8” x 15 7/8” or 12” x 10 1/4” x 5” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box B”. 20 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box CUSPS regional rate box C. A special 15” x 12” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates ”Regional Rate Box C”. 25 lbs maximum weight.
Legal Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS-supplied Priority Mail flat-rate envelope 9 1/2” x 15”. Maximum weight 4 pounds.
Express EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
DocumentsThis feature is not available for all integrations.
EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
PakThis feature is not available for all integrations.

When PackageType is submitted, the GetRates web method will respond with the rate based on the specified package. However, if PackageType is omitted, the GetRates web method will respond with rates for all of the possible package types for the given ServiceType.

PackageType is required for CreateIndicium web method.

RequiresAllOf Array of RequiresOneOf

Collection of one or more <requiresoneof> objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are required add-ons to go with this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must also choose exactly one add-on from each set of add-ons listed in the <requiresallof> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.

RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
Length xsd:double Represents the length in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
Width xsd:double Represents the width in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
Height xsd:double Represents the height in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
ShipDate xsd:date This is the date the package will be picked up or officially enter the mail system. This date can be up to 3 days in the future for any international mail service and domestic Priority Mail Express. For all other domestic mail services the date can be up to 7 days in the future. For ServiceType US-MM, US-PP and US-FC with no US-A-DC or US-A-SC this date can be up to 30 days in the future. The calculated rate will be based on this date.
DeliveryDate xsd:date The estimated delivery date. This value is returned from GetRates web method. The date is calculated under the consideration of ship date, USPS holidays and weekends. This element is removed from GetRates if delivery date is unknown.
InsuredValue xsd:decimal The amount to insure this shipment for, in dollars and cents. If a value is specified, insurance add-ons will be returned.
RegisteredValue xsd:decimal The registered value for this shipment, in dollars and cents.
CODValue xsd:decimal The collect on delivery value for this shipment, in dollars and cents.
DeclaredValue xsd:decimal The amount to declare for this shipment, in dollars and cents. Required for International.
NonMachinable xsd:boolean Default: false This is used to calculate a potential additional handling surcharge for certain types of items being sent. See DMM 401 for what qualifies.
RectangularShaped xsd:boolean Default: true Represents whether or not the parcel being sent is rectangular-shaped, or box-like. For dim-weight-based rates (Priority Mail), non-rectangular-shaped parcels may lower the effective weight.
Prohibitions xsd:string List of items prohibited from mailing based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Restrictions xsd:string Restrictions on items being shipped based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Observations xsd:string Additional mailing information based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Regulations xsd:string Additional regulations for shipping to destination country. Only used for International.
GEMNotes xsd:string Notes specific to Priority Mail Express International service. Only used for international when ServiceType is US-GEM.
MaxDimensions xsd:string Only returned for international mail classes, this field explains the maximum package dimensions for this mail class and destination country.
DimWeighting xsd:boolean If a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with DimWeighting = "Y", this indicates that the dimensions of the package may have an impact on the rate. Be sure to also include the Length, Width and Height for proper rating whenever DimWeighting = "Y".
AddOns Array of AddOn Collection of one or more <AddOn> objects One or more <AddOn> objects will be returned for each add-on for a given ServiceType. <AddOn>s are passed as part of the CreateIndicium web method request to select the add-ons to be included in the postage printing. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
AddOn Object

Element Data Type Description
Amount xsd:decimal This is the amount / surcharge for this add on.
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
RequiresAllOf Array of RequiresOneOf Collection of one or more <RequiresOneOf> objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are required add-ons to go with this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must also choose exactly one add-on from each set of add-ons listed in the <RequiresAllOf> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.
RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
ProhibitedWithAnyOf Array of AddOnType Collection of one or more AddOnType objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are add-ons that are prohibited to be used this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must not choose any of the add-ons listed in the <ProhibitedWithAnyOf> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.
RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
MissingData xsd:string Describes data missing from the input to the GetRates web method that prevents an amount from being associated with this add-on. For example, the US-A-INS add-on may be listed as an available add-on with no amount if the insured value was not given in the GetRates call. In this case, the MissingData value will identify that the insured value should be provided.
Surcharges Array of Surcharge Collection of one or more Surcharge objects. Only appears when a surcharge applies.
Surcharge Object

Element Data Type Description
Amount xsd:decimal The cost of the surcharge, if applicable.
SUR-A-ERThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-EVThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-FUELThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-OSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-OWThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RADThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RDThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-AHSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NCSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-DASThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-DAEThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-RAEThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NMThis feature is not available for all integrations
SUR-A-NSDIM1USPS Nonstandard Length >22 in
SUR-A-NSDIM2USPS Nonstandard Length >30 in
SUR-A-NSVOLUSPS Nonstandard Volume >2 cu ft

The type of surcharge.
EffectiveWeightInOunces xsd:int Effective weight, which is calculated based on weight and dimensions of the mail piece, in ounces. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
Zone xsd:int Zone number of the mail piece. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
RateCategory xsd:int Rate Category of the mail piece. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
ToCity xsd:string Destination City name.
ToState xsd:string Destination State name. If it is specified, <GetRates> object detects whether the destination is supported by USPS.
CubicPricing xsd:boolean Cubic Pricing is available only for Priority Mail with PackageType “Large Envelope or Flat”, “Package”, “Large Package” or “Oversized Package”. If PackageType in <Rate> object is “Large Envelope or Flat”, Length and Width are prerequisites to determine eligibility for cubic pricing. If Length and Width were provided, and Height is less than or equal to ¾”, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for soft-pack or padded envelope cubic pricing. If Length and Width were provided, and Height is greater than ¾”, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for parcel cubic pricing. If Length and Width were not provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package may qualify the package for soft-pack or padded envelope cubic pricing or parcel cubic pricing. If PackageType of <Rate> object is “Package”, “Large Package” or “Oversized Package”, Length, Width and Height are prerequisites to determine eligibility for parcel cubic pricing. If Length, Width and Height were provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for parcel cubic pricing. If Length, Width and Height were not provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package may qualify the package for parcel cubic pricing
Commercial SampleCommercial sample
Returned GoodsReturned goods
Humanitarian DonationHumanitarian Donation
Dangerous GoodsDangerous Goods

Content type. One of: Commercial Sample, Dangerous Goods, Document, Gift, Humanitarian Donation, Merchandise, Returned Goods, or Other.
StampsTxID xsd:string
maxLength=128 transaction identifier.
URL xsd:string A web addresses to the envelope image.
PostageBalance PostageBalance New postage balance, including available postage and control total.
PostageBalance Object
Element Data Type Description
AvailablePostage xsd:decimal Current balance of available postage in the meter.
ControlTotal xsd:decimal Control total to be passed to PurchasePostage web method when purchasing additional postage.
Mac xsd:string For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
PostageHash xsd:string For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.


The CreateMailingLabelIndicia method generates the postage indicia based on the shipping information provided in the request. Note that CreateMailingLabelIndicia is used to generate multiple indicia while CreateIndicium is used to generate a single indicium. The SWS API will return a URL that references the image of the labels.

Special Considerations:

CreateMailingLabelIndicia object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sws="">
                     <sws:FullName>Tony Stark</sws:FullName>
                     <sws:Address1>1900 E Grand Ave</sws:Address1>
                     <sws:City>El Segundo</sws:City>
                     <sws:FullName>Peter Parker</sws:FullName>
                     <sws:Address1>123 Main St</sws:Address1>
                  <sws:ServiceDescription>First Class Mail</sws:ServiceDescription>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
IntegratorTxID xsd:string
The IntegratorTxID (Transaction ID) is a unique number from the integrator's system and used to retry a failed CreateIndicium attempt or locate and reconcile any billable transaction ordered from issues a StampsTxID response which is the counterpart to this number and a unique ID in the system for a transaction.
Layout xsd:string
Layout name of the sheet.
Avery5160: An Avery 5160 sheet.
Avery5163: An Avery 5163 sheet.
SDC3110: An SDC03110 label.
PrintToAddress xsd:boolean Determines whether the To Address is printed. Default is false.
StartRow xsd:int The input parameters of starting row and column define the location of the first label to be generated. If destination address is not printed, which is determined by the first label, the start location could be anywhere in the sheet. If destination address is printed, the start location must be validated according to sheet layout, for example, for Avery 5160 it cannot start at second row, first column. All labels will be put on a sheet from left to right sequentially. If one row is not enough they will go to next row; If one sheet is not enough, they will flow to next sheet. Default value is 0.
StartColumn xsd:int See the description for StartRow above. Default value is 0.
IndiciumInfo Array of IndiciumInfoV3 Each element in this array describe a mailing label to be printed. The labels will be sequentially printed from left to right on the sheet, starting from StartRow and StartColumn.
IndiciumInfo Object

Element Data Type Description
Rate Rate The Rate object for the indicium to be printed.
Rate Object

Element Data Type Description
From Address Origin address used for rating. A full cleansed address is not required to generate a rate.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.

To Address Delivery address.
Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
Amount xsd:decimal Format: Decimal with up to three digits to the right of the decimal point This is the rate cost for the particular shipment option. If this is blank or missing, check the error attribute for a reason. If there is not enough information in the input Rate object to calculate an exact amount, Amount will be set to the lower bound of the known range and MaxAmount will be set to the upper bound. For example, if the the ToZipCode is omitted and the Rate is for a zone-based service, Amount will be the amount for the closest zone (1) and MaxAmount will be the amount for the furthest zone (8). In this case, some other elements of the Rate object may not apply in all cases. For example, when Amount and MaxAmount indicate a range of possible amounts, DimWeighting may only apply for the furthest zones (5-8).
MaxAmount xsd:decimal Format: Decimal with up to three digits to the right of the decimal point This is the maximum rate cost for the particular shipment option. When the exact rate can be calculated, MaxAmount will be equal to Amount. If there is not enough information in the input Rate object to calculate an exact amount, Amount will be set to the lower bound of the known range and MaxAmount will be set to the upper bound. For example, if the the ToZipCode is omitted and the Rate is for a zone-based service, Amount will be the amount for the closest zone (1) and MaxAmount will be the amount for the furthest zone (8). In this case, some other elements of the Rate object may not apply in all cases. For example, when Amount and MaxAmount indicate a range of possible amounts, DimWeighting may only apply for the furthest zones (5-8).
US-FCUSPS First-Class Mail
US-MMUSPS Media Mail
US-PPUSPS Parcel Post
US-PMUSPS Priority Mail
US-XMUSPS Priority Mail Express
US-EMIUSPS Priority Mail Express International
US-PMIUSPS Priority Mail International
US-FCIUSPS First Class Mail International
US-PSUSPS Parcel Select Ground
US-LMUSPS Library Mail
US-RGThis feature is not available for all integrations
DHL-PEThis feature is not available for all integrations
DHL-PGThis feature is not available for all integrations
DHL-PPEThis feature is not available for all integrations
DHL-PPGThis feature is not available for all integrations
DHL-BPMEThis feature is not available for all integrations
DHL-BPMGThis feature is not available for all integrations
DHL-MPEThis feature is not available for all integrations
DHL-MPGThis feature is not available for all integrations
AS-IPAThis feature is not available for all integrations
AS-ISALThis feature is not available for all integrations
AS-EPKTThis feature is not available for all integrations
DHL-PIPAThis feature is not available for all integrations
DHL-PISALThis feature is not available for all integrations
GG-IPAThis feature is not available for all integrations
GG-ISALThis feature is not available for all integrations
GG-EPKTThis feature is not available for all integrations
IBC-IPAThis feature is not available for all integrations
IBC-ISALThis feature is not available for all integrations
IBC-EPKTThis feature is not available for all integrations
RRD-IPAThis feature is not available for all integrations
RRD-ISALThis feature is not available for all integrations
RRD-EPKTThis feature is not available for all integrations
AS-GNRCThis feature is not available for all integrations
GG-GNRCThis feature is not available for all integrations
RRD-GNRCThis feature is not available for all integrations
SC-GPEThis feature is not available for all integrations
SC-GPPThis feature is not available for all integrations
SC-GPESSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SC-GPPSSThis feature is not available for all integrations
SC-GPLSSThis feature is not available for all integrations
DHL-EWWThis feature is not available for all integrations
FX-GDThis feature is not available for all integrations
FX-HDThis feature is not available for all integrations
FX-2DThis feature is not available for all integrations
FX-ESThis feature is not available for all integrations
FX-SOThis feature is not available for all integrations
FX-POThis feature is not available for all integrations
FX-GDIThis feature is not available for all integrations
FX-EIThis feature is not available for all integrations
FX-PIThis feature is not available for all integrations

Format: Decimal with up to three digits to the right of the decimal point

Required for CreateIndicium web method.

Not required for GetRates web method. If not specified in GetRates, the <rate> object in the response will include rates for all ServiceTypes.

ServiceDescription xsd:string A plain language description of the service returned, i.e. “USPS Priority Mail”
PrintLayout xsd:string The value specified will determine the format of the label image that is generated by the CreateIndicium web method or the envelope image that is generated by the CreateEnvelopeIndicium web method See Valid Print Layouts.
DeliverDays xsd:string Format: Character string in the format "n-m", n being minimum number of days, m being maximum number of days. Blank if no delivery time estimates are available.
WeightLb xsd:double The pounds portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of a pound. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces * Must be specified if WeightOz is blank or 0. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

WeightOz xsd:double The ounces portion of the weight with a precision of up to hundredths of an ounce. The final weight used to calculate the rate will be WeightLb times 16 plus WeightOz ounces. * Must be specified if WeightLb is blank. See Appendix D for more information on this element.

UnknownUnknown. Do not use.
PostcardPostcard. Enabled on request.
LetterLetter. Enabled on request.
Large Envelope or FlatLarge envelope or flat. Has one dimension that is between 11 ½” and 15” long, 6 1/8” and 12” high, or ¼” and ¾ thick.
Thick EnvelopeThick envelope. Envelopes or flats greater than ¾” at the thickest point.
PackagePackage. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is less than or equal to 84”
Small Flat Rate BoxUSPS small flat rate box. A special 8-5/8” x 5-3/8” x 1-5/8” USPS box that clearly indicates “Small Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate BoxUSPS medium flat rate box. A special 11” x 8 ½” x 5 ½” or 14” x 3.5” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates “Medium Flat Rate Box”
Large Flat Rate BoxUSPS large flat rate box. A special 12” x 12” x 6” USPS box that clearly indicates “Large Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS flat rate envelope. A special cardboard envelope provided by the USPS that clearly indicates “Flat Rate”.
Flat Rate Padded EnvelopeUSPS flat rate padded envelope.
Large PackageLarge package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 84” and less than or equal to 108”.
Oversized PackageOversized package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 108” and less than or equal to 130”.
Regional Rate Box AUSPS regional rate box A. A special 10 15/16” x 2 3/8” x 12 13/ 16” or 10” x 7” x 4 3/4” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box A”. 15 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box BUSPS regional rate box B. A special 14 3/8” x 2 2/8” x 15 7/8” or 12” x 10 1/4” x 5” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box B”. 20 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box CUSPS regional rate box C. A special 15” x 12” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates ”Regional Rate Box C”. 25 lbs maximum weight.
Legal Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS-supplied Priority Mail flat-rate envelope 9 1/2” x 15”. Maximum weight 4 pounds.
Express EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
DocumentsThis feature is not available for all integrations.
EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
PakThis feature is not available for all integrations.

When PackageType is submitted, the GetRates web method will respond with the rate based on the specified package. However, if PackageType is omitted, the GetRates web method will respond with rates for all of the possible package types for the given ServiceType.

PackageType is required for CreateIndicium web method.

RequiresAllOf Array of RequiresOneOf

Collection of one or more <requiresoneof> objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are required add-ons to go with this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must also choose exactly one add-on from each set of add-ons listed in the <requiresallof> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.

RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
Length xsd:double Represents the length in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
Width xsd:double Represents the width in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
Height xsd:double Represents the height in inches and tenths of an inch. Dimensions are required for proper rating whenever a <rate> object in a response to the GetRates web method has DimWeighting = "Y"
ShipDate xsd:date This is the date the package will be picked up or officially enter the mail system. This date can be up to 3 days in the future for any international mail service and domestic Priority Mail Express. For all other domestic mail services the date can be up to 7 days in the future. For ServiceType US-MM, US-PP and US-FC with no US-A-DC or US-A-SC this date can be up to 30 days in the future. The calculated rate will be based on this date.
DeliveryDate xsd:date The estimated delivery date. This value is returned from GetRates web method. The date is calculated under the consideration of ship date, USPS holidays and weekends. This element is removed from GetRates if delivery date is unknown.
InsuredValue xsd:decimal The amount to insure this shipment for, in dollars and cents. If a value is specified, insurance add-ons will be returned.
RegisteredValue xsd:decimal The registered value for this shipment, in dollars and cents.
CODValue xsd:decimal The collect on delivery value for this shipment, in dollars and cents.
DeclaredValue xsd:decimal The amount to declare for this shipment, in dollars and cents. Required for International.
NonMachinable xsd:boolean Default: false This is used to calculate a potential additional handling surcharge for certain types of items being sent. See DMM 401 for what qualifies.
RectangularShaped xsd:boolean Default: true Represents whether or not the parcel being sent is rectangular-shaped, or box-like. For dim-weight-based rates (Priority Mail), non-rectangular-shaped parcels may lower the effective weight.
Prohibitions xsd:string List of items prohibited from mailing based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Restrictions xsd:string Restrictions on items being shipped based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Observations xsd:string Additional mailing information based on country of destination. Only used for International.
Regulations xsd:string Additional regulations for shipping to destination country. Only used for International.
GEMNotes xsd:string Notes specific to Priority Mail Express International service. Only used for international when ServiceType is US-GEM.
MaxDimensions xsd:string Only returned for international mail classes, this field explains the maximum package dimensions for this mail class and destination country.
DimWeighting xsd:boolean If a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with DimWeighting = "Y", this indicates that the dimensions of the package may have an impact on the rate. Be sure to also include the Length, Width and Height for proper rating whenever DimWeighting = "Y".
AddOns Array of AddOn Collection of one or more <AddOn> objects One or more <AddOn> objects will be returned for each add-on for a given ServiceType. <AddOn>s are passed as part of the CreateIndicium web method request to select the add-ons to be included in the postage printing. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
AddOn Object

Element Data Type Description
Amount xsd:decimal This is the amount / surcharge for this add on.
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
RequiresAllOf Array of RequiresOneOf Collection of one or more <RequiresOneOf> objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are required add-ons to go with this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must also choose exactly one add-on from each set of add-ons listed in the <RequiresAllOf> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.
RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
ProhibitedWithAnyOf Array of AddOnType Collection of one or more AddOnType objects. This value is a hint to the integration that there are add-ons that are prohibited to be used this add-on. If this add-on is selected, the integration must not choose any of the add-ons listed in the <ProhibitedWithAnyOf> element in order to form a valid rate to be passed to CreateIndicium. The integration may use this hint in preparing a user interface with pre-validation for its users.
RequiresOneOf Object
Element Data Type Description
AddonType SC-A-HP

The type of add-on rate / service.
MissingData xsd:string Describes data missing from the input to the GetRates web method that prevents an amount from being associated with this add-on. For example, the US-A-INS add-on may be listed as an available add-on with no amount if the insured value was not given in the GetRates call. In this case, the MissingData value will identify that the insured value should be provided.
Surcharges Array of Surcharge Collection of one or more Surcharge objects. Only appear when a surcharge applies.
Surcharge Object

Element Data Type Description
Amount xsd:decimal The cost of the surcharge, if applicable.
SurchargeType SUR-A-ER

The type of surcharge.
EffectiveWeightInOunces xsd:int Effective weight, which is calculated based on weight and dimensions of the mail piece, in ounces. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
Zone xsd:int Zone number of the mail piece. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
RateCategory xsd:int Rate Category of the mail piece. Returned in the <GetRatesResponse> object.
ToCity xsd:string Destination City name.
ToState xsd:string Destination State name. If it is specified, <GetRates> object detects whether the destination is supported by USPS.
CubicPricing xsd:boolean Cubic Pricing is available only for Priority Mail with PackageType “Large Envelope or Flat”, “Package”, “Large Package” or “Oversized Package”. If PackageType in <Rate> object is “Large Envelope or Flat”, Length and Width are prerequisites to determine eligibility for cubic pricing. If Length and Width were provided, and Height is less than or equal to ¾”, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for soft-pack or padded envelope cubic pricing. If Length and Width were provided, and Height is greater than ¾”, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for parcel cubic pricing. If Length and Width were not provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package may qualify the package for soft-pack or padded envelope cubic pricing or parcel cubic pricing. If PackageType of <Rate> object is “Package”, “Large Package” or “Oversized Package”, Length, Width and Height are prerequisites to determine eligibility for parcel cubic pricing. If Length, Width and Height were provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package qualifies the package for parcel cubic pricing. If Length, Width and Height were not provided, and a <Rate> object is returned from a GetRates call with CubicPricing = "Y", it indicates that the dimensions of the package may qualify the package for parcel cubic pricing
Commercial SampleCommercial sample
Returned GoodsReturned goods
Humanitarian DonationHumanitarian Donation
Dangerous GoodsDangerous Goods

Content type. One of: Commercial Sample, Dangerous Goods, Document, Gift, Humanitarian Donation, Merchandise, Returned Goods, or Other.
To Address The destination address to be printed on label. If destination address is not provided, only the indicium portion will be printed. If destination address is provided, the labels will have two portions on two separated stickers for address and indicium respectively.

Address Object
Element Data Type Description
FullName xsd:string Only required if not using the separate name fields: NamePrefix, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameSuffix, or Title.
NamePrefix xsd:string A prefix to go before the person's first name Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Misses, Dr., etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
FirstName xsd:string The person's first name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
MiddleName xsd:string The person's middle name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 1. Only used if not using the FullName field.
LastName xsd:string The person's last name. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 40. * Only required if not using the FullName field.
NameSuffix xsd:string A suffix to go after the person's last name Example: Jr., MD, PhD, etc. Only used if not using the FullName field.
Title xsd:string The person's title, per 'functional title'. USPS publication 28. For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 30.
Department xsd:string The department of the company for this address (e.g. Finance).
Company xsd:string
The company for this address (e.g. Max length 50 for domestic, 32 for International and 40 for RegisterAccount call.
Address1 Address2 Address3 xsd:string Up to three lines of address information. An address line may contain the street address as well as delivery unit (Apt, Ste, etc), separated by a comma. * Only Address1 is required. Max length 50
City xsd:string
The name of the city for this address. *For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 28.
State xsd:string maxLength=30 The two-character abbreviation of the state or fully spelled name of the state with maximum length of 30 characters for this address.

ZIPCode xsd:string The five-digit ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses.
ZIPCodeAddOn xsd:string The "plus 4" portion of the ZIP Code for this address. max length 4 Only used for domestic addresses.
DPB xsd:string The two-digit delivery point code portion of the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
CheckDigit xsd:string The one-digit check digit for the ZIP Code for this address. Only used for domestic addresses, and obtained from the CleanseAddress method.
Province xsd:string The province portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
PostalCode xsd:string The postal code portion of this address. Only used for international addresses.
Country xsd:string The country portion of this address. Must exactly match one of the supported country names. * Only required for international addresses.
Urbanization xsd:string The urbanization portion of this address. max length 28 Only used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
PhoneNumber xsd:string The phone number associated with this address. * Required in the following cases: - The From address for domestic Priority Mail Express - The To address for all international addresses - The From address for all international addresses For RegisterAccount call the maximum size is 10.
Extension xsd:string The extension of the phone number associated with this address.
CleanseHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. Store the cleanse hash with a cleansed address to allow re-use of this address without requiring another cleanse.
OverrideHash xsd:string Returned from the CleanseAddress process. If the user chooses not to use the modifications made to an address when a match is found, or if only the city, state, and ZIP Code are OK, the address may still be used to create an indicium by including the OverrideHash with the address.
EmailAddress Xsd:string The EmailAddress associated with this address. This is currently used in CreateIndicium and CreateUnfundedIndicium in Address objects when used with US-A-HFPU AddOn or SC-GPL/SC-GPLSS ServiceTypes. In other cases, EmailAddress is ignored.
FullAddress Xsd:string The FullAdress associated with this address.
CostCodeId xsd:int For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value or pass in zero. Default is zero.

NormalA regular envelope print with a valid indicium.
SampleA regular envelope print with a sample indicium with a ‘VOID’ watermark and a VOID watermark in the middle of the image.
NoPostageSimilar to ‘Sample’. No indicium on image. No ‘VOID’ watermark anywhere. This is essentially provides addresses printing on envelope without any postage.
PreviewSimilar to ‘Sample’ but no ‘VOID’ watermark in the middle of the image. The ‘VOID’ watermark on indicium still exists.

The manner in which the envelope image is created. Default is Normal.
AutoDefault format; PNG for domestic, PDF for international
AZplASCII encoded ZPL format
BZplBinary encoded ZPl format
EncryptedPngUrlReserved for future use.
EplEPL printer
GifGIF format
JpgJPEG format
PdfPDF format
PrintOncePdfReserved for future use.
PngPNG format
ZplBinary encoded ZPL format.

Image type of shipping label. Default is Auto: which generates a Png image.
RateToken xsd:string This feature is for internal use only.
Memo xsd:string
Caller defined data. Memo associated to this print.
BypassCleanseAddress xsd:boolean Determines whether to bypass address validation.
Reference1 xsd:string Caller defined data.
Reference2 xsd:string Caller defined data.
Reference3 xsd:string Caller defined data.
Reference4 xsd:string Caller defined data.
ReturnIndiciumData xsd:boolean For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
ImageId xsd:int Prints the corresponding image next to the return address. Default is 0.
PrintFromAddress xsd:boolean Determines whether the From Address is printed. Default is true.

CreateMailingLabelIndiciaResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <CreateMailingLabelIndiciaResponse xmlns="">

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
StampsTxID xsd:string
maxLength=128 transaction identifier.
Url xsd:string A web addresses to the envelope image.
ConfirmationNumbers Array of xsd:string The confirmation number generated for each label. If the label does not have confirmation number, the corresponding element will be empty string.
PostageBalance PostageBalance New postage balance, including available postage and control total.
PostageBalance Object
Element Data Type Description
AvailablePostage xsd:decimal Current balance of available postage in the meter.
ControlTotal xsd:decimal Control total to be passed to PurchasePostage web method when purchasing additional postage.
IssuedLabelCount xsd:int The total number of generated labels. In general, this number should be same as the number of elements in IndiciumInfo in requests. If in case some errors occur during the middle of generation process, server will return the indicia that have already generated and terminate the process, which will cause this number to be less than requested.
ErrorReason xsd:string Description of the error if there is any.
Mac xsd:string For internal use only. Integrations may ignore this value.
PrintLayout xsd:string Print layout type.
Reference1 xsd:string Caller defined data.
Reference2 xsd:string Caller defined data.
Reference3 xsd:string Caller defined data.
Reference4 xsd:string Caller defined data.
IndiciumData Array of xsd:base64Binary The indicium data generated.


The GetSupportedCountries method produces a list of countries that international mails can be sent to.

GetSupportedCountries object

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sws=“”>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.

GetSupportedCountriesResponse object

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
      <GetSupportedCountriesResponse xmlns=“”>
               <Name>No Country</Name>
               <Name>United Arab Emirates</Name>
               <Name>Timor Leste</Name>

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
CountryInfo Array of CountryInfo Collection of CountryInfo objects.
CountryInfo Object
Element Data Type Description
Name xsd:string Full name of the country.
IsoCode xsd:string The two-letter ISO code that can be put in ToCountry element in an international address.


The GetCodewordQuestions web method is used to get the codeword questions to ask the user in order to start the password reset process with the StartPasswordReset web method. If the user indicates to the integration that they have forgotten their password, the integration should call this web method to get two questions to ask the user. The answer to these questions is required in order to reset the password to a temporary password and have that temporary password sent to the user by e-mail.

GetCodewordQuestions object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

Element Data Type Description
Username xsd:string
Username of the user who has forgotten their password.
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration. Required only for reseller integrations.

GetCodewordQuestionsResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
    <GetCodewordQuestionsResponse xmlns=“”>
      <Codeword1Question>What is your mother's maiden name?</Codeword1Question>
      <Codeword2Question>What are the last four digits of your SSN?</Codeword2Question>

Element Data Type Description
Codeword1Question xsd:string First codeword question (e.g., "What is your mother's maiden name?").
Codeword2Question xsd:string Second codeword question (e.g., " What is your pet’s name?").


The RecoverUsername web method is used to retrieve the user name if a user accidentally forgets it. Caller needs to provide the email address that matches the one stored in the account. An email with the user name will be sent to that email address. This web method does not require authentication.

RecoverUsername object

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sws=“”>
         <sws:EmailAddress>[email protected]</sws:EmailAddress>

Element Data Type Description
EmailAddress xsd:string Email address of the account. An email with user name will be sent to this address.

RecoverUsernameResponse object

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
      <RecoverUsernameResponse xmlns=“”>

This object contains no elements.


The SetCodeWords Web Method is used to set security questions and answers with valid credentials or a valid authenticator token. Questions and answers will be validated by the system.

SetCodeWords object

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sws=“”>

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
MothersMaidenNameWhat is your mother’s maiden name?
PetsNameWhat is your pet’s name?
BirthCityWhat is your city of birth?
HighSchoolMascotWhat was your high school mascot?
FathersBirthplaceWhat is your father's birthplace?
StreetNameWhat street did you grow up on?
FirstSchoolsNameWhat is the name of your first school?
FirstCarsMakeModelWhat is the make and model of your first car?
Last4SocialSecurityNumberLast 4 digits of your Social Security #. This codeword is deprecated and should not be presented to new users.
Last4DriversLicenseLast 4 digits of your driver’s license #. This codeword is deprecated and should not be presented to new users.

First codeword type. Every account has two codewords associated with it that are used during password recovery and when identifying oneself for customer support. The first and second codeword types must be different.
Codeword1 xsd:string
First codeword. Every account has two codewords associated with it that are used during password recovery and when identifying oneself for customer support.
MothersMaidenNameWhat is your mother’s maiden name?
PetsNameWhat is your pet’s name?
BirthCityWhat is your city of birth?
HighSchoolMascotWhat was your high school mascot?
FathersBirthplaceWhat is your father's birthplace?
StreetNameWhat street did you grow up on?
FirstSchoolsNameWhat is the name of your first school?
FirstCarsMakeModelWhat is the make and model of your first car?
Last4SocialSecurityNumberLast 4 digits of your Social Security #. This codeword is deprecated and should not be presented to new users.
Last4DriversLicenseLast 4 digits of your driver’s license #. This codeword is deprecated and should not be presented to new users.

Second codeword type. Every account has two codewords associated with it that are used during password recovery and when identifying oneself for customer support. The first and second codeword types must be different.
Codeword2 xsd:string
Second codeword. Every account has two codewords associated with it that are used during password recovery and when identifying oneself for customer support.

SetCodeWordsResponse object

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
      <SetCodeWordsResponse xmlns=“”>

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.


The StartPasswordReset web method is used to start a password reset process when the user indicates that they have forgotten their password. The integration must call the GetCodewordQuestions web method and ask the user the returned questions. With those answers, the integration can call StartPasswordReset, and if the codeword answers are correct, a temporary password will be sent to the user by e-mail.

StartPasswordReset object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

Element Data Type Description
Username xsd:string
An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Codeword1 xsd:string
Answer to first codeword question.
Codeword2 xsd:string
Answer to second codeword question.
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.

StartPasswordResetResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
    <StartPasswordResetResponse xmlns=“” />

This object contains no elements.


The FinishPasswordReset web method is used to complete the password reset process that was started with StartPasswordReset. When AuthenticateUser or any other web method returns error 0x002b0605, it indicates that the supplied Credentials object contained a valid temporary password for the user. The integration must at that point prompt the user for a new password and complete the password reset process with the FinishPasswordReset web method.

The integration should prompt the user to enter the password twice using an input field that masks the password. The integration should verify that the same password is entered both times.

Unlike other web methods, this web method does not return an Authenticator string. After the password reset is finished, a new session should be started with the new password via the AuthenticateUser web method.

FinishPasswordReset object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

Element Data Type Description
Username xsd:string
Username of user completing the password reset process.
TempPassword xsd:string Temporary password obtained from user, who in turn received it via e-mail from StartPasswordReset web method.
NewPassword xsd:string
New password. Integrator should ask for password twice in a field that does not display its text to the user and validate user entered it the same both times. Password must be between 6 and 20 characters and contain at least one letter and one number.
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration. Required only for reseller integrations.

FinishPasswordResetResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
    <FinishPasswordResetResponse xmlns=“” />

This object contains no elements.


The EnumCostCodes web method is used to list the cost codes currently associated with the account, usually for display to the user in a menu-type UI during the print flow.

EnumCostCodes object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

Element Data Type Description
Credentials Credentials Container for credentials used to authenticate a user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
Credentials Object
Element Data Type Description
IntegrationID xsd:string
maxLength=128 integration ID. This value is given to the integrator when licensed to create an integration.
Username xsd:string
Username of user logging in or for whom the web method is being called.
Password xsd:string Password of user.

Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.

EnumCostCodesResponse object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope  xmlns:soap=""
        <EnumCostCodesResponse xmlns="">

Element Data Type Description
Authenticator xsd:string An opaque string obtained in the response of the previous web method call used to authenticate the user. Only one of Credentials or Authenticator is allowed, and Authenticator is preferred.
CostCodes Array of CostCodes An array of CostCodes objects with ID numbers and names for each cost code
CostCodes Object
Element Data Type Description
id xsd:int Cost code ID
name xsd:string Cost code name


SWS/IM Version-specific Notes

The specifications in this document are for a specific version of SWS/IM. Care has been taken to ensure that integrators using earlier versions of the SWS/IM interface are not affected by changes to SWS/IM over time. However, in rare cases, based on feedback from integrators or the United States Postal Service, it is necessary to change the underlying behavior of certain web methods from their behavior in earlier versions. An enumeration of such changes follows in this Appendix. Note: For more information on new features available for SWS/IM or to suggest enhancements to SWS/IM, please contact your account representative.

<CustomsLine> Elements

SWS/IM calculates customs lines on a by-item basis. A Quantity of 2 items with a WeightOz of 9.0 and a Value of $40 would be shown on the international label as having a weight of 1 lb 2 oz and a value of $80. This methodology applies to both international labels and customs forms produced for APO/FPO addresses. In all interfaces, the rated weight of the package is based on the WeightLb and WeightOz provided in the Rate object, not the WeightLb and WeightOz provided in the CustomsLine object. The CustomsLine object values are displayed only on customs forms.

The value specified will determine the format of the label image that is generated by the CreateIndicium web method or the envelope image that is generated by the CreateEnvelopeIndicium web method Available options are: Certified Mail form SDC-3510, SDC-3520, SDC-3530, SDC-3610, SDC-3710, SDC-3810, SDC-3820 and SDC-3910. ( See Appendix G – Best Practices to Print on Certified Mail Forms )

Envelope PrintLayouts suppored by CreateEnvelopeIndicium include:


[1] This option is for APO/FPO addresses only.

[2] Those layouts contain multiple labels per sheet. Integrators can add a switch to the label URL to control the position a label is rendered. For example, https://.../Label/label.ashx/label-200-p1,3.png?xxxxxxxx, where -p1,3 indicates the label will be rendered at the first row and third column on the sheet.

[3] Starting from SWS/IM v42, for those layouts, if the destination country is Australia, Canada, or Costa Rica, a single ply PS Form 2976-A CP72 (Standard) will be generated.

[4] Starting from SWS/IM v50, Customs Forms will conform to USPS Guidelines for Privately Printed Customs Declaration Forms, version v1.0, March 31, 2015.

[5] Starting from SWS/IM v50, PrintLayout values containing CP72 (e.g., Normal6X4CP72) will result in a CP72, and PrintLayout values containing CN22 (e.g., Normal6X4CN22) will result in a CN22, where possible. If Customs information is included in the request, then where PrintLayout values do not contain a CN22 or CP72 designation (e.g., Normal4x6), a CN22 will be returned, unless a CP72 is required per USPS rules.

Certified Mail Form Best Practices

Certified Mail forms are generated in letter size (8.5x11) and are printed on pre-printed labels of the same size. Most consumer type printers (laser and ink jet) cannot print edge to edge. There is a unprintable margin around the paper. The printable area is smaller than the paper size. Also, the margins and printable area will vary from printer to printer (and driver to driver). In cases such as this, the full size image must either be scaled into the printable area or part of the image clipped. Scaling the image into a unknown printable area with unknown margins would be a problem. Items would be incorrectly placed and content could be oddly scaled. The only option is to offset the image on the paper so the upper left of the image is at the top left of the paper. In addition, the image is printed un-scaled. This results in part of the image being clipped, the parts that are in the unprintable area of the printer. The pre-printed certified labels have been designed with this in mind. The closest content is about 1/4" from the left/right edge. Top and bottom have about 1/2". To offset and clip should be fine.

EPL/ZPL Best Practices

Starting with SWS/IM v37, there are 2 new ImageType enumerators: AZpl and BZpl. AZpl generates ZPL with the binary data encoded as ASCII characters. BZpl generates ZPL with the binary data encoded as binary data. Zpl and BZpl are equivalent. Existing Zpl behavior is unchanged. The default behavior before swsimv37 is the same as BZpl. The is no EPL equivalent to AZpl/BZpl.

ImageType BZpl, Epl, and Zpl

The EPL/ZPL data generated by a URL or ImageData returned in a CreateIndiciumResponse using ImageType BZpl or Zpl must be retrieved and sent to the printer without modification in either step, as the EPL/ZPL data is printer-specific code to draw the label. It must not be printed using the "Normal" printing methods or treated as if it were ASCII text. Instead the data must be sent directly to the printer as in the example function RawPrinterHelper.SendFileToPrinter(PrinterName, LabelPath). Code that treats the EPL/ZPL as ASCII text will often interpret non-printable characters as if they were UNICODE. The resulting labels will often contain readable text, but the barcodes and images will be distorted. USPS may reject such labels.

ImageType AZpl

AZpl may make it easier to avoid problems saving and printing the ZPL data. However, the ZPL data should still be treated as if it were binary and should not be modified.

Address Cleansing

Domestic address cleansing is available for all integrators; AddressCleansingResult will be populated with the possible results below based on the domestic address provided. For international addresses, AddressCleansingResult will be returned with the result as below. International address cleansing is not available for all integrations. Please contact directly for more information about how to enable this feature for your integration.


Condition Text to return
Z4 ReturnCode = 10 “City, State, and Zip are valid, but the Street could not be verified.”
Z4 ReturnCode = 11 “City, State, or Zip is invalid. The address provided cannot be shipped to.”
Z4 ReturnCode = 12 “The State could not be verified. The address provided cannot be shipped to.”
Z4 ReturnCode = 13 “The City could not be verified. The address provided cannot be shipped to.”
Z4 ReturnCode = 21 and CandidateAddress is null “City, State, and Zip are valid, but the Street could not be verified.”
Z4 ReturnCode = 22 and CandidateAddress is null “Street, City, State, and Zip are valid, but the Street Number could not be verified.”
CandidateAddress is not null AND Z4 Footnote = H “Street Address, City, State, and Zip are valid, but a suite or apt number may be missing.”
CandidateAddress is not null AND Z4 Footnote is not H “Street, City, State, and Zip are valid, but the Street Number could not be verified.”
Z4 ReturnCode = 31 “Full Address Verified.”
Z4 ReturnCode = 32 “City, State, and Zip are valid, but address information may be missing.”


Condition Text to return
AE Code = AE01 OR there are no AV Codes returned “The Address provided could not be verified.”
AV Code = AV11 OR AV 21; AND AE Code is not AE01 “Province and Postal Code are valid, but City and Street could not be verified.”
AV Code = AV12 OR AV 22; AND AE Code is not AE01 “City, Province, and Postal Code are valid, but the Street could not be verified.”
AV Code = AV13 OR AV 23; AND AE Code is not AE01 “Street, City, Province, and Postal Code are valid, but the Street Number could not be verified.”
AV Code = AV 14; AND AE Code is not AE01 “Street Address, City, Province, and Postal Code are valid, but a suite or apt number may be missing.”
AV Code = AV24 OR AV25; AND AE Code is not AE01 “Full Address Verified.”
If this is not enabled for the integrator “To Country Verified.”



IndividualPersonal / Individual
HomeOfficeHome Office
HomeBasedBusinessHome-based Business
OfficeBasedBusinessOffice-based Business


CheckingChecking account
SavingsSavings account


SC-A-INSRMInsurance for Registered Mail
US-A-CMCertified Mail
US-A-CODCollect on Delivery
US-A-DCUSPS Delivery Confirmation
US-A-ESHUSPS Express – Sunday / Holiday Guaranteed
US-A-INSUSPS Insurance
US-A-RDRestricted Delivery
US-A-REGRegistered Mail
US-A-RRReturn Receipt Requested
US-A-SCUSPS Signature Confirmation
US-A-WDSUSPS Express – Waive Delivery Signature
US-A-SRUSPS Express – Signature Required
US-A-ESHSunday/Holiday Delivery Guaranteed
US-A-RREElectronic Return Receipt
US-A-LANSLive Animal No Surcharge
US-A-LAWSLive Animal with Surcharge
US-A-HMHazardous Materials
US-A-CRCremated Remains
US-A-ASRAdult Signature Required
US-A-ASRDAdult Signature Restricted Delivery
US-A-HFPUHold For Pickup
SC-A-HP[DEPRECATED] Hidden Postage [this is now applied automatically]
US-A-NDW[DEPRECATED] USPS Express – No Delivery on Saturdays
US-A-RRM[DEPRECATED] Return Receipt for Merchandise
US-A-NND[DEPRECATED] Notice of non-delivery.
US-A-1030[DEPRECATED] Deliver Priority Mail Express by 10:30 am
CAR-A-SATThis feature is not available for all integrations
CAR-A-RESThis feature is not available for all integrations
CAR-A-NSPThis feature is not available for all integrations
CAR-A-ISRThis feature is not available for all integrations
CAR-A-DSRThis feature is not available for all integrations
CAR-A-ASRThis feature is not available for all integrations
US-A-DDPThis feature is not available for all integrations
US-A-POURThis feature is not available for all integrations
PG-A-INSThis feature is not available for all integrations




FrontDoorPackages are at front door.
BackDoorPackages are at back door.
SideDoorPackages are at side door.
KnockOnDoorOrRingBellCarrier needs to knock on door or ring bell to get the packages.
MailRoomPackages are in mail room.
OfficePackages are in office.
ReceptionPackages are at reception area.
InOrAtMailboxPackages are in mail box.
OtherPackages are at the location other than above places. SpecialInstruction must be provided.


MothersMaidenNameWhat is your mother’s maiden name?
PetsNameWhat is your pet’s name?
BirthCityWhat is your city of birth?
HighSchoolMascotWhat was your high school mascot?
FathersBirthplaceWhat is your father's birthplace?
StreetNameWhat street did you grow up on?
FirstSchoolsNameWhat is the name of your first school?
FirstCarsMakeModelWhat is the make and model of your first car?
Last4SocialSecurityNumberLast 4 digits of your Social Security #. This codeword is deprecated and should not be presented to new users.
Last4DriversLicenseLast 4 digits of your driver’s license #. This codeword is deprecated and should not be presented to new users.


Commercial SampleCommercial sample
Returned GoodsReturned goods
Humanitarian DonationHumanitarian Donation
Dangerous GoodsDangerous Goods


NormalA regular envelope print with a valid indicium.
SampleA regular envelope print with a sample indicium with a ‘VOID’ watermark and a VOID watermark in the middle of the image.
NoPostageSimilar to ‘Sample’. No indicium on image. No ‘VOID’ watermark anywhere. This is essentially provides addresses printing on envelope without any postage.
PreviewSimilar to ‘Sample’ but no ‘VOID’ watermark in the middle of the image. The ‘VOID’ watermark on indicium still exists.


AmericanExpressAmerican Express


DefaultDefault resolution
HighHigh resolution


ImageDpi300High resolution, valid for printing postage
ImageDpi203Default DPI, for use with thermal printers
ImageDpi200Low resolution, valid for printing postage
ImageDpi150Low resolution, valid for printing postage
ImageDpi96Low resolution, not-valid for printing postage, for sample use only


AutoDefault format; PNG for domestic, PDF for international
AZplASCII encoded ZPL format
BZplBinary encoded ZPl format
EncryptedPngUrlReserved for future use.
EplEPL printer
GifGIF format
JpgJPEG format
PdfPDF format
PrintOncePdfReserved for future use.
PngPNG format
ZplBinary encoded ZPL format.


ScanFormGenerate USPS SCAN form.
GlobalAdvantageFor internal use only.
AllFor internal use only.


Undefined‘Non delivery instructions’ section is left blank.
Return‘Return to sender’ is printed in the ‘Non delivery instructions’ section.
Abandon‘Treat as Abandoned’ is printed in the ‘Non delivery instructions’ section.
RedirectThe address specified in RedirectTo is printed in the ‘Non delivery instructions’ section.


UnknownUnknown. Do not use.
PostcardPostcard. Enabled on request.
LetterLetter. Enabled on request.
Large Envelope or FlatLarge envelope or flat. Has one dimension that is between 11 ½” and 15” long, 6 1/8” and 12” high, or ¼” and ¾ thick.
Thick EnvelopeThick envelope. Envelopes or flats greater than ¾” at the thickest point.
PackagePackage. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is less than or equal to 84”
Small Flat Rate BoxUSPS small flat rate box. A special 8-5/8” x 5-3/8” x 1-5/8” USPS box that clearly indicates “Small Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate BoxUSPS medium flat rate box. A special 11” x 8 ½” x 5 ½” or 14” x 3.5” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates “Medium Flat Rate Box”
Large Flat Rate BoxUSPS large flat rate box. A special 12” x 12” x 6” USPS box that clearly indicates “Large Flat Rate Box”.
Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS flat rate envelope. A special cardboard envelope provided by the USPS that clearly indicates “Flat Rate”.
Flat Rate Padded EnvelopeUSPS flat rate padded envelope.
Large PackageLarge package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 84” and less than or equal to 108”.
Oversized PackageOversized package. Longest side plus the distance around the thickest part is over 108” and less than or equal to 130”.
Regional Rate Box AUSPS regional rate box A. A special 10 15/16” x 2 3/8” x 12 13/ 16” or 10” x 7” x 4 3/4” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box A”. 15 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box BUSPS regional rate box B. A special 14 3/8” x 2 2/8” x 15 7/8” or 12” x 10 1/4” x 5” USPS box that clearly indicates “Regional Rate Box B”. 20 lbs maximum weight.
Regional Rate Box CUSPS regional rate box C. A special 15” x 12” x 12” USPS box that clearly indicates ”Regional Rate Box C”. 25 lbs maximum weight.
Legal Flat Rate EnvelopeUSPS-supplied Priority Mail flat-rate envelope 9 1/2” x 15”. Maximum weight 4 pounds.
Express EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
DocumentsThis feature is not available for all integrations.
EnvelopeThis feature is not available for all integrations.
PakThis feature is not available for all integrations.


DefaultUse default page size.
Letter85x11Use letter page size.
LabelSizeThe page size is same as label size.


UspsUSPS Pickup.
NoneReserved for future use.


NormalA regular label with postage and a valid indicium.
NoPostageA regular label without postage or an indicium.


CustomerActionRequiredCustomer needs to update payment information.
SystemFailureThe failure is due to a system failure.
RejectedDueToFraudPurchase was rejected due to fraud.


SuccessPurchase successfully completed.
PendingPurchase is pending; payment has not yet started processing.
ProcessingPurchase is pending; payment is currently being processed.
RejectedPurchase was rejected. See the RejectedReason string for details.


SuccessRegistration successfully completed.
FailRegistration failed because user name has been taken. A suggested user name is returned.


YesThe address is a residential address. AddressMatch would be true in this case.
NoThe address is a business address. AddressMatch would be true in this case.
UnknownThe address type could not be determined. AddressMatch would be false in this case.
UnsupportedThe current integration does not support querying this data.


US-FCUSPS First-Class Mail
US-MMUSPS Media Mail
US-PMUSPS Priority Mail
US-XMUSPS Priority Mail Express
US-EMIUSPS Priority Mail Express International
US-PMIUSPS Priority Mail International
US-FCIUSPS First Class Mail International
US-GAUSPS Ground Advantage
US-LMUSPS Library Mail
US-RETURNUSPS Pay-on-Use Return
US-PS[DEPRECATED] USPS Parcel Select Ground
SC-GPEGlobalPost Economy Single Piece
SC-GPPGlobalPost Standard Single Piece
SC-GPLGlobalPost Plus Single Piece
SC-GPESSGlobalPost Economy SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
SC-GPPSSGlobalPost Standard SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
SC-GPLSSGlobalPost Plus SmartSaver - Contact GlobalPost ([email protected] / 888-899-1255) to determine eligibility
Some additional ServiceType values exist but are deprecated or not available for all integrations.


ManifestAcknowledgementManifest acknowledgement.
ElectronicNotificationElectronic notification.
AttemptedNoticeLeftAttempted delivery. Notice left.
AcceptOrPickupAccept or pickup.
ArrivalAtUnitArrival at unit.
ReturnToSenderReturn to sender.
DeadLetterDead letter.
ArrivalAtPickupPointArrival at pickup point.
NoSuchNumberNo such number.
InsufficientAddressInsufficient address.
MovedNoForwarding.Moved. No forwarding address.
ForwardingExpiredForwarding expired.
AddresseeUnknownAddressee unknown.
ReturnedOtherReasonReturned for other reason.
PickedUpByShippingPartnerPicked up by shipping partner.
ArrivedAtShippingPartnerArrived at shipping partner.
DepartedFromShippingPartnerDeparted from shipping partner.
UnrecognizedEventUnrecognized event.
ErrorDateNotAvailableError. Date not available.
ArriveSortFacility_A1Arrive Sort Facility
AcceptedAtDestinationAccepted at Destination
ArrivedUSPSSortFacilityArrived USPS Sort Facility
DepartUSPSSortFacilityDepart USPS Sort Facility
DeliveryStatusNotUpdatedDelivery Status Not Updated
DispatchedFromSortFacilityDispatched from Sort Facility
ShippingLabelCreatedShipping Label Created
DepartSortFacility_L1Depart Sort Facility
PickedUpAndProcessedByAgentPre-Shipment Info Sent to USPS
OriginAcceptanceOrigin Acceptance
ProcessedAtDestinationFacilityProcessed at Destination Facility
OutForDeliveryOut for Delivery
Sorting_ProcessingCompleteSorting/Processing Complete
DispatchedToSortFacilityDispatched to Sort Facility
ArriveSortFacility_R1Arrive Sort Facility
DepartSortFacility_T1Depart Sort Facility
ShipmentAcceptanceShipment Acceptance
In_processAcceptanceIn-Process Acceptance
ArriveSortFacility_U1Arrive Sort Facility
AvailableForPickupAvailable for Pickup
PickedUpByAgentPicked Up by Agent
ReturnToSender_NotPickedUpReturn to Sender/Not Picked Up
DeadMail_DisposedByPostOfficeDead Mail/Disposed by Post Office
DeadMail_SentToRecoveryCenterDead Mail/Sent to Recovery Center
Processed_RegisteredMailOnly_35Processed (Registered Mail Only)
Processed_RegisteredMailOnly_36Processed (Registered Mail Only)
Processed_RegisteredMailOnly_38Processed (Registered Mail Only)
Processed_RegisteredMailOnly_39Processed (Registered Mail Only)
Processed_RegisteredMailOnly_40Processed (Registered Mail Only)
ReceivedAtOpeningUnitReceived at Opening Unit
USPSHandoffToShippingPartnerUSPS Handoff to Shipping Partner
PickedUpPicked Up
CustomerRecallCustomer Recall
DispatchedToMilitaryDispatched to Military
DuplicateLabelIDDuplicate Label ID
BusinessClosedBusiness Closed
NoticeLeftNotice Left
ReceptacleBlockedReceptacle Blocked
ReceptacleFullReceptacle Full/Item Oversized
NoSecureLocationAvailableNo Secure Location Available
NoAuthorizedRecipientAvailableNo Authorized Recipient Available
TenderedToAgentForFinalDeliveryTendered to Agent for Final Delivery
TenderedToPostalServiceTendered to Postal Service
ArrivedAgentFacilityArrived Agent Facility
DepartedAgentFacilityDeparted Agent Facility
DeliveredByAgentToMerchantDelivered by Agent to Merchant
FinalDispositionByMerchantFinal Disposition by Merchant


HomePageStore home page.
AccountSettingsPageAccount settings page.
EditCostCodesPageEdit Cost Codes page.
OnlineReportsPageOnline Reports page.
HelpPageHelp page.
OnlineReportingHistorySearch Print page.
OnlineReportingRefundRefund page.
OnlineReportingPickupUSPS Pick-Up page.
OnlineReportingSCANSCAN Manifest page.
OnlineReportingClaimFile Claim page.
StoreChangePlanChange Billing Plan page.
WebClientHomeWeb postage printing.
ReportsBalancesBalances report.
ReportsExpensesExpenses report.
ReportsPrintsPrints report.
StoreBuyPostageBuy postage.
StoreMetersMeter list (for enterprise accounts only).
StoreUsersUse list (for multi-user accounts only).
StorePaymentMethodsPayment methods.
StoreCorpContactInfoCorporate contact information.
StoreMeterUsersMeter user list (for enterprise accounts only).
StoreMeterSettingsMeter settings.
StoreMeterAddressMeter address.
StoreShippingAddressesShipping address.
StoreAccountCreditAccount credit.
StoreMyProfileUser profile.
StorePasswordChange password.
StoreCommPreferencesCommunication preferences.
StoreNetStampsLabelsPurchase NetStamps labels.
StoreShippingLabelsPurchase shipping labels.
StoreMailingLabelsPurchase mailing labels.
StoreScalesAndPrintersPurchase scales and printers.
StoreFreeUSPSSuppliesOrder free USPS supplies.
StoreBubbleMailersPurchase bubble mailers.
StoreShippingSuppliesPurchase shipping supplies.
StoreScalesPurchase scales.
StoreAveryNetStampsLabelsPurchase Avery NetStamps labels.
StoreAveryMailingLabelsPurchase Avery mailing labels.
StoreMeterContactInfoMeter contact information.
StoreEditMeterAddressEdit meter address.
StoreHomeOnline store home page.
StoreAccountAccount information.
StoreCostCodeCost codes.
StoreCustomerHomeCustomer home page.
StoreGetAccountInfoJSonThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreSetAccountInfoJSonThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreUserCategoriesThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreCategoryThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreUpdatePaymentMethodResubmitThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreDefaultPaymentMethodsThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
StoreSignOutThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
WebClientDefaultThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
WebClientPreferencesThis value is not intended to be used by integrators.
SetTermsGeneralAdvancedTermsAndConditionsIPAGeneral Advanced IPA Terms and Conditions page
UploadImageThe image upload page. Images uploaded via this page can be added to the users labels.
PhoneVerificationPhone Verification

Error Codes

HexidecimalCode DecimalCode Name Description
0x90000 589824 image_download_failed (No description.)
0x90001 589825 is_payment_method_ach_failed (No description.)
0x90101 590081 no_such_control (No description.)
0x90102 590082 control_is_wrong_type (No description.)
0x90103 590083 printing_model_not_supported (No description.)
0x90104 590084 control_bound_value_is_wrong_type (No description.)
0x110200 1114624 no_server_registry_entry (No description.)
0x110201 1114625 invalid_response_data (No description.)
0x120001 1179649 missing_required_value (No description.)
0x120002 1179650 invalid_data_size (No description.)
0x120003 1179651 bad_pointer (No description.)
0x130001 1245185 emeter_pool_unavailable_topic (No description.)
0x130002 1245186 emeter_unavailable_topic (No description.)
0x160101 1442049 invalid_meter_number_topic (No description.)
0x160102 1442050 meter_in_use_topic (No description.)
0x160103 1442051 no_available_meters_topic (No description.)
0x160104 1442052 meter_not_locked_topic (No description.)
0x160105 1442053 invalid_serial_number_topic (No description.)
0x160106 1442054 unexpected_response_item_topic (No description.)
0x16010C 1442060 postage_replay_topic (No description.)
0x16010D 1442061 maximum_meter_count_exceeded_topic (No description.)
0x160111 1442065 insufficient_funds_topic (No description.)
0x160207 1442311 invalid_key_type_topic (No description.)
0x160208 1442312 invalid_indicium_data_topic (No description.)
0x160212 1442322 invalid_reset_amount_topic (No description.)
0x160308 1442568 invalid_indicium_result_topic (No description.)
0x160309 1442569 reset_amount_mismatch_topic (No description.)
0x16030A 1442570 emeter_message_formatting_failed_topic (No description.)
0x16040B 1442827 authentication_failed_topic (No description.)
0x16040E 1442830 emeter_general_failure_topic (No description.)
0x16040F 1442831 meter_balance_exceeded_topic (No description.)
0x160410 1442832 invalid_emeter_response_topic (No description.)
0x1D0100 1900800 unexpected_response_item_topic (No description.)
0x1D0101 1900801 batch_invalid_type_id_topic (No description.)
0x1D0102 1900802 batch_invalid_end_date_topic (No description.)
0x1D0103 1900803 batch_no_new_work_topic (No description.)
0x1D0104 1900804 batch_invalid_state_transition_topic (No description.)
0x1D0105 1900805 batch_end_date_not_yet_reached_topic (No description.)
0x1D0206 1901062 db_connection_configuration_missing_topic (No description.)
0x1E0100 1966336 unexpected_response_item_topic (No description.)
0x1E0101 1966337 batch_invalid_type_id_topic (No description.)
0x1E0102 1966338 batch_invalid_end_date_topic (No description.)
0x1E0103 1966339 batch_no_new_work_topic (No description.)
0x1E0104 1966340 batch_invalid_state_transition_topic (No description.)
0x1E0105 1966341 batch_end_date_not_yet_reached_topic (No description.)
0x1E0206 1966598 db_connection_configuration_missing_topic (No description.)
0x1F0100 2031872 unexpected_response_item_topic (No description.)
0x1F0101 2031873 batch_invalid_type_id_topic (No description.)
0x1F0102 2031874 batch_invalid_end_date_topic (No description.)
0x1F0103 2031875 batch_no_new_work_topic (No description.)
0x1F0104 2031876 batch_invalid_state_transition_topic (No description.)
0x1F0105 2031877 batch_end_date_not_yet_reached_topic (No description.)
0x1F0206 2032134 db_connection_configuration_missing_topic (No description.)
0x1F0307 2032391 out_of_memory_topic (No description.)
0x1F0308 2032392 xml_api_error_topic (No description.)
0x230101 2294017 not_initialized (No description.)
0x230102 2294018 already_initialized (No description.)
0x230103 2294019 initialization_failed_no_localization (No description.)
0x230104 2294020 initialization_failed_no_schema (No description.)
0x230105 2294021 invalid_persistence_form (No description.)
0x280101 2621697 external_hresult (No description.)
0x280102 2621698 cannot_load_provider (No description.)
0x280103 2621699 cannot_create_session (No description.)
0x280104 2621700 invalid_retry_value (No description.)
0x280105 2621701 timeout (No description.)
0x280106 2621702 invalid_url (No description.)
0x280107 2621703 canceled (No description.)
0x280108 2621704 out_of_handles (No description.)
0x280109 2621705 internal_error (No description.)
0x28010A 2621706 unrecognized_scheme (No description.)
0x28010B 2621707 name_not_resolved (No description.)
0x28010C 2621708 protocol_not_found (No description.)
0x28010D 2621709 invalid_option (No description.)
0x28010E 2621710 bad_option_length (No description.)
0x28010F 2621711 option_not_settable (No description.)
0x280110 2621712 shutdown (No description.)
0x280111 2621713 incorrect_user_name (No description.)
0x280112 2621714 incorrect_password (No description.)
0x280113 2621715 login_failure (No description.)
0x280114 2621716 invalid_operation (No description.)
0x280115 2621717 incorrect_handle_type (No description.)
0x280116 2621718 incorrect_handle_state (No description.)
0x280117 2621719 not_proxy_request (No description.)
0x280118 2621720 registry_value_not_found (No description.)
0x280119 2621721 bad_registry_parameter (No description.)
0x28011A 2621722 no_direct_access (No description.)
0x28011B 2621723 no_context (No description.)
0x28011C 2621724 no_callback (No description.)
0x28011D 2621725 incorect_format (No description.)
0x28011E 2621726 item_not_found (No description.)
0x28011F 2621727 cannot_connect (No description.)
0x280120 2621728 connection_aborted (No description.)
0x280121 2621729 connection_reset (No description.)
0x280122 2621730 force_retry (No description.)
0x280123 2621731 ivalid_proxy_request (No description.)
0x280124 2621732 need_ui (No description.)
0x280125 2621733 handle_exists (No description.)
0x280126 2621734 sec_cert_date_invalid (No description.)
0x280127 2621735 sec_cert_cn_invalid (No description.)
0x280128 2621736 http_to_https_on_redir (No description.)
0x280129 2621737 https_to_http_on_redir (No description.)
0x28012A 2621738 mixed_security (No description.)
0x28012B 2621739 chg_post_is_non_secure (No description.)
0x28012C 2621740 post_is_non_secure (No description.)
0x28012D 2621741 client_auth_cert_needed (No description.)
0x28012E 2621742 invalid_ca (No description.)
0x28012F 2621743 client_auth_not_setup (No description.)
0x280130 2621744 async_thread_failed (No description.)
0x280131 2621745 redirect_scheme_change (No description.)
0x280132 2621746 dialog_pending (No description.)
0x280133 2621747 retry_dialog (No description.)
0x280134 2621748 http_http_submit_redir (No description.)
0x280135 2621749 insert_cdrom (No description.)
0x280136 2621750 fortezza_login_needed (No description.)
0x280137 2621751 sec_cert_errors (No description.)
0x280138 2621752 sec_cert_no_rev (No description.)
0x280139 2621753 sec_cert_rev_failed (No description.)
0x28013A 2621754 header_not_found (No description.)
0x28013B 2621755 downlevel_server (No description.)
0x28013C 2621756 invalid_server_response (No description.)
0x28013D 2621757 invalid_header (No description.)
0x28013E 2621758 invalid_query_request (No description.)
0x28013F 2621759 header_already_exists (No description.)
0x280140 2621760 redirect_failed (No description.)
0x280141 2621761 not_redirected (No description.)
0x280142 2621762 cookie_needs_confirmation (No description.)
0x280143 2621763 cookie_declined (No description.)
0x280144 2621764 redirect_needs_confirmation (No description.)
0x280145 2621765 security_channel_error (No description.)
0x280146 2621766 unable_to_cache_file (No description.)
0x280147 2621767 tcpip_not_installed (No description.)
0x280148 2621768 disconnected (No description.)
0x280149 2621769 server_unreachable (No description.)
0x28014A 2621770 proxy_server_unreachable (No description.)
0x28014B 2621771 bad_auto_proxy_script (No description.)
0x28014C 2621772 unable_to_download_script (No description.)
0x28014D 2621773 sec_invalid_cert (No description.)
0x28014E 2621774 sec_cert_revoked (No description.)
0x28014F 2621775 failed_deu_to_security_check (No description.)
0x280150 2621776 not_initilized (No description.)
0x280151 2621777 need_msn_sspi_pkg (No description.)
0x280152 2621778 login_failure_display_entity_body (No description.)
0x280153 2621779 extended_error (No description.)
0x280154 2621780 error_reading_data (No description.)
0x280155 2621781 http_status_continue (No description.)
0x280156 2621782 http_status_proxy_required (No description.)
0x280157 2621783 http_status_service_unavailable (No description.)
0x280158 2621784 http_status_not_modifed (No description.)
0x280159 2621785 http_status_not_ok (No description.)
0x28015A 2621786 connection_error (No description.)
0x28015B 2621787 resend_request (No description.)
0x28015C 2621788 cannot_call_before_open (No description.)
0x28015D 2621789 cannot_call_before_send (No description.)
0x28015E 2621790 cannot_call_after_send (No description.)
0x28015F 2621791 cannot_call_after_open (No description.)
0x280160 2621792 proxy_service_error (No description.)
0x280161 2621793 secure_wrong_usage (No description.)
0x280162 2621794 autodetection_failed (No description.)
0x280163 2621795 too_many_headers (No description.)
0x280164 2621796 header_too_big (No description.)
0x280165 2621797 response_drain_overflow (No description.)
0x280166 2621798 http_status_internal_error (No description.)
0x2B0101 2818305 no_repository (No description.)
0x2B0102 2818306 missing_required_value (No description.)
0x2B0103 2818307 configuration_crypto_failure (No description.)
0x2B0201 2818561 invalid_authenticator (No description.)
0x2B0202 2818562 expired_authenticator (No description.)
0x2B0203 2818563 invalid_conversation_token (No description.)
0x2B0204 2818564 conversation_out_of_sync (No description.)
0x2B0205 2818565 authenticator_crypto_failure (No description.)
0x2B0206 2818566 user_not_linked_to_store (No description.)
0x2B0207 2818567 invalid_integration_id (No description.)
0x2B0208 2818568 invalid_integration_caps (No description.)
0x2B0209 2818569 invalid_reseller_account (No description.)
0x2B0401 2819073 password_too_long Password input was longer than maximum password length.
0x2B0402 2819074 password_too_short Password input was shorter than minimum password length.
0x2B0403 2819075 password_no_alpha (No description.)
0x2B0404 2819076 password_no_digit (No description.)
0x2B0405 2819077 password_invalid (No description.)
0x2B0406 2819078 password_repeated (No description.)
0x2B0407 2819079 password_syntax_invalid Password must contain a mix of upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.
0x2B0408 2819080 password_change_too_frequent Password can be changed only once every 24 hours.
0x2B0409 2819081 password_has_user_name Password must not contain user name.
0x2B040A 2819082 password_has_first_name Password must not contain first name.
0x2B040B 2819083 password_has_last_name Password must not contain last name.
0x2B040C 2819084 password_has_company_name Password must not contain company name.
0x2B040D 2819085 password_has_phone_number Password must not contain phone number.
0x2B040E 2819086 password_has_dictionary_word Password must not contain dictionary words.
0x2B0501 2819329 not_in_password_reset (No description.)
0x2B0502 2819330 invalid_codewords (No description.)
0x2B0601 2819585 authentication_failed (No description.)
0x2B0602 2819586 insufficient_client_version The account requires a newer client.
0x2B0603 2819587 user_not_linked_to_postal The account is not linked to postal.
0x2B0604 2819588 invalid_corporate_meter Invalid Corporate Meter.
0x2B0605 2819589 account_in_password_reset (No description.)
0x2B0607 2819591 account_locked (No description.)
0x2B0608 2819592 password_expired (No description.)
0x2B060C 2819596 codewords_not_set (No description.)
0x2B060D 2819597 codewords_already_set (No description.)
0x2B0701 2819841 account_in_use (No description.)
0x2B0801 2820097 create_store_profile_failure (No description.)
0x2B0802 2820098 create_payment_method_failure (No description.)
0x2B0803 2820099 bridge_registration (No description.)
0x2B0804 2820100 plan_subscription_failure (No description.)
0x2B0805 2820101 bridge_registration_timeout (No description.)
0x2B0806 2820102 bridge_registration_internal_error (No description.)
0x2B0807 2820103 too_many_users (No description.)
0x2B0808 2820104 po_box_in_physical_address (No description.)
0x2B0901 2820353 timed_out (No description.)
0x2B0A01 2820609 exceeded_per_print_limit (No description.)
0x2B0A02 2820610 reference_code_required (No description.)
0x2B0A03 2820611 user_access_denied (No description.)
0x2B0A04 2820612 login_not_permitted (No description.)
0x2B0A05 2820613 admin_login_not_permitted (No description.)
0x2B0A06 2820614 manage_users_required (No description.)
0x2B0A07 2820615 web_based_reports_required (No description.)
0x2B0A08 2820616 cannot_remove_last_admin (No description.)
0x2B0A09 2820617 reseller_account_not_supported (No description.)
0x2B0A0A 2820618 insufficient_security (No description.)
0x2B0A0B 2820619 unable_to_print (No description.)
0x2B0A0C 2820620 account_in_admin_hold Meter is in AccountInAdminHold status.
0x2B0B01 2820865 user_already_activated (No description.)
0x2B0B02 2820866 user_not_found (No description.)
0x2B0B03 2820867 user_is_inactive (No description.)
0x2B0B04 2820868 invalid_activation_code (No description.)
0x2B0C01 2821121 invalid_mail_class Specified mail class is incompatible with specified rate category.
0x2B0C02 2821122 invalid_num_indicia Number of indicia requested must be greater than 0.
0x2B0C03 2821123 list_length_mismatch Number of elements in a list parameter is incorrect.
0x2B0C04 2821124 invalid_customer_id Specified customer id does not exist.
0x2B0C05 2821125 invalid_label_layout The contents do not fit in a shipping label.
0x2B0C06 2821126 invalid_store_profile_id Invalid store profile id.
0x2B0C07 2821127 not_a_reseller_account Account is not a reseller account.
0x2B0C08 2821128 mail_class_not_supported Given mail class is not supported.
0x2B0C09 2821129 label_type_not_supported Given label type is not supported.
0x2B0C0A 2821130 mm_and_pp_with_dc_not_supported Media mail and parcel post with delivery confirmation is not supported.
0x2B0C0B 2821131 login_banner_text_missing The Login Banner Text has not be properly setup for this account
0x2B0C0C 2821132 emi_fre_weight_limit_exceeded The maximum weight for EMI FRE cannot be more than 4 lbs.
0x2B0C0D 2821133 emi_insurance_not_allowed Insurance for Express Mail International is not allowed on this version of the client.
0x2B0C0E 2821134 extra_services_not_supported One or more extra services are not supported.
0x2B0C0F 2821135 sender_or_recipient_name_is_invalid_or_missing First and Last Name, with two characters each, or a Company Name is required for both Sender and Recipient.
0x2B0C10 2821136 pm_usps_insurance_not_allowed "USPS insurance for Priority Mail is not allowed on this version of the client, when requesting a value less than or equal to $100."
0x2B0D01 2821377 no_admin_users_on_initial_meter There are no users with admin rights on this meter.
0x2B0D02 2821378 corporation_already_exists A corporation with this name already exists.
0x2B0D03 2821379 customer_already_associated_with_corporation Specified customer is already assigned to a corporation.
0x2B0E01 2821633 duplicate_integration_id The specified integration id already exists.
0x2B0F01 2821889 web_method_not_supported The Web method that you are trying to call is not supported.
0x2B0F02 2821890 parcel_post_not_supported This version of the client does not support parcel post.
0x3A0101 3801345 no_connection_string Database connection string not properly configured.
0x3A0201 3801601 too_long Data to serialize exceeds maximum allowed length.
0x3A0202 3801602 unexpected_type Unexpected data type encountered.
0x3A0301 3801857 invalid_message Data is not a valid encoded message.
0x3A0401 3802113 hmac_key_not_found HMAC key not found.
0x3A0402 3802114 message_expired Message expired.
0x3A0403 3802115 invalid_mac Invalid MAC.
0x3A0501 3802369 unknown An unexpected error has occurred.
0x3A0601 3802625 invalid_rotation Rotation must be one of 0, 90, 180, or 270.
0x3B0101 3866881 no_connection_string Database connection string not properly configured.
0x3B0102 3866882 MailerIdNotSpecified Mailer Id is missing from configuration.
0x3B0201 3867137 invalid_transaction_id Invalid transaction id.
0x3B0301 3867393 netstamp_expired Netstamp expired
0x3B0302 3867394 label_expired Label expired
0x3B0303 3867395 TooManyCustomsLines Too many customs lines.
0x3B0304 3867396 image_not_available Image selected is not available.
0x3B0401 3867649 FailedToGetLabelImage Failed to retrieve label image data.
0x3E0101 4063489 dynamic_load_failed A call to LoadLibrary produced a NULL module handle, indicating that the system was unable to load the given DLL.
0x3E0102 4063490 cannot_get_proc_address A call to GetProcAddress produced a NULL function pointer, indicating that the system was unable to find the function in the given DLL.
0x3E0201 4063745 cannot_open_coclass_key Tried and failed to open the registry key containing the CLSID hive for a given COM class (e.g., "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}").
0x3F0101 4129025 module_not_loaded An operation tried and failed to access a particular module loaded in the current process.
0x3F0102 4129026 cannot_get_module_file_name An operation tried and failed to get the path name of a loaded module.
0x410001 4259841 stamps_id_is_absent A Function that requires the presence of a Stamps ID (e.g., fingerprint::obtain) cannot find one on the computer.
0x410002 4259842 cannot_create_stamps_id A Function that sets the Stamps ID (e.g., fingerprint::put_stamps_id) cannot cannot write a Stamps ID on the computer.
0x410003 4259843 cannot_find_ethernet_nics Unable to find any Ethernet adapters when querying the computer's hardware (which the "Client/Computer Fingerprint" library is doing using the Windows API GetAdaptersInfo function as of June of 2007).
0x410004 4259844 cannot_find_system_drive_letter Unable to acquire a mounted drive letter corresponding to the "system" volume (i.e., where Windows is running from).
0x410005 4259845 cannot_find_serial_number_for_mounted_drive Unable to find the old-school volume serial number for a mounted drive letter.
0x410006 4259846 cannot_obtain_volume_guid_for_mounted_drive Unable to obtain the volume GUID for a mounted drive letter.
0x410007 4259847 cannot_extract_guid_from_volume_name Cannot interpret the GUID value that's supposed to exist between the first pair of left and right curly braces in a volume name of the form "\?\Volume{########-####-####-####-############}\".
0x410008 4259848 unexpected_cryptographic_failure The Stamps ID feature failed unexpectedly on a cryptographic operation related to the Stamps ID HMAC.
0x410009 4259849 cannot_create_guid The Stamps ID feature failed due to the inability of the Windows API to create a new, random GUID.
0x41000A 4259850 cannot_query_physical_media_serial_numbers Unable to obtain the manufacturer's serial numbers for physical media devices (hard drives) installed in the user's computer.
0x420001 4325377 api_function_failed A Windows API function call failed.
0x420002 4325378 cannot_create_thread The Windows API Extensions package was unable to create a new thread.
0x420003 4325379 null_pointer_argument A NULL pointer was passed to a Windows API Extensions function that requires a non-NULL pointer argument.
0x420101 4325633 windows_not_on_mounted_drive The Windows Shell API has returned a path to the Windows directory that doesn't appear to start with a drive letter.
0x420201 4325889 invalid_xpath An MSXML extension function was passed an XPath that was empty or invalid.
0x420202 4325890 xpath_target_not_found MSXML couldn't find any nodes at the given XPath relative to the given node.
0x420203 4325891 set_selection_namespaces_failed An attempt to set the DOM second-level property SelectionNamespaces on an MSXML DOM Document failed, probably due to some problem with the given namespaces string.
0x420204 4325892 node_is_not_an_element A function that requires an element-type MSXML node object was passed a node of some other type.
0x420205 4325893 node_text_invalid An MSXML extension function was unable to interpret the text contents
0x440101 4456705 get_commitments_failed The call to the Express Mail Service Commitments Web Service failed.
0x450101 4522241 invalid_data (No description.)
0x450102 4522242 invalid_argument (No description.)
0x450103 4522243 rate_desination_country_mismatch (No description.)
0x450104 4522244 dest_address_cleanse_hash_mismatch (No description.)
0x450105 4522245 no_sender_name (No description.)
0x450106 4522246 no_recipent_name (No description.)
0x450107 4522247 invalid_mail_class (No description.)
0x450108 4522248 invalid_sender_name (No description.)
0x450109 4522249 firm_name_too_long (No description.)
0x45010A 4522250 no_sender_street (No description.)
0x45010B 4522251 invalid_sender_zip4 (No description.)
0x45010C 4522252 no_recipient_address (No description.)
0x45010D 4522253 require_phone_no_for_po_box (No description.)
0x45010E 4522254 label_date_out_of_range (No description.)
0x45010F 4522255 agreement_not_accepted (No description.)
0x450110 4522256 country_of_origin_required_for_commercial_sample (No description.)
0x450111 4522257 total_line_items_weight_more_than_gross (No description.)
0x450112 4522258 invalid_non_delivery_option (No description.)
0x450113 4522259 invalid_container_type (No description.)
0x450114 4522260 invalid_content_type (No description.)
0x450115 4522261 invalid_layout (No description.)
0x450116 4522262 purchase_stale_control_total (No description.)
0x450117 4522263 missing_sender_phone_number_for_domestic_express (No description.)
0x450118 4522264 missing_recipent_phone_number_for_international (No description.)
0x450119 4522265 invalid_from_country (No description.)
0x45011A 4522266 missing_customs_info_for_international (No description.)
0x45011B 4522267 missing_other_describe (No description.)
0x45011C 4522268 total_value_of_customs_lines_cannot_exceed_declared_value (No description.)
0x45011D 4522269 missing_customs_lines (No description.)
0x45011E 4522270 customs_line_weight_cannot_be_zero (No description.)
0x45011F 4522271 too_many_customs_lines (No description.)
0x450120 4522272 not_support_epl_for_international (No description.)
0x450121 4522273 address_is_not_cleansed (No description.)
0x450122 4522274 registration_is_not_allowed (No description.)
0x450123 4522275 invalid_promocode (No description.)
0x450124 4522276 invalid_custom_form (No description.)
0x450125 4522277 missing_sender_phone_number_for_apo_fpo_address (No description.)
0x450126 4522278 customs_line_value_cannot_be_zero (No description.)
0x450127 4522279 missing_customs_info_for_apo_fpo (No description.)
0x450128 4522280 not_support_epl_for_apo_fpo_address_with_customs_form_required (No description.)
0x45012A 4522282 scan_not_support_intl (No description.)
0x45012B 4522283 unsupported_image_type (No description.)
0x45012C 4522284 duplicated_scan_items (No description.)
0x45012D 4522285 return_label_not_supported_for_untrackable (No description.)
0x45012E 4522286 number_of_Shipping_items_to_apo_fpo_address_using_2976A_form_cannot_exceed_30 (No description.)
0x45012F 4522287 number_of_Shipping_items_to_apo_fpo_address_using_2976_form_cannot_exceed_5 (No description.)
0x450130 4522288 untrackable_label_not_supported_for_express_mail (No description.)
0x450131 4522289 returned_goods_content_type_not_supported_for_apo_fpo_address (No description.)
0x450132 4522290 untrackable_label_not_supported_for_priority_mail (No description.)
0x450133 4522291 invalid_print_layout (No description.)
0x450134 4522292 invalid_from_address (No description.)
0x450135 4522293 cannot_notify_without_tracking_number (No description.)
0x450136 4522294 invalid_recipient_email (No description.)
0x450137 4522295 rate_destination_zip_mismatch (No description.)
0x450138 4522296 rate_desination_state_mismatch (No description.)
0x450139 4522297 no_ACH_payment_method_allowed_for_reseller_account (No description.)
0x45013A 4522298 not_supported_zpl_for_international (No description.)
0x45013B 4522299 not_supported_zpl_for_apo_fpo_address_with_customs_form_required (No description.)
0x45013C 4522300 invalid_rotation (No description.)
0x45013D 4522301 invalid_ship_date_for_domestic_express (No description.)
0x45013E 4522302 unsupported_layout (No description.)
0x45013F 4522303 address3_not_supported_for_zpl_and_epl_printers (No description.)
0x450140 4522304 invalid_destination_address (No description.)
0x450141 4522305 city_state_and_zip_of_the_address_do_not_match (No description.)
0x450142 4522306 address_is_not_valid_or_is_po_box (No description.)
0x450143 4522307 to_country_is_not_specified (No description.)
0x450144 4522308 address1_length_exceeded (No description.)
0x450145 4522309 envelopes_and_reseller_not_supported (No description.)
0x450146 4522310 envelopes_and_notification_not_supported (No description.)
0x450147 4522311 envelopes_and_memo_not_supported (No description.)
0x450148 4522312 envelopes_and_addon_not_supported (No description.)
0x450149 4522313 envelope_not_allowed (No description.)
0x45014A 4522314 price_order_no_skus (No description.)
0x45014B 4522315 atg_store_price_order_error (No description.)
0x45014C 4522316 place_order_no_skus (No description.)
0x45014D 4522317 atg_store_place_order_error (No description.)
0x45014E 4522318 priceplace_order_invalid_address (No description.)
0x45014F 4522319 OldPasswordNeededForAuthenticator (No description.)
0x450150 4522320 UnsupportedPackageType (No description.)
0x450151 4522321 EnvelopesSupportDomesticMailOnly (No description.)
0x450152 4522322 UnsupportedEnvelopeType (No description.)
0x450153 4522323 DeprecatedMethodInput (No description.)
0x450154 4522324 EnvelopesMissingFromAddress (No description.)
0x450155 4522325 EnvelopesMissingToAddress (No description.)
0x450156 4522326 PdfNotSupportedForInternational (No description.)
0x450157 4522327 MailingLabelNotAllowed (No description.)
0x450158 4522328 InvalidLabelMode (No description.)
0x450159 4522329 MailingLabelInfoRequired (No description.)
0x45015A 4522330 InvalidStartRow (No description.)
0x45015B 4522331 InvalidStartColumn (No description.)
0x45015C 4522332 MaxNumberOfSheetsExceeded (No description.)
0x45015D 4522333 NotAllMailingLabelsAllowedToPrint (No description.)
0x45015E 4522334 SdcInsuranceNotAllowed (No description.)
0x45015F 4522335 UspsInsuranceNotAllowed (No description.)
0x450160 4522336 InvalidStartPosition (No description.)
0x450161 4522337 OnClosedPlan (No description.)
0x450162 4522338 InternationalOrApoFpoNotSupported (No description.)
0x450163 4522339 DestAddressCleanseHashMismatch (No description.)
0x450164 4522340 InvalidImageType (No description.)
0x450165 4522341 UnfundedIndiciaNotSupported (No description.)
0x450166 4522342 NotsupportedForSdc4100 (No description.)
0x450167 4522343 PrepaidMustUsePriorityMail (No description.)
0x450168 4522344 sender_or_recipient_name_is_invalid_or_missing (No description.)
0x450169 4522345 CertifiedMailNotAllowed (No description.)
0x45016A 4522346 RedirectOnNonDeliveryForCP72Only (No description.)
0x45016B 4522347 LabelMustIncludeAddon (No description.)
0x45016C 4522348 SDCInsuranceNotAllowedForAccount (No description.)
0x45016D 4522349 LayoutDoesNotSupportEplOrZpl (No description.)
0x45018A 4522378 PurchasePostageUserCapsTurnedOffForTheUser (No description.)
0x45018B 4522379 UseInvoicingAppCapIsTurnedOnForTheUser (No description.)
0x45018C 4522380 UserAccountIsNotCorporateAdmin (No description.)
0x45018D 4522381 TriggerAmountIsLessThanOrEqualToZero (No description.)
0x45018E 4522382 PurchaseAmountIsLessThanTen (No description.)
0x45018F 4522383 AutoBuySettingsExceedMaxiumPostageBalance (No description.)
0x450190 4522384 UserAccountIsOnPaymentHold (No description.)
0x450191 4522385 UserAccountIsOnAdminHold (No description.)
0x4501BC 4522428 FciLefNonDocError Invalid rate. Due to a change in USPS rules/regulations, First-Class Mail Int'l Flats can only be used to send documents.
0x450201 4522497 indicium_too_old_to_cancel (No description.)
0x450202 4522498 non_exsiting_transaction (No description.)
0x450203 4522499 replay_unfinished_creation (No description.)
0x450204 4522500 failed_to_refund_postage (No description.)
0x450205 4522501 erefund_is_not_allowed (No description.)
0x450206 4522502 invalid_indicium_identifier (No description.)
0x450207 4522503 label_not_allowed (No description.)
0x450208 4522504 premium_mail_classes_only_allowed (No description.)
0x450209 4522505 label_not_found (No description.)
0x45020A 4522506 FailedToCreateNetStamp (No description.)
0x45020B 4522507 restricted_integration (No description.)
0x45020C 4522508 mailin_refund_cant_cancel (No description.)
0x45020D 4522509 critical_mail_is_not_allowed (No description.)
0x45020E 4522510 FailedToCreateMailingLabel (No description.)
0x45020F 4522511 LibraryMailIsNotAllowed (No description.)
0x450210 4522512 RedirectOnNonDeliveryNotAllowed (No description.)
0x450301 4522753 unrecognized_response (No description.)
0x450302 4522754 usps_web_call_failed (No description.)
0x450401 4523009 get_url_failed (No description.)
0x450402 4523010 invalid_store_authenticator (No description.)
0x450403 4523011 store_conversation_failed (No description.)
0x450404 4523012 invalid_report_authenticator (No description.)
0x450405 4523013 hmac_hash_validation_failed (No description.)
0x450406 4523014 get_url_not_supported_for_reseller_account (No description.)
0x450501 4523265 invalid_stamps_tx_id (No description.)
0x450502 4523266 no_tracking_id (No description.)
0x450503 4523267 stamp_tx_id_not_allowed_without_auth (No description.)
0x450504 4523268 Shipment_without_confirmation_number_can_not_be_included_in_ScanForm (No description.)
0x450505 4523269 CannotBeAllSamplePrints (No description.)
0x450601 4523521 invalid_rateset_id (No description.)
0x450602 4523522 failed_to_initialize_rateset (No description.)
0x450603 4523523 manifestandrating_call_failed (No description.)
0x450701 4523777 netstamp_not_allowed (No description.)
0x450702 4523778 no_images_available (No description.)
0x450703 4523779 no_image_selected_for_netstamp (No description.)
0x450704 4523780 image_restricted_to_premium_account (No description.)
0x450705 4523781 image_not_found (No description.)
0x450706 4523782 unavailable_web_method_netstamp (No description.)
0x450707 4523783 invalid_user (No description.)
0x450708 4523784 NotAllNetstampsAllowedToPrint (No description.)
0x450801 4524033 refund_reseller_postage_failed (No description.)
0x450802 4524034 insurance_not_supported_for_reseller_account (No description.)
0x450803 4524035 unavailable_web_method (No description.)
0x450804 4524036 SpecifyPrintsForResellerAccountScanForm (No description.)
0x450901 4524289 package_count_is_zero (No description.)
0x450902 4524290 usps_carrier_pickup_connection_error (No description.)
0x450903 4524291 package_location_special_instruction (No description.)
0x450904 4524292 usps_carrier_pickup_api_error_message (No description.)
0x450A01 4524545 account_locked (No description.)
0x450A02 4524546 password_expired (No description.)
0x450E09 4525577 Phone_verification_required (No description.)
0x460101 4587777 duplicate_long_name (No description.)
0x460102 4587778 duplicate_short_alias (No description.)
0x460103 4587779 invalid_positional_option (No description.)
0x460104 4587780 invalid_description (No description.)
0x460201 4588033 unknown_long_name (No description.)
0x460202 4588034 unknown_short_alias (No description.)
0x460203 4588035 unknown_positional_value (No description.)
0x460204 4588036 no_value_for_option (No description.)
0x460205 4588037 cannot_convert_value (No description.)
0x470101 4653313 tracking_id_not_found (No description.)
0x470102 4653314 tracking_id_already_in_batch (No description.)
0x480100 4718848 unexpected_response_item_topic (No description.)
0x480101 4718849 batch_invalid_type_id_topic (No description.)
0x480102 4718850 batch_invalid_end_date_topic (No description.)
0x480103 4718851 batch_no_new_work_topic (No description.)
0x480104 4718852 batch_invalid_state_transition_topic (No description.)
0x480105 4718853 batch_end_date_not_yet_reached_topic (No description.)
0x480206 4719110 db_connection_configuration_missing_topic (No description.)
0x490101 4784385 unexpected_error (No description.)
0x490102 4784386 request_soap_message_failed_schema_validation (No description.)
0x490103 4784387 response_soap_message_failed_schema_validation (No description.)
0x4A0101 4849921 no_rules_defined (No description.)
0x4A0102 4849922 missing_section_in_config (No description.)
0x4A0103 4849923 missing_config_file (No description.)
0x4B0101 4915457 invalid_data (No description.)
0x4B0102 4915458 invalid_argument (No description.)
0x4C0101 4980993 invalid_data (No description.)
0x4C0102 4980994 invalid_argument (No description.)
0x4C0103 4980995 missing_postage_id_in_request (No description.)
0x4C0104 4980996 invalid_authenticator (No description.)
0x4C0105 4980997 expired_authenticator (No description.)
0x4C0106 4980998 authentication_failed (No description.)
0x4C0107 4980999 not_authorized (No description.)
0x4C0201 4981249 failed_parse_recipient_address (No description.)
0x4C0202 4981250 failed_to_get_tracking_number (No description.)
0x4C0203 4981251 failed_to_get_print_details (No description.)
0x4D0101 5046529 invalid_user_id (No description.)
0x4D0102 5046530 invalid_postage_id (No description.)
0x4D0201 5046785 not_authorized (No description.)
0x4F0101 5177601 invalid_rate (No description.)
0x4F0102 5177602 invalid_insurance (No description.)
0x4F0103 5177603 invalid_registered_value (No description.)
0x4F0104 5177604 invalid_cod_value (No description.)
0x4F0105 5177605 AddOnRequiredForAddOn (No description.)
0x4F0106 5177606 PackageTypeProhibitedWithAddOn (No description.)
0x4F0107 5177607 PrintLayoutProhibitedWithAddOn (No description.)
0x4F0108 5177608 AddOnRequiredForPrintLayout (No description.)
0x4F0201 5177857 wrong_rating_files (No description.)
0x4F0202 5177858 failed_to_initialize_rate_set (No description.)
0x4F0203 5177859 invalid_rate_set_id (No description.)
0x4F0204 5177860 missing_config_setting (No description.)
0x4F0205 5177861 failed_to_get_rate_hash (No description.)
0x500101 5243137 invalid_authenticator (No description.)
0x500102 5243138 expired_authenticator (No description.)
0x500103 5243139 authentication_failed (No description.)
0x500104 5243140 InvalidStoreType (No description.)
0x500105 5243141 create_authenticator_failed (No description.)
0x500107 5243143 webstore_not_authorized (No description.)
0x500201 5243393 web_store_not_exist (No description.)
0x500202 5243394 customer_not_exist (No description.)
0x500203 5243395 customer_already_exist (No description.)
0x500204 5243396 create_shiprush_webstore_failed (No description.)
0x500205 5243397 delete_shiprush_webstore_failed (No description.)
0x500206 5243398 get_shipments_denied_shiprush_shutdown_time (No description.)
0x500207 5243399 get_shiprush_shipment